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Why!!!! Hipsters!!! Why!!!!!

It's the definition of diversity that bothers me the most. "I wish we had more diversity here," they'll say, "everyone's so 'white.'" Really? Is that upper-middle-class Ivy League white, is that sardine-cannery white, is that lobsterman white, is that clamdigger white, is that Protestant white, is that Catholic white, is that Franco-American white, is that Quebecois white, is that shanty-Irish white, is that lace-curtain-Irish white, is that Italian white, is that German white, is that Finnish white, is that Nova Scotian/New Brunswick white, is that Jewish white, all of which are well represented in this "white bread" state I live in. As long as you're defining diversity exclusively by census-form racial designations, you don't know what diversity is at all.

Amen. Disadvantaged is disadvantaged no matter what you look like.:eusa_doh: Like they are all the same. :rolleyes:
I bet it is far more likely that he interacted with people of a diversity of class backgrounds throughout his life but merely was only threatened by the interaction when he actually knew their class and couldn't assume otherwise. Otherwise he must be a pretty dull customer if he's never chatted with a cashier, barber, custodian, bank clerk, mechanic, dental assistant, random person at an elevator in a public building, etc.

Those people are the "the help" and he probably just threw money at them and ran away. :p


I'll Lock Up
Shenandoah Valley, Virginia, USA
It's the definition of diversity that bothers me the most. "I wish we had more diversity here," they'll say, "everyone's so 'white.'" Really? Is that upper-middle-class Ivy League white, is that sardine-cannery white, is that lobsterman white, is that clamdigger white, is that Protestant white, is that Catholic white, is that Franco-American white, is that Quebecois white, is that shanty-Irish white, is that lace-curtain-Irish white, is that Italian white, is that German white, is that Finnish white, is that Nova Scotian/New Brunswick white, is that Jewish white, all of which are well represented in this "white bread" state I live in. As long as you're defining diversity exclusively by census-form racial designations, you don't know what diversity is at all.

I think then the proper thing to think about it as is segregation. Here in upstate NY there are some villages and towns where freed slaves originally settled and/or later migrants settled. Other areas were and always have been predominately white since white settlers came and the American Indians were placed on reservations. Both of these types of areas have vast diversity in how welcoming they are. Therefore it's less about being racially divers e as opposed to if it is segregated; the difference being the intent and feeling. Living in a non-racially diverse area is ok with me, but living in a segregated one wouldn't be. The place I live is segregated enough, and although we are predominately white and pretty welcoming in my neighborhood, there are still areas where people with certain skin colors are not welcome.

Although, many areas in upstate are becoming more ethnically and racially diverse. Cheap housing, a relatively stable (if bad) economy, and good educational resources have made upstate much more attractive to new immigrants who get their start here.

Those people are the "the help" and he probably just threw money at them and ran away. :p

lol I mean, seriously, he's never made small chat with a waitress or waiter? Is there some way that small talk differs between classes? What else is there to small talk about except for local news, weather, and chit chat about family stuff??? Maybe a bit about local politics? This boggles my mind.


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
Those people are the "the help" and he probably just threw money at them and ran away. :p

I'll never forget the night we showed some insufferably pretentious student documentary about a bunch of hipster-type college kids who followed a garbage man around and filmed him like he was some exotic National Geographic specimen in order to "dignify his work." After the film I was emptying out the trash barrels in the lobby and this thirtyish upper-middle-class-looking woman came up to me and said, and I quote, "Wow, I bet it really means a lot to you to see a film like this, huh?"

"Yasssss ma'am," I declared, as sarcastically as possible. "I ain't been THIS excited since my book was published."
I'll never forget the night we showed some insufferably pretentious student documentary about a bunch of hipster-type college kids who followed a garbage man around and filmed him like he was some exotic National Geographic specimen in order to "dignify his work." After the film I was emptying out the trash barrels in the lobby and this thirtyish upper-middle-class-looking woman came up to me and said, and I quote, "Wow, I bet it really means a lot to you to see a film like this, huh?"

"Yasssss ma'am," I declared, as sarcastically as possible. "I ain't been THIS excited since my book was published."


The funny thing is that people like this don't understand the word patronizing. Although they certainly know how to do it.:mad:


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
I think then the proper thing to think about it as is segregation. Here in upstate NY there are some villages and towns where freed slaves originally settled and/or later migrants settled. Other areas were and always have been predominately white since white settlers came and the American Indians were placed on reservations. Both of these types of areas have vast diversity in how welcoming they are. Therefore it's less about being racially divers e as opposed to if it is segregated; the difference being the intent and feeling. Living in a non-racially diverse area is ok with me, but living in a segregated one wouldn't be. The place I live is segregated enough, and although we are predominately white and pretty welcoming in my neighborhood, there are still areas where people with certain skin colors are not welcome.

