My name (Ruben) was a compromise choice. My parents couldn't agree on a name (I'm surprised they agreed to get married in the first place!) and my father's aunt suggested Ruben as "an old family name that hadn't been used in a while"
Yes... I imagine Orthodox would be more time consuming than a Reform conversion. Of course I imagine something along more messianic lines would take hardly any time at all! However, I don't think that would be accepted by darn near anyone else!
Our first snow was anticlimactic. Snow came down... it didn't stick, alas.By the evening it was simply rain, which is not in the least bit novel in Washington.
Everything is relative from a distance. For instance, when people ask where I come from, I say Los Angeles. Of course, I've never lived within the city limits... wasn't even born within the city limits! I grew up 30 minutes outside of Los Angeles, but to people not living in the area it's really...
Does anyone know of a good source for hats in Seattle? Quality wise, I'm thinking not Hot Topic, but not break-the-bank either. The Pacific Northwest equivalent of Los Angeles' (Ah yes.... the old country!) MyBabyJo in terms of price and quality.
I've heard similar things from other friends. Quite frankly, just this year I had thought that I was finally done with the single thing for good... and then the rug was pulled out from under me! Now I'm back with the last of the old guard... most of the old friends are married and parents now...
Dating everywhere is hard, but I understand it might look harder in LA. Then again... I fled north and I don't know how much easier it has gotten. Not true... I never had my heart broken until I left LA (or the I suppose we could say that I never fell in love until I left LA). So I suppose that...
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