While walking to the store, a car full of people drove by with the windows down, and an occupant yelld out, "Nice hat man!"
Pulled into the supermarket on Saturday, wearing my Stratoliner. A guy was standing there, smiling at me like I was an old friend. He said, "I love that fedora, that is a nice look!" He kept walking with his friend and I could hear him talking about how he remembered how everybody used to wear them.
Fedoras are a nice look. It took about fifty years of intervening no-hat time for the popular taste to roll back around to that though. I do believe that Western culture was oversaturated with the businessman's hat look and the whole adult uniform thing that had been growing. Now that we've burst out of that bondage, and had a lot of years in the middle to try other things, the value of the look can be seen from fresh eyes instead of prejudiced your-father's-hat kind of eyes.
Sometimes that rebellious flair that people have really works against those of us who like tradition lol
Sometimes that rebellious flair that people have really works against those of us who like tradition lol
Tradition is at its best when there's sincere enthusiasm in discovering it, I think. I think rediscovering the fedora will prove to be better than if it had never been forgotten. A fresh set of eyes.
Maybe not the nicest comment I ever heard, but this is Hilarious!
Had to go the court house for jury duty selection this morning. I sometimes wear a hearing aid for better clarity in crowded surroundings. So, as I was waiting with about 50 other people waiting for instructions on procedures. It occurred to me that I just might be excused if I couldn't hear well. So, I asked to see the Judge to be excused from jury duty.
When I went into the Judge's office I was holding my hat. A Emerson Ten Dryette that I posted in the What are you wearing today thread this morning.
I explained my hearing problem to the Judge. Answered a few questions with a couple of "excuse me" and "what" thrown in. Then the Judge asked me about my hat. He looked it over, showed quite a bit of interest. We talked about fedoras and my interest in hats for about 10-15 minutes. He said he thought he would like to have a couple of fedoras to wear with suits.
He then said he would excuse me from jury duty because my hearing problem could cause a problem in the court room during the hearings.
After I thanked him.....he said...."Your hearing problem seems to be much better when discussing your hats"....he laughed and said but, I really like your hat.
Hilarious !!ound:
Mystic, that is a great story! Has he right? haha
"Jury Dodger Hauled In After Judge Reads Online Post"