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The Era -- Day By Day


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea

("Esther!" calls Mr. Ginsburg, standing in the foyer and leaning toward the open apartment door. "The mailbox key! I thought I had -- must be in my coat, the brown one, the brown coat pocket please!" "Hey pop," calls a uniformed young woman descending the stairs from the second floor. "Oh yes," replies Mr. Ginsburg, with a courteous nod. "May I help?" "Yeh," nods the messenger. "I got a telegram heeh f'ra Mrs. Sally -- ah -- Petra-skass? Sump'n like t'at. Anyways, t'ez no answeh." "Oh no," replies Mr. Ginsburg, "She's at woik, a war woikeh she is." "Yeh," shrugs the messenger. "Y'wanna sign fawr it?" "Of course," agrees Mr. Ginsburg, producing his fountain pen and placing his signature in the proffered notebook. He fishes in his pocket for the obligatory quarter, and the messenger hands him the yellow envelope and makes her exit. Mr. Ginsburg examines the envelope, nervously turning it in his fingers. "Esther..." he calls, as the apartment door closes behind him...)

A sixteen-minute speech over the Berlin radio by Adolf Hitler broadcast yesterday to mark the 13th anniversary of his ascent to power was seen as a warning that Germany intends to fight on even after the fall of Berlin, regardless of consequences, for as long as the Nazi regime can control its army and its restless hordes of war workers. Hitler served blunt notice that his government will show no mercy toward any who waver from his policy of resistance to the enemy, and the public execution "for cowardice" of the Mayor of Breslau was believed to be symbolic of bloodbaths to come, perhaps even already underway.


(The voice of Lowell Thomas relating the latest developments on the Eastern front goes unheard in the Krause apartment, as Mr. Ginsburg displays the telegram. "This morning it came," he relates. "Sally was not home, so I accepted. And all day I wonder..." "Never is it good news, a telegram," worries Mrs. Ginsburg. "Never these days." "News of Yussel," continues Mr. Ginsburg. "It must be. Unless you could maybe think of..." "I dunno," exhales Alice. "Maybe sump'n about Mickey, but t'at'd go to t' ol' lady foist, woul'ncha t'ink?" "Yeh," agrees Krause. "Of course, I could not open..." inserts Mr. Ginsburg. "And to give it to her now..." "Only so much can a woman take," sighs Mrs. Ginsburg. "Yesterday with the coal. All her worries, always so afraid, always to carry on, and yet always so afraid..." "Yeh," agree the Krauses. The conversation is interrupted from the kitchen by the whistle of the tea kettle. "Have a cup?" offers Alice. The Ginsburgs nod in acceptance and Alice starts for the kitchen. She halts before the door, and turns to Mr. Ginsburg. "Hey. Misteh G," she hesitates. "Han' me t'at telegram, woul'ja?")

Heavy rail shipments from gutted upstate coal yards only now being cleared of snow promised relief for New York City, but Governor Thomas E. Dewey has declared a statewide emergency as upstate communities face a continuing shortage of fuel. The War Manpower Commission has put out a call for more rail workers to assist in the movement of coal and to relieve jammed rail lines across the state.


("Free cigarettes!" frowns Ma. "And hoo'da THEY rate?" "Oi have noo ideaaar," smirks Uncle Frank.)


(Oh, they'll get their turn.)


(Shocked. SHOCKED.)



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(Nothing good ever comes out of a compulsory meeting with the boss.)

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(The line between jaunty and tacky is exceedingly fine.)

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(I had no idea Don Ameche could be such a sleaze. "You know the type.")

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Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
And in the Daily News...


"Hmph." -- Chas. Chaplin.


Going someplace?


Yeah, yeah, we've all got plans.


Oh You Kid!




"What a stupid wig!" -- Junior


Yep, that's management's favorite game. Trash your reputation.


SHE'S BACK!!!!!!!


"Can I hang a fox tail off the exhaust pipe?"


Gambling on credit is a very bad habit. Plus I wouldn't touch those pants with red-hot pincers.
New York City

One, I thought this movie had already come out last year - that's a bet I would have lost.

Two, not a great movie as a movie, but as a WWII curio chock full of Warner Bros. stars, it's a fun watch.



Poor Errol, so lonely on his solitary vacations.

SHE'S BACK!!!!!!!

She is indeed. I love Hu Shee, but Caniff isn't drawing her quite the same way:

New Hu Shee

Old Hu Shee
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I hate when they have to get a new actor to play the same character.



What a bad idea.


