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I just liked Quark. lol
Hella fight..!!
...I woulda give it to the short guy..Hunt..but I see how they considered it close.
I agree that many find DS9 "divisive" but I'm firmly in the former camp. I fell in love with many of the characters immediately. The father son dynamic of Sisko and his son Jake, with the son being EVERYTHING "Weasley" Crusher was not. The Bajoran's trying to piece their world together after 60 plus years of occupation, rape and murder. The fleshing out of the Ferengi and the Klingons as well as the symbiotic Trills and "Spoonhead" Cardassians, lent texture to the entire Star Trek Omniverse. And lastly the entire Founder vs. Alpha Quadrant war was just flat out masterful. In other Trek series you hear of past "interstellar wars" but never see them or their effect on the Federation. I for one never fully bought the whole "peaceful exploration of space" tripe. It ain't in us. While we might not have taken to the stars to conquer we damn sure didn't go into space to get slapped around either. Prime directive yeah... then why are their phasor's and photon torpedo's on the damn ships? As for "moral ambiguity" all life is moral ambiguity... shades of grey... None of this ever seemed to enter in to Rodenberry's world except around the edges... in DS9 you see hard choices every day and during the war people died... the things went wrong and sometimes prayers went... unanswered. That to me is life... DS9 was life but not in some moral utopia where humans suddenly no longer desire wealth, power or status or somehow gave up the will to fight back, but in a real world where one's ideals are challenged daily and the struggle is always in doubt.
I think most of the fights were very good tonight. I didn't get to watch the earlier prelims tonight. They were on FOX2..(didn't know it until the last minute).. which we don't get here. Do you have FOX2 on the left coast..?
I watched an episode of Dr. Who on the netflix. Had never seen this show before last weekend.
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Uh oh. You've stepped in it now.Which episode & what did you think?
Definitely a great concept--they can go anywhere in time and space and pretty much tell any story they want to. The show was originally intended to be educational, i.e. a surreptitious way to teach history and science to children by showcasing those subjects in a semi-fictional story, but it wasn't long before it became so much more than that....All in all I think it's kind of a cool show. The concept lends itself to all kinds of different stories so I definately plan to watch more...
I'd suggest you try to watch the episodes, old and new, in the proper sequence as often as you possibly can. Most of them are stand-alone episodes (i.e., not two- or three-part episodes), but like most episodic television series' there are themes and references to previous episodes that will have more meaning if you recognize them....Probably try to catch some of the old ones, they're on netflix right now too, and my wife is a big fan of those. She'd never seen any of the newer ones either...
They went to the time of the blonde girl's father's death, and saved him. Then all these crazy looking dragon-bat things started appearing and eating people.
It was pretty interesting, I didn't like it as much as some of the other ones we've watched. All in all I think it's kind of a cool show. The concept lends itself to all kinds of different stories so I definately plan to watch more. Probably try to catch some of the old ones, they're on netflix right now too, and my wife is a big fan of those. She'd never seen any of the newer ones either.
Worf - not only what you said here, but how you said it is well done. This in particular:
I for one never fully bought the whole "peaceful exploration of space" tripe. It ain't in us. While we might not have taken to the stars to conquer we damn sure didn't go into space to get slapped around either.
Kirk was a fighter in the good sense of the word. He didn't go into a situation guns blazing, but push him around a bit or threaten his ship and crew, and he'll defend it with force. I, too, thought the exploration-only happy slappy and the "Prime Directive" was born in 60s idealism, but once they were writing the stories, reality kicked in and we got the phasers, the photon torpedoes and Kirk kicking some a**.
You've encourage me to check out DS9. Now, did you also find The Next Generation too touchy feely, 80s PC? That's why I just can't really enjoy the show despite it having some very good characters and stories (and I'd pay money to have someone go in and physically remove any evidence of "Counselor" Troi from the recordings of the show)? The best character was Worf (your non de plume) - his moral conflicts and development were the best part of the show's arc - followed by the only-there-for-a-few-episodes Tasha Yar (also always ready to kick some butt).