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The Era -- Day By Day


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
And in the Daily News...


Yep, common-law marriage actually has legal status in the state of New York. Isn't that right, Frank and Nora?


"Work hard, kids, and some day you too might be Miss Rheingold!" -- Jinx.


"Got any beer?" "NOW I KNOW who you are!"




Because all famous financiers summer off the Swamp Road.


"Look, the school board pays me $900 a year, and I'm too frail for the WACs so let's just forget the whole thing."


Never bring a gun to a shoe fight.


Josie can't wait for television, she'll be a big hit on the wrestling circuit.


"Even worse, he gave her nylons!"


Movies on paper.


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea

("Nooo, Oi don't need to buy a baaaathtoob!" snaps Ma, addressing a shifty-eyed man leaning over the counter as he sips an egg cream. "What makes ye think Oi need a baathtoob! We gaaaht woon roit upstarrs loike civilized people! Oov all th' bloody fool things to..." But her thought is interrupted as Jimmy Leary shoulders in, the screen door banging behind him. "Oi, James," greets Ma as he tosses the canvas bag on the counter. "C'moovar here, Oi gaaht a jaaahb far ye." She leads him over to the corner, out of earshot of the bathtub salesman. "Oi needjee t'do soom investaaaargatin' farr me," Ma continues, her voice a husky whisper. "Oi needjee t'goo doon t' Bensonharrst an'.." "Aw, Ma," protests Jimmy. "T'is ain' got nut'n t'do wit'tat daughteh'ra yehs, does it? She makes me noivous." "No, no, no," snaps Ma, "an' Oi doon'twan'chee should let'arr knoow yer even oovar thar! This is t'do with th' boy, with William. A gang'a hoodlums beat'im oop on th' street an' left'im farr dead!" "Some ot'eh mawb?" queries Jimmy. "Why t'ey goin' afteh'rim? We got no dealin's in Bensonharrst?" "How doo Oi know?" scowls Ma. "Maybe sooombaaahdy ye fatharr crossed. Looks t'me loike a waaaarnin'. Waaaar looky they didn't take th' paaar choild far ransoom! Oi wan'chee to goo doon tharr n'look aroound. Ask soom questions. See'f'yee'cn getta handle aaahn th' men what done it. Probl'y droov oop in a car, seef'anyboody roon' thar, roon 18th Avenarr near th' school, see'f anyboody seen any strange aaahtamoobiles. An' thin repaaaart back t'me. An' farrrgoodsake, doon say noothin' t'ye faathar, he's a jitterin' wreck enoof as it is. Whin ye foind oot what Oi want t'know, repaaart back an' Oi will figyarr oot what t'do next." "Uhh," demurs Jimmy, "I dunno, Ma, we'eh kin'a shawrt-handed right now. Pop wants me t'woik inna waehhouse t'is week, he says Danny's gotta special jawb." "Oi doon' care noon'far that," snaps Ma. "Do as Oi tell ye, aaahr..." "Awright, Ma," sighs Jimmy. "Oh," ohs Ma, as he heads off. "When ye get doon with that, Oi need'jee t'take doon that screen darrr!" "Yeah, Ma," exhales Jimmy, as he bangs out...)


("Good evening, friends of the Inner Sanctum!" purrs a sardonic voice to the loud creaking of a door. "Aw, toin'a station," commands Alice. "I do'wanna heeh t'is, I can' stan'nat moideh stuff an' ghosts an' vampiehs an'awlat junk!" "Awwwwwww, Ma," laments Willie, lying flat on his back on the parlor floor, his head against the side of the radio cabinet. "Siddy, toin'a station," pleads Alice. "Awwwwwww,' laments Krause, but he complies, twisting the dial back to 660, where a braying voice announces the start of "Truth or Consequences." "Awww, Ma," pleads Willie. "T'is is stupid! Toin it back!" "It ain' neit'eh stupid," argues Alice. "People do stupid stuff an'nit's FUNNY! It ain' stupid, is it Siddy?" "Yeh," declares Krause. "Awright, awright," concedes Alice, as Krause twists the dial down to 880, just in time to hear the sinister host go into a mocking spiel for tea bags. "T'is is stupideh," she growls. "Neh," chuckles Krause...)


(Tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick...)


("I wouldn't worry, madam, this box is only half full...")



