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The Era -- Day By Day


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea

("Well," puzzles Uncle Frank, "Oi joost doon't get it, that's aaahl. It ain't loike y'didn't coom inta this coontry legal-like. Ye don't need noobody t'wroite a lettar voochin' farr ye good charactarrr. B'soides, even if ye DID, noobody's goona say noothin' they aaaaught naaaht. Oi joost doon't see why ye doon't want t'fill in th' faaarm!" "Oi got me reasons," snaps Ma. "Now leave me be." "Now how would that look," frowns Uncle Frank. "Me, standin' oop tharrr, raisin' me roit hand, takin' th' ooooth a' citizenship, an' you sittin' tharrrr with ye arms foolded an' that look aaahn ye face like ye was weaned aaahn a pickle." "Oi joost doon't want nooobody proyin' into me proivate affairs," insists Ma. "Oi mean, that business doon th' battam aboot bein' an anarchist. What if they aaaask me about Sally??" "Sally ain't no anarchist," dismisses Uncle Frank. "Throwin' a brick thru a movin' pitcharr screen," frowns Ma, "doon't make ye noo Repooblican. An' when she was a little garrl, wroitin' ahn th' charrrch wall aboot that Saaaaco an' Vanzetti. They could drag aaaaaahl that oot, an' aaaask a laaata questions, an' end oop not joost deport'n ME but her aaaaaaalso! An' thin' won't YOU be in a foine place, with J. Edgaaaar Hoovaaar noosin' aroond ye business! Nooo, Oi ain't coom this faaaar withoot keepin' t'meself, an' Oi ain' aboot t'start fillin' in noo goover'ment faaaarms." "Ye talkin' foolishments," scoffs Uncle Frank. "Oi also ain't goin' t'get depaaaaarted," vows Ma. She cocks her eye meaningfully at her husband. "Naaaaht with what's waitin' faaar me back in Oireland." Uncle Frank shakes his head. "Nora," he sighs, "that was faaaaarty years agoo. An' ye toold me ye'self tharr wasn't noo way they was evaaar goin' t'foind..." "Yarrr th' oonly livin' sool Oi ever told," declares Ma. "An' Oi fully intend t'keep it that way. Now drink ye drink befarr it goos flat." Uncle Frank finishes his two-cents-plain, and chews his lower lip in deep thought. "An' doon' t look at me loike that," snaps Ma. "Ye know it makes me naaaarvous." Uncle Frank shrugs, and unwraps a fresh Tootsie Roll as he ponders the situation....)


("Toin'im oveh t'Stalin," frowns Sally. "He'll take good 'nough caehr'v'im. Give 'im oveh t' t'em British, t'ey'll sen' 'im awff t' t'em Bahamas a'someplace, 'n 'ee c'n go swimmin' wit't'at Duke'a Windseh." "T'at was a helluva t'ing," recalls Alice. "Him quittin' as King an' awl. I lissen'ta t'at onna radio. 'Wit'out t' help an' suppoeht a' t'woman I love.' Wan'nat sump'n?" "Meh," scowls Sally. "I hoid a betteh soap opr'a from Ma Poikins. Anyways, t'ey betteh not let Hitleh wawk." "T'ey could sen'im oveh heeh," shrugs Alice. "Maybe send'im t'Brownsville. T'ey'd take cahe'r'v'im pretty quick." "Heh," snickers Sally. "You read too many a't'em gangsteh books....")

A committee representing 197 hotels from all five boroughs will confer with Mayor LaGuardia today at City Hall, to consider the Mayor's announced plan for meat conservation. The plan proposing the city-wide adoption of "Leftover Monday, Meatless Tuesday, and Meatless Friday" has already been endorsed by the Cafe Owners' Guild and the Society of Restaurateurs. Meanwhile, the New York Central Railroad reported a steady flow of meat shipments, but it was indicated by retail officials that most of it went to the Armed Forces and large wholesalers rather than to neighborhood distributors. The general meat situation seemed to be brightening with further word that an increased number of live steers are ready for local slaughter, and in view of that situation it was reported that all city schools have resumed serving meat as part of Federally-subsidized luncheons.