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea

("An' ye say she hasn't seen it?' exhales Ma, gazing at the unfolded telegram on the counter before her. "No," affirms Alice. "An' I neveh meant t' open it, y'unnehstan. I had it in me han' when I was poehrin' hawt wawteh f' tea. I guess, y'know, t' steam kinda..." "Thoose things happen," nods Uncle Frank." "'Regret t' infarrrm ye,' re-reads Ma, 'yarr hoosband Technician Fifth Claaaas Joseph Petrauskas on Twenty-Faaarst January slightly wounded in action in Fraaance. You will be advoised as repaaarts of coondition are received..." "Gaaahd have marrcy,' mutters Uncle Frank. "SLOIGHTLY wounded," emphasizes Ma. "Yeh," nods Alice. "But whassat mean? Howcome t'ey gotta send a telegram like t'at wit'out tellin'a rest've it? An' who shoots at a cook?" "Doos anybaaahdy else knoow?" queries Uncle Frank. "Well," shrugs Alice, "I kinda hollehed when'nit -- um --fell outa t'envelope t'eh. An' Siddy hoid me, an' Misteh'r'n Missis Ginsboig was t'eh. Willie mighta hoid. But nobody else, I sweeah." "Well," declares Ma. "We can't tell'arr. Not till we knoo maaar'a 'boot 'it." "Yeh," agrees Alice. "But what if t'ey send anot'eh telegram an' she gets it?" "We gaaatta see that she doon't," proclaims Ma. "An' thaat means," she continues, staring Alice in the eye, "thaaat YOU gaaatt see that she doon't." "Yeh," nods Alice, gnawing her lip as she considers how she might accomplish that assignment...)

Mayor LaGuardia will appear today in Washington before the Senate War Investigations Committee to tell what he knows about Surplus Liquidators, Incorporated, and its president, Jacob Goldberg. The bulky, white-haired Goldberg leaned on his elbow and listened with keen interest yesterday as a Defense Plant Corporation engineer testified that Goldberg had tried to "buy" him with an offer of a $15,000-a-year job in August 1944. The engineer, John V. Ginhoven, stated that he had been "invited up to Jake's room" in a Cleveland hotel, and told that a $15,000 to $20,000 salary awaited him if he would give Defense Plant Corporation a "favorable report" on Surplus Liquidators, Incorporated. He stated that Goldberg wanted him to use that firm to dispose of DPC surplus thru auctions. A month later, Ginhoven's employer has acknowledged, DPC awarded an auction contract to Surplus Liquidators.


("Ya too easy awn'm," chuckles Sally to herself. "I'd knocked 'm fr'm hell t' breakfas'" "You tell'm, toots" agrees Leonora, looking up from a copy of True Detective. "Gimme t'at," frowns her mother. "How many times I gotta tell Ma not t'let you have t'ese books?" "Sppppppt," frowns Leonora...)


(Well, at least Pepsi's not rationed.)


("Oh, quit complaining! I left you the Lichty cartoon!")


(You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet.)


(Is Evans Krehbiel really Boody Rogers?)

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(Never mind this cheap gig, Tony -- you have a big future ahead of you as a pizza-box spokesman!)

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(See, it's just this easy!)

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(Remember, kids -- avoid unlawful schemes!)

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(Well, we've known that for years.)


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
And in the Daily News...


No words.


"A MAN drivin' a pleasueh cawr," fumes Bink Scanlan. "I like T'AT!"


I hope at least he threw in one of the puppies.

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"Oh, I think your husband is old enough to cross the street by himself."


A descendant of Viking warriors? That's something new.



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The Yellow Haired One has always been a bit obtuse.


Yep, it's not what you are that counts, it's what they SAY you are.


Sure, that's it.


"Yeah you can get pretty dependent on that paregoric..."
New York City
"An' thaat means," she continues, staring Alice in the eye, "thaaat YOU gaaatt see that she doon't." "Yeh," nods Alice, gnawing her lip as she considers how she might accomplish that assignment...

No easy task - Sally is half insane, but whip-smart.

I missed it, how did Alice and Frank get out of jail? Are the charges dropped?

And it does seem like a poor policy to send a telegram like that without any real details.


"Ya too easy awn'm," chuckles Sally to herself. "I'd knocked 'm fr'm hell t' breakfas'" "You tell'm, toots" agrees Leonora, looking up from a copy of True Detective. "Gimme t'at," frowns her mother. "How many times I gotta tell Ma not t'let you have t'ese books?" "Sppppppt," frowns Leonora...

I was thinking of Sally the entire time and thought she'd have taken a swing at them. Kidding aside, kudos to Ms. Lichtenstein for some real courage under fire.


Well, at least Pepsi's not rationed.

