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tom cruise


Call Me a Cab
I don't think either Tom Cruise nor Keanu Reeves are that great of actors but what Tom has going for him is that he's handsome. The matrix was a great movie...especially the first one, but I still think Keanu's acting was mediocre


I'll Lock Up
DeleteStreet, REDACTCity, LockedState
mysterygal said:
I don't think either Tom Cruise nor Keanu Reeves are that great of actors but what Tom has going for him is that he's handsome. The matrix was a great movie...especially the first one, but I still think Keanu's acting was mediocre

Yeah well this makes me think of that perfume commercial tagline:
Dont hate me cuz I'm beauttiful!

I still dont understand why SPEED was sucha big hit & set up Keanu as a leading man. But he has done a decent job in some movies.It really depends on the script & director. Compare JOHNY PNEMONIC to MATRIX.

Katt in Hat

A-List Customer
The Gold Coast of Florida
In the '90s our Federal Corts ruled that for tax purposes

... in the United States, Scientology is a religion.
Other Religions actively proselytize and are adamant in espousing their beliefs.
I could not be further from The Church of Scientology in my beliefs than is the Man in the Moon. Never the less, The Courts have ruled. In the U.S.A. we are a nation of Law. Scientology is a Religion.


Hardlucksville, NY
I will give "kudos" to Cruise for choosing a P51! He could have chosen something more "modern" or "safe".
Now we need to get him in a fedora and this "Retro" thing might take off.. ;)
Having had a 'brush' with the Scientologists, and then reading up on them to some extent (I found out I was working for them) it is my opinion that they were, and still are, dangerous. Maybe not dangerous to the public at large, but to the individuals that they control by methods very akin to brainwashing. Anyway, whenever I see them trying to 'convert' some lost soul, I always tell the lost soul to beware and then end up getting into a fight with the Scientologists who call me a 'criminal' (they seem to like that word) To this day, whenever I pass their mid-town headquarters, I have to poke my head in just to give them the finger. Tom Cruise is schill for them, allegedly held hostage by some questionable pics taken of him with another person who is not a woman. :rolleyes:


Senator Jack

Maj.Nick Danger

I'll Lock Up
Behind the 8 ball,..
I've read that deprogramers,....

......of cult victims cite scientology as being the worst in regards to former member's withdrawl symptoms in the form of nightmares and other psychological maladies! :(


I'll Lock Up
DeleteStreet, REDACTCity, LockedState
Katt in Hat said:
... in the United States, Scientology is a religion.
Other Religions actively proselytize and are adamant in espousing their beliefs.
I could not be further from The Church of Scientology in my beliefs than is the Man in the Moon. Never the less, The Courts have ruled. In the U.S.A. we are a nation of Law. Scientology is a Religion.

laws change all the time

look at Roe vs Wade.

Maj.Nick Danger

I'll Lock Up
Behind the 8 ball,..

Senator Jack said:
Having had a 'brush' with the Scientologists, and then reading up on them to some extent (I found out I was working for them) it is my opinion that they were, and still are, dangerous. Maybe not dangerous to the public at large, but to the individuals that they control by methods very akin to brainwashing. Anyway, whenever I see them trying to 'convert' some lost soul, I always tell the lost soul to beware and then end up getting into a fight with the Scientologists who call me a 'criminal' (they seem to like that word) To this day, whenever I pass their mid-town headquarters, I have to poke my head in just to give them the finger. Tom Cruise is schill for them, allegedly held hostage by some questionable pics taken of him with another person who is not a woman. :rolleyes:


Senator Jack

Cult members will buy that book,...."Dyanetics", just to return it,...buy it again,...return it and so on to pad the best-sellers lists. What a cheap trick! :mad: :rage:


Practically Family
The CCHR wing of the Church of Scientology adopted many of Thomas Szasz's ideas about psychiatry and the Therapuetic State. I would suspect Cruise is quite familar with Stanton Peele, Jeff Schaler (former professor of mine) and maybe even Herbert Fingarette. I know Cruise met Szasz at some function because I've seen a photograph of them.

If you doubt his views on alcoholism and addiction I would encourage you to read "Heavy Drinking: The Myth of Alcoholism as a Disease" by Fingarette and "Addiction is a Choice" by Schaler to get a different perspective. As for Szasz, well, he has written quite a bit, but "Insanity: The Idea and Its Consequences" might be a good place to start.