("Well now, I wouldn't say that." -- The Petroleum Industry.)

The Eagle Editorialist salutes the Red Army for its smashing victories in Poland, capped so far by the liberation of Warsaw. "No matter how we differ on governmental or economic ideology," observes the EE, "we must recognize the tremendous part that Stalin and his valorous armies are playing in the proscecution of the war. We shudder to think of what our position would be today without Russia at our side."


Eighty years later you'll find entire subreddits devoted to this theory.


("Hey Leo! Nice rug!" -- Ducky.)


(I still don't fully understand what Al Smith is doing in this strip. Or why he isn't wearing any socks.)


("I hear there's a room at Emmy Plushbottom's place. But watch out for the fat guy in the checkered pants.")


(C'mon, toots, NOBODY's not the ice cream type.)


(The Power of Engineering.)


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
And in the Daily News...




All set for spring!




"Uncle Walt, this is an apple crate with roller skates nailed to the bottom." "WELL IT WAS GOOD ENOUGH FOR SKEEZIX!"


Hey look, it's my fourth grade teacher!


"The check cleared, didn't it?" "We'll see."


At least until the next warm spell.




"Look, Doc," wheedles Mr. Willard. "You forget about this bill, and I'll put your name in the strip." "Well, all right. But don't make me look stupid." "You bet. But at least comb your hair."


Monogrammed jammies, Chaz? Or did you try out once for the Cubs?
New York City
... Oi joost doon't see why ye doon't want t'fill in th' faaarm!" "Oi got me reasons," snaps Ma. "Now leave me be." "Now how would that look," frowns Uncle Frank. "Me, standin' oop tharrr, raisin' me roit hand, takin' th' ooooth a' citizenship, an' you sittin' tharrrr with ye arms foolded an' that look aaahn ye face like ye was weaned aaahn a pickle."...

Not the same specifics, but growing up jn the 1970s (so not the 1940s), I heard friends of my grandparents having serious conversations just like this. It was an of-the-era immigrant thing; it just was.


Monogrammed jammies, Chaz? Or did you try out once for the Cubs?

In the 1930s-1950s, regular middle-class (and the uber rich) women (not men, so Chaz is on his own here) often embroidered large monograms or, sometimes, even their full first name on a lot of things - PJs, yes, but also sweaters, tops, and even coats. You see it in the movies and old photographs from the era all the time. It cracks me up as you'll see an adult woman named Trudy, with either a giant "T" or even a giant "Trudy" spelled out on her sweater. It's no odder than stuff we do today - it's just funny to see.


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea

("Sawry I ain' got nut'n betteh t'offeh ya," shrugs Sally, sliding a glass of milk across the table. "Y'know how it is." "Ooh, yes," nods Uncle Frank, taking a sip. "Oi do that, ooh yes." He reaches into his coat pocket. "Woo'jee care farr a Tootsie Roll?" Sally demurs, as Uncle Frank unwraps the candy and thrusts it thoughtfully into the corner of his mouth. "Y'neveh come awlaway oveh heeh," sighs Sally, "'nless ya got sump'n awnya mind." "Oi do," begins Uncle Frank. "It's yaaar moothar." "Ahhhh," nods Sally. "As ye may know," Uncle Frank continues, "Oi've taken oot me farrrst paparrrs t'b'coom a citzen. Aftarr aaahl these years the -- ah -- present coonditions have led me to th' decision that..." "An' Ma do'wanna do it," injects Sally. "Ah," shrugs Uncle Frank. "That's aboot th' soize've it." "Jern t'club," snorts Sally. "I been aw'gehrin wit'teh 'bout t'at since I was a kid. 'Y'need t' do it,' I'd say. "Y'need to vote! Y'need t'do sump'n 'bout awla bums runnin'is city!' An' she'd say 'thim bums mind t'eh business an' I'll mind moine.' She'd say 'Thaaat Mayor Walkaar is a good man.' She'd say 'he knoos which soide 'is bread is buttarred aaahn,' whateveh t'at means. An' I'd say 'wake up, Ma! T'is town is fulla crooks! Gangstehs! Gamblehs! Bootleggehs! Preyin' awna woikin' class! Don'cha see??' An' she'd jus' shake 'eh head an' say 'noow that's a foine way faaar a little garrl t'speak.'" "Y'do that voice vaaary well," chuckles Uncle Frank. "I had a lotta practice," sighs Sally. "An' what's moor," continues Uncle Frank, "she says she can't soin no papaars b'cause it'll get YOU in trooble farr bein' an anarchist!" "WHAAAT?" bellows Sally. Leonora looks up from the copy of New Masses in which she is busily coloring in a cartoon of a fat senator approaching a trash can labeled "Red-Baiting," as her mother fumes. "I ain' NO ANAWRCHIS'!" she roars. "I'm an A-L-P! Jus' like LaGawrdieh! Even'nough he's kin' of a joik sometimes!" "Well," exhales Uncle Frank, "you have been knooown t'throow a few bricks a toime an' again." "BRICKS!" scowls Sally. "Nut'n strongeh!" "Ah," concedes Uncle Frank. "At any rate, what Oi had mind oov was that ye moit approach ye maaather, an' p'raps tell 'ar how ye've taaarned oovar a new leaf, an' ye woon't make noo marr trouble arr get arrested no marr..." Sally glowers across the table as Leonora injects a soft giggle...)

