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What would you change?


New in Town
I've sure enjoyed the "What could you do without?" thread... and it has me thinking of what I would _change_... say, if somebody made me King (Dictator, God?) for a few days...

I think I'd make the national speed limit 40 mph. All cars would have governors on the engines that would keep them from going faster than that. Anyone caught tampering with the governor so they could go faster would immediately lose their license. This would be a permanent and irrevocable law, in the interest of making our nation a more civilized place.


Well, it would put a halt to urban sprawl at a stroke. Pedestrian-friendly small towns would blossom. The rotten cores of our major cities would once again become great places to live, work, and shop (I live outside of Cleveland, Ohio, and it's a crying shame what that once great city has become...)

Train travel would return, and would be reliable and affordable.

Cars could be built like in the olden days... no need for all those expensive and impossible-to-fix-by-yourself gizmos to keep you alive during a horrendous crash at excessively high speeds... except that with what we know now, cars would be safer AND probably get 100 MPG. And STYLE could return to the automobile! No need for crush zones and plastic parts.

With less gas being wasted, gas prices would plummet due to the oversupply...

Road rage would disappear.

People would make fewer frivolous trips in their cars, and would stay at home more, getting to know their own families. People might even start to enjoy their neighbors again. Maybe at-home entertainment like games, reading, and "just visiting" would become popular again, I'd love to see some of the old literary journals return (ever read a Collier's, Harper's, or Saturday Evening Post magazine from the 1930s? AMAZING stuff!)

Locally grown produce would once again be an option for most people, since trucking it long distances would be impractical. And much of the need for "slave" labor in the gardens of California to provide super cheap baby carrots and other veggies to the cities of the East would evaporate like dew in the morning Sun.

Once everyone got used to the somewhat slower pace, I think that we'd all breathe a sigh of relief that we'd come, as a nation, to our collective senses...

After that change, I'd work to keep all the shops closed on Sunday... ;-)

Well, it's a thought, anyway...

So, what would YOU change?

If I had the reins of power, there would be:
No such thing as a frivilous lawsuit---if you screwed up it is your fault don't expect to make a fortune for it. Duh!
Welfare would be WorkFair. You get money from the government and are able bodied then you have to work for it by providing some sort of service like sweeping sidewalks, cleaning graveyards, keeping up parks etc, etc.
Schools are funded with vouchers. Redeem them whereever you feel comfortable sending your child to learn. Let the incapable be replaced by the capable.
Cars all have to have chrome bumpers, stainless trim and be something other than a loaf of bread on wheels.
Clothes are no longer allowed to be more than a size and a half too big. Violate the code and walk around naked for a week.
Clothing is not allowed to have messages in inappropriate places. Your butt is not a billboard and neither is anywhere else.
If a criminal breaks into your house and you catch him, you get ten minutes alone with him in a room down at the police station---you, him and your baseball bat.
There are many more but that is a start.

Regards to all,



Call Me a Cab
Somewhere among the owls in Maryland
Political ads would only be allowed on TV/Radio/Billboards starting 30 days before an election and would be paid for by public funds (no private money) with each candidate being given the same amount to spend.


One of the Regulars
The bad part of Denver
Jupiter said:
Road rage would disappear.

No it wouldn't. Someone would be driving 35 mph in their perfectly good 40 mph-capable SUV and someone would try to run them off the road.

I would make it illegal for everyone ELSE to drive...or bike...or walk on the roads that I use. Then I would have them ALL TO MYSELF. I am the goddess, after all.

Which leads me to the thing I would really change...no bikes on those narrow, winding mountain roads. They won't share the road with me...and IT'S ALL ABOUT ME.

The goddess has spoken.


One Too Many
The Heights in Houston TX
I'd get Beechcraft to bring back the Staggerwing.


Dixon Cannon

My Mail is Forwarded Here
Sonoran Desert Hideaway
That's easy....

I'd dictate that the Constitution of the Unites States of America would be studied and discussed and assimilated in all of the once 'public schools' that I had just privatized. That would pretty much take care of everything, so I would then resign and allow our Constitutional Republic to thrive.

Oh, if it were just that easy!!! -dixon cannon

Lady Day

I'll Lock Up
Crummy town, USA
What Would I change

I would make the combustible engine illegal for use except for matters of historical refrence.

There would need to be at least two differernt ways to fuel everything (be it solar or wind, or electric, etc.) from homes to batteries.

Humanities would play as important a role, if not more so than sports in schools.

The re-use of materials from metal to wood to steel would be exhaused first and before new materials would be taken from the earth.

High Fructose Corn Syrup would cost ten times more than cane sugar.

Along with grade school graduations, there would be 'manners class' graduations.

Huge tax brakes for taking care of your elderly instead of having children.

People with unruly kids and pets get tickets.

Every business would start its day with 30 min of physical exersise.