I assume Ma's contract with Coke precludes her using Pepsi syrup even if Coke can't supply her, and after the recent, ahem, "event," it's probably good not to push the point.



We know Leonora is going to grow up fighting the system all the way, but if she wanted to, she could be graduating medical school at twenty-one (!!!) like Ms. Broussard here.

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That's Hu Shee all right: she calls 'em how she sees 'em.



Screw the families; good for the boys if they got a little joy that way before dying defending their country.


A lot of heads looking down with eyes darting away from the camera amongst our favorite comicstrip authors.


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
I'm sure Harold Gray will find a way to work that allegation into a future storyline.

You may recall that Uncle Frank mentioned that Buttons Durgin introduced him to the Suffolk County Sherriff. I'm not sure, but it is entirely likely that a plumber's truck containing certain rare items made a discreet delivery at his office once the charges were dropped. "Obviously a case of mistaken identity. Have a cigarette?"


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea

("Y'heeh t'news onna radio las' night?" queries Sally as she and Alice step out into the chilly morning air, clatter down the front stoop and head out along 63rd Street. "Yeh," replies Alice. "T'eh'rawlmos' t'eh.""I can't wait," declares Sally, a gleam in her eyes. "T'em Russians ain' gonna stop t'ill'ey got Hitleh chained up in a cage, 'n send 'im back to Moscow. Remembeh Stalingrad!" "Yeh," exhales Alice, her breath forming a curling cloud of vapor. "An'nen Joe 'n alw'v'm c'n come home," sighs Sally. "An' it'll be like it awrways was again. An'nen we -- " But Sally never completes the thought as Alice suddenly grabs her friend and twists her shoulders around to face the Hillard Men's Wear store on the corner of 63rd and 18th Avenue. "Hey lookit, Sal!" she blurts. "Lookit'em hats innat windeh! Ain'ney t'limit? An'nem ties! Hey, what if we go ineeh an' buy Siddy a hat an' a tie! Anyt'ing's betteh'rn'at Woil's Faieh tie he's got, huh? Whatcha say!" "What?" blurts Sally. "Whatta you tawkin'bout, hats an' ties awluvvasudden? Krause weahs a tie once'a yeeh, if t'at." "Uhh," stammers Alice, watching the back of a uniformed Western Union messenger bicycling across 18th Street. "Huh," shrugs Sally, brushing off her coat and nodding toward the messenger, "Somebody's gett'n some bad news." Alice's breath comes in short gulps as they resume their approach to the BMT station. "You wasn' aroun'," Sally continues, "when Missis Nucci's boy got kilt. T'ey didn' sen' no messengeh on no bicycle. T'is big green Awrmy car drove up'n fronna t'house, wit' a coinel an''na majeh in it. T'ey wen' up'n give 'eh t'telegram poissonal." "Ah," ahs Alice, as they enter the station. "She ain' be'nna same since," sighs Sally. "But who would be?" "Yeh," nods Alice, as they click thru the turnstile toward another day...)


("Mendel..." whispers Mrs. Ginsburg, as her husband's shoulders tremble and his eyes fill. She takes his hand, and there are no words. Because there can be none.)

Butchers in Brooklyn, Queens, and Long Island will turn their services over to the Government on "Meatless Mondays," using their expertise to bone meat destined for the Armed Forces overseas. More than 900 members of Local 342 of the Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butchers' Workmen voted in a mass meeting last night to report on Monday to boning plants for work on military meat contracts. More than a thousand non-kosher meat stores will close on that day under an agreement with Mayor LaGuardia to bring all retail meat dealers under a five-day week. This agreement will not affect kosher butchers, who are already closed on Fridays and Saturdays.


(Tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick....)

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("Hey, I'm working this side of the street!" -- Bill Mauldin.)


("Ew, what's that smell?" "College sports.")


("Eau de Aqueduct.")

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(Caruso liked ravioli? Who knew??)

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(Says the fool.)

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Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
And in the Daily News...


Think big, kid!


There's A New World Coming...


Get Corky to help, he'll soup it right up.


Well, if they weren't we wouldn't have a plot, now would we?


There really is no joy like the joy of performing.


Well why WOULD you know? Spinach is a NAVY thing.


"All right, now for your photo. Wait, we can't lower the camera down enough..."


Nah, it's just the benzedrine talking.


Always a step ahead.


"Tootsie Rolls ain't so bad once ye get uset'tw'm!" -- Uncle Frank
New York City
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What an absolutely dumb plan.


"All right, now for your photo. Wait, we can't lower the camera down enough..."

That's just hurtful, Lizzie. :)



Welcome back.