The House Military Affairs Commitee temporarily sidetracked the pending "work or be drafted" bill to hear testimony from Army Surgeon General Norman T. Kirk urging the conscription of nurses into the Armed Forces. Also strongly endorsed by President Roosevelt, the nurse draft bill was introduced with both Army and Navy approval as the most effective means of getting the 20,000 new nurses needed in order to ensure the best available treatment for American fighting men. Committee Chairman Andrew J. May (D-Ky.) indicated that as soon as Gen. Kirk completes his testimony, the committee will return to its work drafting a bill that will force all men between the ages of 18 and 45, including all 4-Fs, into either war work or military service, when and if they are needed. The nurse bill would require the registration of all registered nurses between 18 and 45, and subject them to conscription in the same manner as men.


("Whassis stuff?" frowns Willie, glaring at the bowl before him. "Sump'n Missis G showed me howta make," replies Alice, spooning a portion into another bowl and sliding it over to Krause. "T'ez beans inneh, an''nez bawrley, an'nez p'tatehs, an' awl kin'sa good stuff. S'cawled 'cho-lent,' I t'ink she said. "Ain' no meat in it?" sighs Willie. "T'ez meat in it," corrects Alice. "It ain'nat kin'a Lent. See, right t'eh, t'at's a piece'a meat. It's jus' cut up smawl, see?" "I don' like it," mutters Willie. "I don' like t'at y'don' like it!" squints Alice. "So eat!" Willie glances at Krause for backup. "Yeh," declares Krause, raising his own spoon. "Yeh," sighs Willie...)


(Confidentially, there's more charcoal than steak, but you take what you can get.)

As Inauguration Day approaches, the Eagle Editorialist expresses the assurance that President Roosevelt will, as he has always done over his twelve years in office, bring all of his faith, courage, and confidence to bear in the face of the challenges that lie ahead. The EE notes that the President has always shown the power to "imbue other with the feeling that every challenge to the spirit and the resources of the nation could be successfully met."


(Did you know smoking causes severe hair loss?)


(Of course Leo got to see the pope. He used to be a Cardinal.)


("Maybe I should check with Li'l Abner. He always finds a way out.")


(Careful where you point that chin, it might go off.)


(Well, Harry, you sure don't look very happy about it.)


(Yes, she said that, and yes, in 1945 it just meant "an enthusiastic female smoker.")


(When Class Consciousness Dawns...)


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea

"Pshaw." -- Inky Quinlan.


And if writing a letter doesn't work, try a hat pin.


Funny man. Funny, funny man.


Well look who's back.


"Robber Bairn." Funny, she doesn't LOOK Scottish.


Still no Dude Hennick.


Use it up, loan it out...


Away we go...