Cheap toys would be back in cereal boxes instead of happy meals.

All meat would be 'free range' and corporate farming is against the law.

Im sure you all can see where I am going :)


Lady Day

I'll Lock Up
Crummy town, USA
Sefton said:
Political ads would only be allowed on TV/Radio/Billboards starting 30 days before an election and would be paid for by public funds (no private money) with each candidate being given the same amount to spend.

Brilliant! Thats gonna be in my world too.



Call Me a Cab
1) Abuse of dogs or cats, your own or anybody else's, would get you 20 years in the pen, during which time you will be chained in a yard with a doghouse and dirty water. If you attack anyone during this time, you will be put down for viciousness.

2) All chemical, non-organic pesticides and herbicides will be banned. Since production will go down somewhat, no more subsidies for leaving land un-farmed.

3) No more zoning laws that *require* front lawns. They're rarely environmentally sound, and I doubt crime has ever gone up because some maverick old lady has flowers or veggies instead of a lawn.


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
I'd go back to the original structure of the Communications Act of 1934, and fully re-regulate the broadcasting industry -- requiring broadcasters to serve the public interest and necessity, and restricting the number of stations owned by any given broadcaster in any given market. I would also reinstate the Fairness Doctrine, requiring broadcasters to provide equal time for discussion of all public controversies.

The state of local radio today, after more than a decade of deregulation, is an absolute disgrace to the medium. The old way was better.


Practically Family
I would make me in total charge of the world. I'm pretty sure I can do it, and I'd be really fair and stuff, and would let all my friends in for free, and nobody would like do anything bad, or would like hurt plants or the soil and microbes and, well, whatever, and I could be really radical and like, well, free love man, and it'd be sooo cool 'n groovy, and totally non offensive, and we could all like one body spread to the planets man, and...


And back to the regular broadcast.

Personally I think making me in charge of the world would work. But I think I may go to bed now and come back tomorrow and make sense. Sorry, and that's all folks!:D


One of the Regulars
Viola said:
1) Abuse of dogs or cats, your own or anybody else's, would get you 20 years in the pen, during which time you will be chained in a yard with a doghouse and dirty water. If you attack anyone during this time, you will be put down for viciousness.



One of the Regulars
Lady Day said:
I would make the combustible engine illegal for use except for matters of historical refrence.

There would need to be at least two differernt ways to fuel everything (be it solar or wind, or electric, etc.) from homes to batteries.

Humanities would play as important a role, if not more so than sports in schools.

The re-use of materials from metal to wood to steel would be exhaused first and before new materials would be taken from the earth.

High Fructose Corn Syrup would cost ten times more than cane sugar.

Along with grade school graduations, there would be 'manners class' graduations.

Huge tax brakes for taking care of your elderly instead of having children.

People with unruly kids and pets get tickets.

Every business would start its day with 30 min of physical exersise.

Cheap toys would be back in cereal boxes instead of happy meals.

All meat would be 'free range' and corporate farming is against the law.

Im sure you all can see where I am going :)


You've got my vote.

"Doc" Devereux

One Too Many
Absinthe_1900 said:
I'd get Beechcraft to bring back the Staggerwing.



Then I'd return Concorde to flying status, start a decent British space programme and finally (and most importantly) resign, since absolute power is too dangerous to be left in the hands of an individual.


Practically Family
South Suburbs, Chicago
1. A dress code is now in effect. Some of the provisions include banning of flip-flops unless within 1 mile of a beach or within the confines of your own home.

2. There will be tiny cell-phone signal blocking generators installed in restaurants, in any type of line, movie theaters and the like so one's meal and entertainment will no longer be spoiled by inane cell phone chatter.

3. If your kid doesn't know how to behave in public- you better handle it. If not, those around you give YOU a smack and your kid gets one. After three incidents, your kid goes on a mandatory leash.


My Mail is Forwarded Here
City of the Angels
Sorry to disagree Jupiter but as a life long high performance and fine car enthusiast I want more places where it is possible to drive in a spirited manner.


One of the Regulars
The bad part of Denver
ortega76 said:
If your kid doesn't know how to behave in public- you better handle it. If not, those around you give YOU a smack and your kid gets one. After three incidents, your kid goes on a mandatory leash.

Beautiful!!! MAybe the Dog Whisperer can make him mind!
A little something about capping house prices in the southeast of England! And confiscating homes that are not lived in or rented or leased, but just sit idle for 11.75 months of the year. Give that home to a homeless person for a fair rent, or sell it at its true (not market inflated) price to a young family that needs a home. Homelessness is an embarrassment to our "civilisation", and we need radical ideas to solve the problem.

Workers rights; a good living wage for good work (this one, i know, abolishes the entire nature of business since the industrial revolution but a Luddite i am and a Luddite i shall remain).

I have so much more, but i'll stop here until i get in charge of government. Then my crazy ideas will be surprising.


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