I'll Lock Up
DeleteStreet, REDACTCity, LockedState
not battlefield earth....

Has anyone read CannibalQueen?
Its a Stephen Coonts book circa `92.
Coonts flew A6 intruder bombers in the viet nam war.
The book is about him spending the summer of `91 flying around the country in a vintage biplane bonding with his son & trying to hit all 8 states.

Its not an epic story, but it just come to mind that I wish Cruise had done a film with that sort of thoughtful story, rather than a crappy summer remake.


Hardlucksville, NY
Marc Chevalier said:
Fair enough ... but unlike most past Mustang pilots, Cruise isn't flying it in wartime.

Whether or not Tom Cruise is flying in a war or barnstorming the Midewest is totally irrelevant. The point here is an interesting story about a "Mega Movie Star" (there is no denying that) who is engaging in something that should interest everyone here.

Instead of basking in the glow of someone doing something most of us will never get to do, we have spent the majority of the thread cutting the guy down. What is that called? Sour Grapes?..

Before anyone jumps on this statement I will say again. I am no fan of Tom Cruise's acting abilities or personal beliefs. I am also no closet Scientologist! lol
The guy is flying around in a P51! Isn't that awesome??


Practically Family
Where Cruise gets "his" ideas


And no, I'm not a scientologist.
Sorry, don't think it's awesome that that the guy is hawking a 'religion' that bilks lost souls out of their life savings. Cruise, Travolta, and Kirstie Alley are the poster children for this cult - they're living high on the hog while young adults are signing over their paychecks to these charlatans. Sour grapes for dangerous con-artists? My ethics preclude that.


Senator Jack


Practically Family
Chicago, IL
Marc Chevalier said:
Fair enough ... but unlike most past Mustang pilots, Cruise isn't flying it in wartime.

Also something to remember - World War Two warplanes were expressely designed to be flyable by hastily trained pilots. 6 months of training is nothing compared to how much flight time modern fighter pilots get. As state of the art as these planes were in the 1940's - they still had to be comparitavely easy to fly. These were civilian volunteers we are talking about, not career soldiers, for the most part. Modern fighters are MUCH harder to fly - because they are built with an exclusive fraternity of expert pilots in mind.

Anyway, it's impressive that he owns and can fly a mustang. I wonder if it makes him feel taller?



Hardlucksville, NY
Senator Jack said:
Sorry, don't think it's awesome that that the guy is hawking a 'religion' that bilks lost souls out of their life savings. Cruise, Travolta, and Kirstie Alley are the poster children for this cult - they're living high on the hog while young adults are signing over their paychecks to these charlatans. Sour grapes for dangerous con-artists? My ethics preclude that.


Senator Jack
I don't think those points are awesome either. I never stated that and do not feel a need to defend against it. I am sure everyone's ethics on this board preclude glorifying con-artists.

My intention is not to defend his beliefs at all but separate them from the one teeny, tiny positive aspect of his life. The fact that Cruise owns and flies a P51 is awesome. I have yet to see proof that his P51 was paid for by Scientology (that would seriously stink!) as opposed to money he earned (tho' extremely overpaid) making films.

Maj.Nick Danger

I'll Lock Up
Behind the 8 ball,..

Feraud said:
My intention is not to defend his beliefs at all but separate them from the one teeny, tiny positive aspect of his life. The fact that Cruise owns and flies a P51 is awesome.

It is awesome. And if some of us could afford it we would do it too.

What I find even more awesome though, are the celebrities like James Stewart, who put his highly successful career on hold to fly a B24.


I'll Lock Up
DeleteStreet, REDACTCity, LockedState
tax time

jake431 said:
Anyway, it's impressive that he owns and can fly a mustang. I wonder if it makes him feel taller?


LOL, that really cracked me up. I was JUST thinking that the only thing about him that no one slammed is his lack of height.

Its really fascinating to see how much he is resented & disliked around here.

Hey, I bet he flew th P-51 to the appearance so that he could tax deduct the travel expenses!



I'll Lock Up
DeleteStreet, REDACTCity, LockedState
Maj.Nick Danger said:
It is awesome. And if some of us could afford it we would do it too.

What I find even more awesome though, are the celebrities like James Stewart, who put his highly successful career on hold to fly a B24.

Harrison Ford flies rescue missions in Wyoming. I loved that quote , "I cant believe I barfed in Harrison Ford's helicopter"

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