That's gotta be painful!
I have a bad-ish habit of writing stuff down on lots of little bits of notepaper and post-its and everything, and leaving them all over the place. Dates, appointments, phone-numbers and such.
I've been after a nice bill-spike for a while, so that I had one...
I'm always on the lookout for any old desktop nicknacks.
Finding a modern one of these is hard enough. So imagine my surprise when I found an antique one!
A solid brass antique bill-spike :)
What a fascinating thing! This is much better than any museum recreation, purely because it's been lived in. It's not artificially created - it's the result of actual family life from so long ago.
One thing that struck me as interesting - they have two pianos. One in the living-room, and one...
Writing is very important to me. I write cursive, and legibility is a big deal to me.
I went to the local welfare office last week for an appointment, and I handed in a medical form filled in, signed and stamped by my doctor. I handed the document to the assessor or whatever, and apologised...
Shiny brass will age and patina in time, just through constant rubbing and contact with one's hands. I have a brass watch-chain that does that all the time, and I keep having to buff it with Brasso.
That said, on the opposite side of the fence - if you have brass that you've shineyed up and...
I just finished watching that "Hitchcock" movie from 2012. Not bad. I reckon it could've been longer and more detailed, though. There were elements about the film which weren't there which I think would've improved it.
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