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- Small Town Ohio, USA
I've always hated talking on the phone, even before cell phones were a thing. This has become a stronger aversion as I've gotten older. Texting is the way to go. Professionally, I have no choice but to speak to people via phone, but I still hate it. If I could, I would change my voicemail greeting to "Hi. Hang up and text me and let's never do this again."
This is the new norm of the 21st century. Even companies are advertising that they won't call you unless it's absolutely necessary.
It's also no longer good to show up on someone's doorstep and knock. It has scary connotations now. If no one is expecting your knock, who the hell is it? A salesperson? A clown in costume? The cops?
Best thing now is to make sure people expect you and text when you arrive.
When people knock at our house, we turn down the TV volume and hide.
This is the new norm of the 21st century. Even companies are advertising that they won't call you unless it's absolutely necessary.
It's also no longer good to show up on someone's doorstep and knock. It has scary connotations now. If no one is expecting your knock, who the hell is it? A salesperson? A clown in costume? The cops?
Best thing now is to make sure people expect you and text when you arrive.
When people knock at our house, we turn down the TV volume and hide.