A few weeks ago, I had a dance partner who was a lot shorter than I was. (He was eight or nine years old.)
If your follower is much taller than you, I have two words for you: free turns. It's just easier for both parties than an underarm turn.
Ice Cream Man
(Sorry, but it takes too long to load a video for some reason.)
If Van Halen had been around 30 years earlier, they'd have given Louie Jordan a run for his money.
Sorry, I haven't seen any episodes of the new version for a few weeks. I've been on a dancing/Death Note kick.
How did a skinny, hypoglycemic anime dude eclipse Alex O'Laughlin? I guess he appealed to my intellect.
Eric Hoffer was writing The True Believer at the time, and the book was published in 1951. I think there was more of a tendency to put faith in authority figures during that era.
Also, check out this thread for getting the best colors for you. Post a color photo of yourself, and some of us will help you out.
A few different tacks you could take:
Take your clothes in for alterations, or do them yourself if you sew. If your clothes are baggy on you, you'll just look thinner than you are.
Find brands or stores whose clothes are cut for your shape. Go to a thrift store and you'll get to try out...
Throw in eternally angry, and this is exactly how I've always felt about Michelle Malkin's column.
Be that as it may, I'd be very unhappy if my party place were to go the way of the Savoy, but I'd respect the new owner's right to do whatever they wanted to with it. Besides, someone is going to...
You're leaving out the episode where McGarrett took a suspect and shook him like a throw rug over the edge of a building.
As I recall from the shark cage episode, though, tourists used the cage to safely observe sharks; the suspect wasn't in actual danger--but he didn't know that.
I just...
Here are a few threads on this subject started by Pastime Steve. It's good to see you back here!
I was doing the foxtrot with one of my favorite partners on an empty floor, feeling like Juliet Prowse. My partner led a free turn, I came back around while traveling, and walked into him. Somebody applauded.
Well, the dance scene needs spectators, too. :) That was something new at Lindy on the Rocks back in August: a lot of people showed up to the dances just to watch. They really seemed to enjoy it--it was great!
You should be good at blues and balboa spins.
I've had some close calls since I posted that my glasses flew off during "Sing, Sing, Sing." Sometimes I just take them off. I can see up close and recognize most of my partners from farther away by how they move.
There was a jack & jill...
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