The Dodgers season may be over, but out in Woodhaven the Bushwicks continue on, facing a team of barnstorming Major League All Stars at Dexter Park tomorrow in a doubleheader starting at 3pm. Dodger Eddie Stanky will start for the All Stars at second base, with Buddy Kerr of the Giants at shortstop. Former Dodger Bob Chipman, sent to the Cubs this year in the trade that brought Stanky to Brooklyn, will pitch for the All Stars.


(And all's well that -- uh -- ends.)


("You cow-face heel!")


(Chasing dopey millionaires? I had no idea Jane works for a tabloid.)


("Anyway, how 'bout my new invisible nightie?")


(AMERICA'S NUMBER ONE HERO DOG is not used to being a third wheel.)
New York City
"T'is ain' got nut'n t'do wit'tat daughteh'ra yehs, does it? She makes me noivous."

That's awesome.


A gang'a hoodlums beat'im oop on th' street an' left'im farr dead!"

What the heck, is she losing her mind or is it part of her plan?


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea

("Yesseh," greets Mr. Moskowitz, as a strapping thick-chested man in a plaid sport coat steps up to his counter. "Howz'ya cawrn beef?" queries Jimmy Leary. "Same as every day," shrugs Mr. Moskowitz. "Gimme a cawrn beef san'wich," requests Jimmy, "an' -- ahhh -- one'a t'em half souehs." "Yesseh," nods Mr. Moskowtiz, stepping to the meat slicer. "Nice day," comments Jimmy as the glistening slices tumble onto the sheet of butcher paper across the deli man's palm. "Yeh," agrees Mr. Moskowitz. "Got some good rye bread today." Jimmy nods his assent, and Mr. Moskowitz, displaying skill borne of long experience, deftly assembles the sandwich. "Must'ed?" he queries. "Yeh," nods Jimmy. "Nawt too much -- yeh, t'at's right, t'at's enough." "Too bad 'bout t'em Browns, huh?" patters Mr. Moskowitz, as he slips the sandwich onto the plate, and with a pair of long tongs retrieves the requested pickle. "Eh," ehs Jimmy. "T'ey'll come back." "T'eh y'go," announces Mr. Moskowitz, sliding the plate across the counter, "t'oity five f't'san'wich, anna nickel f't'pickle, foehty cent." Jimmy nonchantly flips a half dollar across the counter, and with a ding of his cash register. Mr. Moskowitz slides a dime back. "Y'got a lotta people come by heeh?" asks Jimmy, scanning the small mid-afternoon clientele. "Eh," shrugs Mr. Moskowitz, "not s'much since t'wawr. But'cha manage." "I hoid t'eh was some rough stuff las' week," continues Jimmy, mouth full of corned beef. "I hoid some hoods out'eeh messed up some lit'l kid. Pulled guns on'im 'n evr'yting, like it was some kinda hit." Mr. Moskowtiz shrugs. "Nah," he dismisses. "I neveh see nut'n like t'at." "Lit'l kid 'bout seven yeehs ol' maybe, some ot'eh kids shove'im'aroun'. See a lotta t'at stuff wit' t'school jus' up t'stret t'eh, but I neveh see non'a t'at gangsteh stuff. Ain' like it was when I lived in Brownsville." "Mmm," nods Jimmy. "I getcha. Don' pay t'see too much, huh?" "Say, lissen," queries Mr. Moskowitz. "Wasn' you in'eeh befoeh?" "I neveh been in'eeh in me life," declares Jimmy, crunching into the pickle. "T'eh was a guy jus' t'is mawrnin' looked jus' like you," relates Mr. Moskowitz, "'cept'ee had on a brown suit." "Nope," denies Jimmy. "Not me." "Hmph," hmphs Mr. Moskowitz. "Coulda been ya twin brot'eh." Jimmy pauses, a trickle of brine creeping down his chin, and dismisses that possibility...)

Stating that the Roosevelt Administration has "precise plans to release men from the armed forces as soon as possible," U. S. Senator Robert F. Wagner last night denied Governor Thomas E. Dewey's assertion that the present government is "afraid" to discharge men from the Army. Addressing the annual convention of the Jewish War Veterans at the Hotel Commodore, the Democratic senator from New York called the Administration's discharge plans a "sacred responsibility" to return men to their homes and families, and promised those plans "would be carried out to the letter."