"Dudes." Yep, Uncle Willie spent a few years surfing in California.
New York City
"Whassis stuff?" frowns Willie, glaring at the bowl before him. "Sump'n Missis G showed me howta make," replies Alice, spooning a portion into another bowl and sliding it over to Krause. "T'ez beans inneh, an''nez bawrley, an'nez p'tatehs, an' awl kin'sa good stuff. S'cawled 'cho-lent,' I t'ink she said. "Ain' no meat in it?" sighs Willie. "T'ez meat in it," corrects Alice. "It ain'nat kin'a Lent. See, right t'eh, t'at's a piece'a meat. It's jus' cut up smawl, see?" "I don' like it," mutters Willie. "I don' like t'at y'don' like it!" squints Alice. "So eat!" Willie glances at Krause for backup. "Yeh," declares Krause, raising his own spoon. "Yeh," sighs Willie...

I worry about what is going to happen to Willie – and Alice and Kraus, for that matter – when Mickey comes home.


Did you know smoking causes severe hair loss?

Nothing causes hair loss more than being a character in a Lichty strip.


Of course Leo got to see the pope. He used to be a Cardinal.

Rebecca Welles, daughter of Orson and Rita.

Mom's hair, dad's face, the gene pool is its own game a dice.


And if writing a letter doesn't work, try a hat pin.

Sally: "Or a brick."
Frank: "Oy."
Sally: "What?"
Frank: "I have plenty of Jewish customers, you pick things up."


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea

("T'at was t'shawrtes' speech I t'ink I eveh hoid'im give," comments Sally, as applause rings over the factory loudspeaker, and Robert Trout begins his summary following the President's inaugural address. "But, I guess, afteh foeh'v'm, what else is lef' t'say?" "He soun's tiehed," remarks Alice, absently tapping her clipboard on the side of her friend's workbench. "Nah," dismisses Sally. "He soun'ed fine." "He neveh shoulda rode,' sighs Alice, "wit' t' top down...")


("We're aaaahl'oovus," sighs Ma, reaching up to turn off the little radio on the shelf behind the counter, "mooch grayaaar than we woos four yearrrs agoo." "Speak farr ye'self," smirks Uncle Frank. "A little tooch'a gray ain't soo bad." "Not much thinneh neit'eh," snickers Bink Scanlan, leaning indolently against her broom....)

The current nationwide wave of gambling on basketball games, the greatest in the history of that sport, is just the forerunner of what figures to be a year of sensational plunging on all sports brought about by the shutdown of the racetracks. So predict Broadway oddsmakers, with reports of $1,500,000 per week now changing hands on basketball bookmaking alone. It is anticipated that the volume of wagers may double, or even triple, if and when the major league baseball season begins. Daily baseball pools, fights, golf tournaments and any other sports are expected to furnish ample work for bookmakers over the balance of 1945. The explosion of basketball wagering has drawn a response from Promoter Ned Irish, who manages the winter basketball program at Madison Square Garden. Irish is collaborating with Mayor LaGuardia and the Police Department in a campaign to shut down on-the-scene betting during games at the Garden. So far, about sixty known bookmakers have been banned from entry to the Garden for any event. "Even," comments Irish, "a dog show."


(And yes, this is exactly how it was done.)


(Knowing exactly who it is before he lifts the receiver, Mr. John McDonald rolls over in bed and reaches for the telephone. "WHERE'S MY ROWING MACHINE?" roars the unmistakable bull-moose bellow on the other end of the line. "Sir," exhales Mr. McDonald. "You never had a rowing machine." "ORDER ME ONE AT ONCE!" command the roar. "BILL IT TO THE ADMINISTRATION! IT'S ABOUT TIME THAT MAN PULLED HIS WEIGHT!" "Sir," exhales Mr. McDonald, "I don't work for you anymore. "WITH THAT ATTITUDE I DON'T WONDER!" thunders the voice...)

Cardinal slugger Stan Musial, whose heavy hitting has been a major factor in three straight pennants and two world's championships for his club, dons Navy blues on Monday. The 24-year-old outfielder was accepted for Naval duty yesterday, and will report to camp on Monday morning.


("You know, I was better off staying dead." -- Al Smith.)


(By all means, go right ahead.)