Familiar Face
Connecticut USA
(Caruso liked ravioli? Who knew??)

Sometime in the late ‘80s or early ‘90s I was a freelance proofreader for Globe Pequot Press. One of the books I proofread was about culinary dishes named in honor of opera singers, such as Chicken Tettrazini, Peaches Melba and Melba Toast (I guess Nellie Melba rated quite highly to get more than one). There might have been a dish for Rosa Ponselle. One of the dishes was Spaghetti Caruso. I guess the trend didn’t continue, as I don’t recall any dishes named for Pavarotti, Sutherland, Callas, or anyone else after about the 1930s. I don’t recall the book title, or if I still own a copy.


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea

("Ev'ry day," sighs Sally, "t'ey put'tis list inna papeh, t'is casualty list. An' ev'ry day I'm afraid t'look at it." "Oh yeh?" blurts Alice. "Hey, gimme t'papeh! Gimme!" She snatches away the Eagle, leaving Sally with an incredulous gape. "Whass'wit'choo?" she demands. "Um," Alice ums, glancing at Page Two to confirm that Joe's name does not appear. "I jus' wan'ned t'see what's -- um -- on sale at Bohack's." "T'ey put'tat in awn Wen'sday," frowns Sally, grabbing her paper back. "Hm," she hms. "Awl Navy men." "Awwwww, Sal," bravados Alice, "y'know you got nutt'n t' worry about! Who shoots at a cook?" Sally scowls over the paper. "Y'know," she glares, "y'don' hafta say it like T'AT. Joe's jus' as impawrt'n's any ovv'm. Awrmy travels on its stomach, y'know," "Yeh," nods Alice, her nerves stretched thin. "Whatchoo so noivious about?" queries Sally, giving her friend a perceptive once-over. "Ummmmm," ums Alice, "ummmm, I was jus' -- uh -- t'inkin'a what's goin' awn wit' Mary Woit'...")


("Ya don' hafta worry 'bout me none," asserts Bink Scanlan. "Nobody's gonna get t'eh han's onna bag while I'm carryin' it." "Ahhh," scowls Ma. "Ye think ye can foit 'em aaaahf do ye? Well thim big hands ye gaaaht, ye aaht to be able lick any'oov'm!" "It ain't that," explains Bink "Awla hoods aroun'eeh, I know 'em. Half of 'em's me relatives." "Ahhh," eyerolls Ma...)


(Well, at least they didn't call him "Pantywaist.")


("So do watch where you sit, those little colored pins are everywhere...")


("Oh," ohs Mr. O'Malley, fitting a fresh Havana into his holder, "I absolutely think that Mr. Frick would prove an outstanding Commissioner." "Do you?" queries Mr. Rickey, raising a massive eyebrow. "Oh I do," nods Mr. O'Malley, exhaling a fragrant cloud. "Mr. Frick has certain qualities that would be very much a benefit to those of us involved in the -- ah -- financial end of the game. Judge Landis could be an unreasonable man, wouldn't you say? Well, I feel that Mr. Frick has the potential to be -- ah -- most reasonable, a most reasonable man." "Hmmm," hmms Mr. Rickey, his eyes narrowing. "It's not merely a question, you see," explains Mr. Rickey, "of the Commissioner managing the owners. It's a matter also of the -- ah -- owners managing the Commissioner." Mr. Rickey ponders this statement as Mr. O'Malley leans back in his chair and takes another contemplative puff. "Yes indeed," he nods. "Mr Frick could prove to be precisely the man for the job...")



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(Oh I can't wait till she tips over the table.)

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("Huh, that's funny, there's a famous newspaper reporter named Jane Arden. All the time works with the police. What a coincidence! Wonder if they're related!")

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(The manpower shortage has thug-users really scraping the barrel...)

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(Such language!)


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
And in the Daily News...


Heeeeeeere's to romaaaaance.....




"Ahhh, handsome one, we are getting too old for this..."


A pint of saltpeter, and inject it where it counts.


Quid Pro Quo is the foundation to any smooth-running operation.

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"She'll have great big teeth someday!"


"Makin' funna me accent, eh? Know how I say 'dump ya inna Gowanus?'"


Oh, she was, she was. She was trying to say "HELP ME UP!"


Ahhh, Sen Sen!
New York City
("Ya don' hafta worry 'bout me none," asserts Bink Scanlan. "Nobody's gonna get t'eh han's onna bag while I'm carryin' it." "Ahhh," scowls Ma. "Ye think ye can foit 'em aaaahf do ye? Well thim big hands ye gaaaht, ye aaht to be able lick any'oov'm!" "It ain't that," explains Bink "Awla hoods aroun'eeh, I know 'em. Half of 'em's me relatives." "Ahhh," eyerolls Ma...)

