I'll Lock Up
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People will probably snicker at this, but it truly doesn't look like a fun life to me. Yes, there are some incredible experiences - and being on the inside of world politics and events is the opposite of boring - but the outsized and overwhelming rules, traditions, obligations and burdens would be oppressive.
I didn't watch the series... but one thing I've always had trouble with is people calling Princess Diana's life a "tragedy". Mebbe it's my less than humble origin but how can one's life be a tragedy if:
1. You grew up well to do in an estate.
2. Literally marry THE Prince.
3. Move from your estate into a castle.
4. Become mother to two incredibly handsome son's.
5. Divorce your Prince Charming without being beheaded.
6. Get to live in only a slightly smaller castle.
7. Then get to jet around the world with fantastically rich playboys?
8. I almost forgot, have the biggest baddest wedding in recorded history televised live round the world.
I'm only being partially facetious here but I was struck dumb by intense amount of grief shown over her untimely passing by EVERY woman I knew at the time. The one that puzzled me most was my friend Jeanne. She was "shanty Irish" (that's how she referred to herself DON'T SHOOT) through and through and so anti English she bled Sin Fein. I called her up around the time of Diana's death to find her crying her eyes out!!!! I just couldn't wrap my head around that one. "Her life was such a tragedy" she blubbered. I ticked off the list mentioned above and it moved her naught. Nor can I understand America's fascination with Royals in general. To each I suppose.