(Roscoe Karns? I thought he was doing Broadway.)




(Some of us, alas, will always be taken for granted by those in authority...)


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
And in the Daily News...


"What?" erupts Joe. "PULLIN' BACK? Who says weeh pullin' back!" "Boys fr'm up front," shrugs the Corporal, expectorating neatly into a snowbank. "C'mon, we gotta get this broke down an' aaahn th' truck." "DAMN!" snaps Joe, dropping his wrench in the snow. "T'nut awn'is gas line is froze solid. Heeh, t'row some hawt wawteh onneh, melt it loose." The Corporal flares his eyes and holds out his hands. "Wyn'choo cawl room suhvice," he snorts. "Hav'um send it right up!" "Well wot't'hell am I s'posta DO?" roars Joe, his frustration near the breaking point. "Take uh leak on'nuh," commands the Corporal. "WHAT?" bellows Joe. "Yo' huhd me," reiterates the Corporal. "That'll melt 'uh loose!" Joe blinks, as he feels one more fragile thread connecting him to civilization fray and slip away...


"May pose as gambler." "Ja! Wo ist der Basketball?"

Just like the old days, eh kid?


After all, three hots and a cot...


You really should be keeping a card file.


"Sorry, pantywaist, you're overweight!"


"I wore that same outfit in 'Star and Garter.'" -- Gyps.


Oh, give it up, kid. He's probably complaining to St. Peter right now.




"Such Crust! That's MY line!" -- Geo. Bungle, Retired.
New York City
Roscoe Karns? I thought he was doing Broadway.

I can even hear his irritating voice.


Joe blinks, as he feels one more fragile thread connecting him to civilization fray and slip away...

Nicely written, Lizzie.


Oh, give it up, kid. He's probably complaining to St. Peter right now.

Or boring him to death with one of his rambling half-coherent "philosophical" speeches.


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea

("Joe's innat Sevent' Army, y'know," sighs Sally. "I figyehed it out fr'm t' APO. He's right inna middla t'at." "Ohhh, he'll be foine," assures Ma. "Noobody shoots at a cook." "He hates snow, y'know," continues Sally. "Jus' hates it. I remembeh when we stawrted goin' t'getteh, right? He was awna WPA, an' one'a t't'ings he hadda do was shovel snow. 'Membeh t'at big stawrm come t'ru heeh in t'oity-seven? T'at one right befoeh spring? T'at blizzehd? "Oh yes," nods Ma, wiping down the counter. "Well," I remembeh me'n Joe was s'posta go dancin' 'at night, but nut'n was open, so we jus' -- well, skip it. But t'pern' is, he was so tieh'ed fr'm t'snow-shovelin', he couldn'..." Ma looks up from her work with a frown. "Neveh min'," sighs Sally. "Skip it." She scans over the Eagle unfolded before her. "Hey, t'is mayeh election's gonna be sump'n, huh?" she shifts. "Pfft," pffts Ma. "Stoof an' naaahsense." "Oh, c'mon now, Ma," replies Sally, sensing an opening. "You gotta admit LaGawrdieh's done a good jawb. Lookit awla crooks an' bums he got ridda." "Amen dooon that," dismisses Ma. "LaGawrdia joos' took th' credit." "See, Ma," inserts Sally, "t'ez weh ya wrawng. Lookit awla gamblehs he's got ridda, bingo games, pinbawl, slawt machines, bookies, awlat." "Th' man's a chatterin' blatherskite," argues Ma. "All'ee doos is droive aroond in 'is fancy caar, goo t'foires, an' get 'is pitcharr in th' paper." "Well," declares Sally, circling in for an impeccable thrust of logic, "if ya hate 'im so much, y'otta vote f'somebody else. Oh, sawry, I f'gawt -- you CAN'T vote, 'cause y'ain'a citizen! Too bad t'eh ain' nut'n you c'n do about t'at." "Did Francis put'chee oopta this?" scowls Ma, snapping her dishcloth. "I'm jus' sayin'," shrugs Sally. "Well we coould do withoot any marr sayin'," insists Ma. "Whateveh," shrugs Sally. "Hey, toin' awna radio t'eh -- I t'ink t'Mayeh's broadcas' is comin' awn...")