Good luv ya, Bink. Kidding aside, this is the second time in a week where a young woman has been attacked bringing the company payroll back from the bank - can't anyone in 1945 see the common flaw in this strategy?


Oh I can't wait till she tips over the table.

I think I'm only still reading this one because I hope Leona will be coming back, ideally, in her Club Buccaneer outfit.


"Huh, that's funny, there's a famous newspaper reporter named Jane Arden. All the time works with the police. What a coincidence! Wonder if they're related!"

It's like "Secret Operative" Dan Dunn who, if memory serves, was even described, in a storyline in the strip, that way with his picture in newspaper. Sometimes I don't think the writers are really trying that hard.


"Hello Beautiful"

With that opening line, we know Pat figured he'd take a shot to she if she was up for another round of tossing the sheets about, not a lot of women out here in the first place.


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea

("I jus' don' like it, t'at's awl," declares Sally as Dr. Levine taps her pencil on her notebook. "T'ey keep sayin' it an'na moeh t'ey say it t'moeh it makes me mad. 'Who shoots at a cook?'" "Maybe," ventures Dr. Levine, "they're simply trying to comfort you." "What it SOUN'S like," erupts Sally, "is t'eh makin' FUNN'UV 'im! 'Ha ha, Joe's just a cook. He ain' really a soljeh, he's just a cook!' He's soljeh enough t'Awrmy took 'im away fr'm me an' Leonoreh an' sen'nim oveh'rinna middl'at mess, ain'ee?" "But," notes Dr. Levine, "didn't you tell me once you were glad he WAS a cook instead of, you know, up on the front lines?" "I been doin' some readin'," sighs Sally. "You know what happens t'cooks ov'eh t'eh? T'ey get assigned t'go alawng wit' awlkindsa units. Infantry. Tanks. Awrtillehry. Awlem kin'a t'ings. T'ey ain' up t'eh doin'a shootin', but t'eh close enough t'heeh'rit! What if Joe's wit' some infantry unit? 'Nobody shoots at a cook?" Who sez????" "Hmm," hmm Dr. Levine, conceding the point. "An'na not'eh t'ing," Sally resumes. "Ev'rybody's actin real funny lately. T'oteh day Alice practic'ly slammed me up against a stoeh windeh an' stawrted yellin' about hats an' ties. An'nen t'day, I stopped at Ma's place t'drawp awff Leonoreh, an' I was lookin' at t'papeh, y'know, t'Eagle, an' I come t'is one page t'eh had a piece toeh right out'v it. So I looked at anot'eh one, anna same page was ripped t'same way. I wen' tru ten copies a t'Eagle, an' evr'y singe one'v'm was tore t'same way. I sez t'Ma, "whassawlis?' An' y'know what she says t'me? 'Printin' defeck.'" "Ah," ahs Dr. Levine. "T'at's zackly what I said," nods Sally. "Ah.")

The thirty-seven year old owner of a Prospect Heights tavern is being held without bail on a charge of homicide after he was accused of slaying, with one punch, a dance-band drummer following an argument with him over the affections of a female bandleader. Joseph Renzutek of 537 Clinton Avenue was arrested yesterday after bandleader Phyllis Lane walked into the East 67th Street police station in Manhattan accompanied by an attorney, who told police "there's a dead man in this woman's apartment." Miss Lane testified that she had found 42-year-old Jack Miehle of 1566 Coney Island Avenue, whom she employed as the drummer in her orchestra, laying badly beaten in a corridor of her Manhattan apartment building. An investigation determined that Miehle and Renzutek had been drinking together and Miehle made references to Miss Lane to which Renzutek took exception, and he is alleged to have struck the drummer a crushing blow in the chest which shattered eight ribs. An autopsy revealed that Miehle died as a result of internal bleeding. Miss Lane was ordered held on $5000 bail as a material witness in the case.

(Tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick...)


(Well, even 1945-style baseball is better than no baseball at all...)


("Cowboy Action Shooting" in action!)


(Ahead of your time, Ernie.)


("Private room upstairs?" Oh, it's one of THOSE restaurants!)


(And after the war, Gen. Crerar could go to work for Milton Berle.)


(Lately I've found that I need to be prepared for anything. But I was not prepared for, and AM not prepared for -- Scarlet O'Neil IN SPACE.)


(I hope Joe never sees that bottom panel. Too soon.)


("Fatso??"And here I was thinking Porky is looking very svelte.)

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