The point for me is that these upper-middle-class highly-educated transplants -- and it's *always* this type who says things like "This area needs more diversity" -- *think* they're living in an area of class segregation because all they see around them are white people. It does not for a moment occur to them that every white person isn't interchangeable with every other white person -- it doesn't occur to them that, for example, their Harvard-educated, prep-school, urban-suburban way of life is so completely removed from my own life experience as a working-class native here that we might as well be from different planets. All they see are white faces, so they assume that the experience of every white person is the same as every other -- because the only white people they have any experience with is white people like themselves.

Diversity, to them, means not-white, because that's the only diversity they appear to be capable of seeing -- they're far more concerned with the superficial appearance of diversity than with the actual experience of dealing on a day to day basis with people whose life experiences and worldview are very very different from their own. I find that insufferable. I've been dealing with people unlike me my entire life, and I don't need "diversity" lectures from pretentious blowhards who need to look closer in the mirror before they start preaching to others.
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lol I mean, seriously, he's never made small chat with a waitress or waiter? Is there some way that small talk differs between classes? What else is there to small talk about except for local news, weather, and chit chat about family stuff??? Maybe a bit about local politics? This boggles my mind.

Obviously you never have experienced the truly rich, pretentious and scholarly in their natuaral habitat. :p They do not speak to "those people" unless it is to ask for another roll or to say please and thank you patronizingly. :p
Try dating way above your head and see what happens. :p It ain't pretty. lol
Diversity, to them, means not-white, because that's the only diversity they appear to be capable of seeing -- they're far more concerned with the superficial appearance of diversity than with the actual experience of dealing on a day to day basis with people whose life experiences and worldview are very very different from their own. I find that insufferable. I've been dealing with people unlike me my entire life, and I don't need "diversity" lectures from pretentious blowhards who need to look closer in the mirror before they start preaching to others.

:eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap I needs to gets me a copy of that book. :p
Pasadena, CA
Obviously you never have experienced the truly rich, pretentious and scholarly in their natuaral habitat. :p They do not speak to "those people" unless it is to ask for another roll or to say please and thank you patronizingly. :p Try dating way above your head and see what happens. :p It ain't pretty. lol
I'd take you out for a drink, Powers! lol

I think my husband would disapprove with that experiment. ;) Honestly, though, most of the truly rich people have always been nice. It's the almost rich and want to be richer types I can't stand.

Let me put it this way, having been in the situation with someone whose father some people in the movie business would know, they don't like it if you aren't super rich too. They think you are out to marry money. :p The joke is on him. I didn't marry her. :p


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea

I think my husband would disapprove with that experiment. ;) Honestly, though, most of the truly rich people have always been nice. It's the almost rich and want to be richer types I can't stand.

I agree. The true upper class old-money Northeastern WASP types I've known, and I've known many of them, are invariably pleasant, non-condescending, and in their own way even humble. It's the parvenus, the arrivistes, the vulgar middle-class strivers and social climbers who want to forget they ever walked on the same dirt I do that I dream of clubbing into the floor with my push broom.


I'll Lock Up
Shenandoah Valley, Virginia, USA
The point for me is that these upper-middle-class highly-educated transplants -- and it's *always* this type who says things like "This area needs more diversity" -- *think* they're living in an area of class segregation because all they see around them are white people. It does not for a moment occur to them that every white person isn't interchangeable with every other white person -- it doesn't occur to them that, for example, their Harvard-educated, prep-school, urban-suburban way of life is so completely removed from my own life experience as a working-class native here that we might as well be from different planets. All they see are white faces, so they assume that the experience of every white person is the same as every other -- because the only white people they have any experience with is white people like themselves.

Diversity, to them, means not-white, because that's the only diversity they appear to be capable of seeing -- they're far more concerned with the superficial appearance of diversity than with the actual experience of dealing on a day to day basis with people whose life experiences and worldview are very very different from their own. I find that insufferable. I've been dealing with people unlike me my entire life, and I don't need "diversity" lectures from pretentious blowhards who need to look closer in the mirror before they start preaching to others.

I've always felt that most upper middle class people are blind to class issues, so it doesn't surprise me. They know that class exists, but the only time it matter is when they are better than the other classes or see the need to climb the social ladder, if that makes sense. Some of it is their fault for not growing beyond it, but it's also the fault of class segregated schools and communities. Although, I do have to say that a black person, same class as me, same sex as me, and a life time neighbor probably has a totally different life experience than mine due only to the color of their skin.
I agree. The true upper class old-money Northeastern WASP types I've known, and I've known many of them, are invariably pleasant, non-condescending, and in their own way even humble. It's the parvenus, the arrivistes, the vulgar middle-class strivers and social climbers who want to forget they ever walked on the same dirt I do that I dream of clubbing into the floor with my push broom.

I would love to see that. :p

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