Britain has "no ambition to set up a sphere of influence to the exclusion of other powers" in Greece, and has only intervened in the Greek crisis to "help evict the Germans and distribute food and supplies to a gallant nation." Sir Gerald Campbell, British Minister to the United States, made that declaration at the annual dinner of the New York State Bar Association at the Hotel Waldorf-Astoria. "We went into Greece because we were invited by that government of all parties," asserted Sir Gerald, adding that the British plans "were cleared with the United States and the Soviet Government as well."


(Hey Casey, not to put any pressure on you, but when you go to spring training, bring your glove.)


(I guess B-movies and second-tier comics are all Lionel Atwill can get now after that, you know, scandal...)


(And reminding you once again -- Phil Fumble is Ernie Bushmiller's personal avatar.)


(Solar house? NEVER CATCH ON.)


("Forty two stout," chuckles Mr. Ginsburg. "The customer, is maybe, always right.")


(I'm still trying to get used to the idea of Fred Astaire as a comic-strip villain, but I'm willing to give it a chance...)


(Oh, we do that in this country too. You see a man in a diamond pinky ring, you know exactly what he does for a living.)


(The eternal conundrum of funny-animal comics -- how does evolution decide who goes on all fours and drools, and who walks on two legs and wears gloves?)


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
And in the Daily News...


"What's goin' awn," whispers Joe, as the truck grinds to a halt. The Corporal peers out the back and cranes his neck around in an attempt to see ahead. "Ah cain' tell," he concludes, resuming his seat. "Sum'p'n in th' road, Ah reckon. A tree uh' sump'n. Boys up front traaahn' t'move it." "Makes me..." begins Joe, but what it makes will never be known, as a series of loud cracks shatters the silence. "SNIPUHS!" shouts the Corporal. "GIT DOWN!" Another volley cracks out followed by a sharp sound of tearing canvas as the Corporal flings Joe to the bed of the truck. There is a grinding lurch as the convoy heaves forward. "LEMME UP!" struggles Joe, a searing pain tearing at his shoulder as the truck careens onward. He writhes and throws off the weight of his comrade, who rolls onto the truck bed. "Jeezuz," Joe pants. "T'at was CLOSE!" His eyes come back into focus, and he glares at the Corporal. "C'mon, gettup," he urges. "C'mon. Quitcha clownin'." Joe nudges the sprawled form before him, and rolls him over. "C'mon. Gettup. Hey." But the Corporal makes no response. The Corporal can make no response. Because the Corporal is dead.


But for the rest of us, life goes on.




Corruption in prison? YOU DON'T SAY!


Well yeah, isn't that what shady friends DO?


It was a good line the first time, but don't wear it out. And "People Have More Fun Than Anybody?" Quoting Col. Stoopnagle is hardly up to the minute jive.


On the other hand, you're learning how the system works, and that has to count for something.


What, again?


I've tried this, but I keep dreaming it's time to get up.


Get used to it, kid.
New York City
"Well we coould do withoot any marr sayin'," insists Ma.

Ma's variation on Ring Lardner's "'Shut up,' he explained."


"C'mon. Gettup. Hey." But the Corporal makes no response. The Corporal can make no response. Because the Corporal is dead.