("How c'n'ney even tell any'a t'ese places heeh apawrt?" sighs Joe, dumping the contents of a Number 10 can into the tall aluminum pot already burbling atop the gasoline stove. "I mean, back home awlya gotta do is look aroun'' 'n take a sniff an' y'c'n tell wheh ya awr. Y'smell beeh, y'r in Bushwick. Y'smell pickles, y'r in Williamsboig. Y'smell bread, why, it's Pig--uh, Eas' Flatbush. T'at's weh me wife is from y'know, awwww, you come out'a t'at subway t'ehr'at Prospec' Pawrk, t'fois' t'ing y'smell is t'at bread bakin' fr'm t'Tip Top fact'ry..." "Ahhhh," dismisses the Corporal. "Yew dunno nuthin' 'bout bread. Ol' stouh bread, all wrapped up in papuh, t'at ain' nuthin' like home-bake bread like y'get down wheh Ah'm from. Heeh now, keep stirrin' thar, aaahr yuh'll be smellin' sumthin' yo' do'wannuh smell." "An'nen'nez Bensonhoist," sighs Joe, his eyes closed at the memory. "Sometimes when'na winds right, y'smell'a ocean, blowin' up t'eh f'rom Coney Islan'. On'y it ain' jus' t'ocean, t'ez awleeze ot'eh smells mixed in, y'know. You neveh smelt nut'n inya life like Coney Islan'." "Well," snickers the Corporal, taking a deep sniff, "if it smells annuhthin' like YEW..." Joe opens his eyes, the moment broken, and gazes forlornly into the burbling pot....)

SIx thousand mourners jammed St. Patrick's Cathedral as former Governor Al Smith, a poor boy who rose from the East Side slums under the shadow of the Brooklyn Bridge to run for President, was laid to rest following a solemn pontifical Mass of requiem. An estimated 25,000 persons, turned away from the Cathedral after the last seats were filled, lined the streets outside, and watched the outdoor religious procession that preceded the ceremony. More than 180,000 passed the bier as it lay in state at the Cathedral on Friday.


("Oh, no, y'can't tell ME t'eh ain' nut'n crooked goin' awn," fumes Sally, gazing up at Dr. Levine's ceiling. "I mean, how OL' is t'is guy Musial anyway? Twenny-t'ree maybe? Twenny foueh? An' yet he AIN' inna Awrmy! How'see playin' bawl an' Joe, a man t'oity-one yeehs ol', a married man wit' a lit'l goil yet, howcome JOE is oveh t'eh gawdknowsweh prawbly gett'n shot at six times a day f' sixty-six dollehs a mont'." "I don't see the connection," shrugs Dr. Levine, her pencil flying across her notebook. "Open yeh EYES," insists Sally. "Lookit AWLA t'em Cawrdn'ls! It ain' jus Musial. It's t'em Coopeh boys! It's t'at Kurowski! It's t'at Marion! It's t'at Litwhileh! It's'at Hopp! It's t'at Brecheen an'nat Lanier an AWLA t'em guys! Howcome AWLA t'em guys awna Cawrdn'ls is NOT inna Awrmy an' not just Joe, but, jeez, Reese, Reiseh, Higbe, Lavagetteh. T'ey even took t'at fat ol' man Billy Hoiman! But t'ey won' TOUCH t'em Cawrdn'ls! I'm tellin'ya, it's sump'n CROOKED goin' awn." "But what would any of that have to do with Joe," queries Dr. Levine. Sally pauses. "Well," she sighs, "don'cha t'ink when it don' LOOK like it's sump'n crooked goin' awn, don'nat mean it usually IS?" "And you're sure," sighs Dr. Levine, "you've been taking your medicine?" "Mostly," shrugs Sally. "Let's try for 'always,'" directs the Doctor.)


("Hmph." -- Gene Autry.)


(Not only that he didn't even have a blasting permit.)


(Welcome to Page Four, kid.)


(I mean, who would have even noticed another guy named Tom Wilson?)


(The racing game is truly ruthless.)


(And he had a mastiff named "Goering," but it ran away.)


(Pretty smug, aint'cha? Heard from your son lately?)


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
And in the Daily News...


Can we please not call this a "snood murder?"


Hmph, I rode cross country on a bus. TWICE.




Yeah, right. "Amnesia Drug." Sure. No wonder he's got the shakes.


C'mon, kid, anybody can multitask! And "Holy cats!" indeed!


You could have a lotta laughs with one of those things.


"It's OK, we get these planes wholesale."


Hey Walt, remember when you used to go to speakeasies?


Shorts? In October?

"First you tell me shoot, and then you tell me DON'T shoot? MAKE UP YOUR MIND!"

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