The Maltese Falcon on TCM because I just haven't seen it enough times already.
I would bet you've seen it at least three times on TCM in the last twelve months based on your postings. In the last year or so, I read both the original novel and a prequel novel written recently called "Spade and Archer." Have you read either?
I have watched it at least three times this past year. I read the Maltese Falcon about twenty years ago. I purchased the prequel, but have yet to read it. How would you say "Spade and Archer" compares to "The Maltese Falcon?"
It's okay. I enjoy that style of writing once a year or so - and the prequel is in Hammett's style. Not great, but not a bomb. Kind of fun to see the characters develop. If you are not a purist - i.e., what Hammett wrote is scripture not to be expanded upon by anyone - then enjoy it for what it is: a respectful fun book, nothing more, nothing less.