When my hair is longer in the winter months, I use a lot of Brylcreem. I've not had any problems shampooing it out, and I use Suave now, as its inexpensive.
A very missed brand ( I think!) is Roebucks, whom still make boots, but the work pants they used to make are amazing. Never need ironing, permanent crease, made in AMERICA(!), and they've held up for tons of wear over 5 years.
best part? Bought on clearance for $4 a pair.
Jump on this one quick. You're probably looking at $10 for priority shipping. Want this to go to a good home. No, I don't know if it works. Kinda nervous to try!
This is a complete library of small books on various subjects of interest to a 1960's -1970's era housewife. The books evidently stayed in print, as one is dated 1978 but most photos are of a distinctly 1960's (Mad Men) era.
This is a treasure trove of knowledge, as these books will teach you...
Hey all,
Got a good deal on a pea coat recently, but had to remove a patch. Any good ways to try to hide the area it was stitched to? I heard something about steam-ironing the fabric to get it to spring back.
Interested in all opinions/experience/ideas.
On this we agree! A large group of us went on a tour through Charleston with the ABU/BDU being the UOD. Some looked at us as if wondering why we were there. I tossed off a quick "Our plane ran out of gas" to the onlookers. ;)
No, mercifully. But most uniforms go through the same cycle: "Wash...
Yes – we as salespeople have a habit of trying absolutely anything. Eight hours a day on your feet allows opportunity to try out virtually any approach. I've found its probably going to be sizing up what sort of customer you have. No catch all for everyone I suppose.
As someone currently in, the word from above is that wearing the BDU (or ABU) shows that we are in solidarity with the warfighters, those overseas in harms way. I don't believe it has anything to do with an overly sloppy culture.
Our new chief has reinstated wearing blues on Mondays now, so...
Ahh, but here the problem is many types of customer exist. If we appear to be busy, many prefer "not to bother us", which costs us sales. As for riding herd on the customers, I must follow my customer at a respectful distance, as I belong to that person for the tenure of the sale. If I am not at...
I start work in the men's department of a large store next week. Today is employee discount day, and I've got two Ralph Lauren suits awaiting purchase – including a three piece. If you opt for the "tie and shirt" plus pants, you aren't bringing your "A" game for our clientele.
I see this...
So far so good! I'm loving the advice. We just instituted a company wide system to track customer data of sizes, etc. Hoping it works out well. I love to help people more than stock shelves, so I sometimes remind the customer that I AM there for them! As I said today "I suppose it'd be nice to...
This past week, I found an UNBELIEVABLE auction –
TWENTY ONE Bing Crosby CD's. No repeats, 7 sealed. I bid a lowball bid to start $5...
After some last minute bidding on the last day, I won 21 CDs for $23 shipped!!
They came today and I can't belive how much Bing I've got here. I'm...
Hey Ranchnman, still interested in the briefcase if you're out there. Let me know whats happened to you - hate to think you've rode off into the sunset. Can do paypal or MO.
I missed why Betty was bleeding or where from - anyone catch it?
Man, I thought tonight was the season finale! I wonder why Pete is trying to cause his marriage to self-destruct? He has no family money to inherit, why bother with pleasing his mother?
Hello all,
Been reading the dept. store thread with interest. I just gained employment working in a large department store that is NOT owned by Federated. I'd love to take your suggestions or ideas for ways to bring a "golden era" level of service to my customers. Thus far I've worked in a...
He was made a partner last season. Roger mentioned that they wouldn't change the name though. It was during the period that another agency was trying to court Don to leave.
I've been out of work lately, so any money I make goes to rather high bills (health insurance, etc).
Lately I've found that shopping the local drug store produces some fun stuff to try out. So far, my finds:
• Wildroot (Wal-Mart): $2.15. Works great and keeps my hair style. Needs to be...
I've read over the threads on hair tonics, but still fuzzy. Tried Murrays (too thick!), got Wild Root (good for holding my hair in place without looking like i've got product in my hair - good for the service), and Brylcreem. Does Brylcreem really give a wet look? I bought the king size tube at...
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