Where The Tourists Meet The Sea

("Pet-rau-skas," reads the medic, glancing at his clipboard as he sits down next to Joe's cot. "Whassat, Polish?" "Lit'uanian," mumbles Joe. "Me mot'eh was Russian, so, y'know, whateveh." "T-5," continues the medic. "Don't get too many of you boys in here." "Yeh," sighs Joe. "Whattaya do?" adds the medic. "Mechanic? Radioman?" "Cook," Joe replies, staring up at the ceiling of the aid-station tent. "Heh!" chuckles the medic. "What?" demands Joe. "Nothin'," nods the medic, glancing at Joe's dog tag. "Y'from Brooklyn, huh? I got a cousin lives there. Place called Red Hook?" "I been'neh," replies Joe, tonelessly. "He works on boats or somethin'," shrugs the medic. "Merchant Marines. Went to visit 'im once, got lost on the subway. Ended up someplace called Flushin' or somethin'. Hey, how 'bout them Dodgers, huh?" "Yeh," exhales Joe. "Well," resumes the medic, "You just got a good nick in your shoulder there. I guess ya buddy wasn't so lucky. Got him right thru the pump, same bullet hit you, probably. Never knew what hit him." "Mm," acknowledges Joe, his face blank. "Coehse, he wasn' really, y'know, my buddy a' nut'n. Kin' of a joik, really. Lot youngeh'rn me, jus' a kid really. Jus' a kid. Jus' a big dumb kid. But no, not really my pal a' my buddy a' nut'n. Don' even know 'is whole name." "Dunno," shrugs the medic, riffling his papers. "Don't have anything right here. You might check with Graves Registration, they'd know. Well, anyway, you got lucky. We got you patched up there, you should be back with your unit in a day or so. Just go easy on the shoulder for a bit, don't stir too hard." "Yeh," mumbles Joe..)

The Social Security Board offered its proposed "cradle to grave" social program today in a report expected to set the pattern for President Roosevelt's forthcoming recommendations to Congress. The Board's proposals, contained in its annual report, were basically the same as those made a year ago -- to broaden the coverage of old age and survivor's insurance, liberalize unemployment benefits, and establish new programs of medical and disability insurance. The war-minded Congress gave those proposals little attention last year. Both the Democratic and Republican parties urged broader Social Security coverage in their 1944 campaign platforms, and President Roosevelt promised that a special message with his own recommendations is forthcoming.

A one-shot penicillin cure for gonorrhea is being given on a trial basis by venereal disease clinics in various sections of the United States, it was revealed today at Bellevue Hospital, but doctors warned that it is still too early to fully judge the effectiveness of the new treatment. An official verdict on the single-shot treatment, developed by Army Medical Corps Capt. M. J. Romansky, will be
made public in a report expected to be released in a few months. Expermients with the new preparation are being carried out simultaneously in many locations, marking the first time a medical innovation has been tested on such a wide scale before its general release.


("Leave th' bloody water aloon," fumes Ma, slapping the paper on the counter. "As if Oi didn't have ENOOF t'warry aboot!" "Doyle was tellin' me," notes Uncle Frank, "that tharr's a petition gooin' aroond th' neighbarhood tellin' thim in th' Assembly t'leave th' water be. Oi couldn't soin, of carrse, b'cause Oi'm naaaht yet a citizen. Takes aboot two yaaars farr aaahl that t'go thru, y'knoo. Of coorse, th' way they doo things, they'll prob'ly still be d'batin' it in two yarrs toime." He raises his glass and quaffs the last of his two-cents-plain. "Oi'll be able t'soin a petition then." He slides his glass across the counter. "Gimme anoothar," he requests. "Good Flatboosh watarrrr...." Ma glares as she fills the glass. "Keep aaat it, Francis," she scowls. "Oi intend to," grins Uncle Frank...)


("I'd liketa meet t'at Lichty guy," growls Sally. "I'd tell 'im weh t'get awff." "Siddy don' like 'im neiteh," sniffs Alice. "He don' like when'ney make funna bawl-headed guys." "He does?" replies Sally. "I neveh noticed." "Siddy did," frowns Alice...)


(The "Enoch Arden" doctrine, after the poem of the same name, pronounces a marriage dissolved if one spouse is missing and presumed dead for seven years. "And if 'ee ivaaar cooms back," pronounces Ma, "tharr wooon't be no presuuuumin'!")


("All right, Walker, Galan, and the rest of you mugs -- tape your kneecaps back on, raise your right hands, and repeat after me...")


(All right, Governor, let's see you dance!)


("Ah, I've read about such cases on Page Four...")


(Oh, they're everywhere...)


(WHALE TAIL??????)


(OK, Trix, now go steal some sulfa.)


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
And in the Daily News...


Just another wholesome clean-cut kid.


Well, at least you're not cold.


Yeah, gooseface. THIN ICE.


Are you sure she's not -- well, a customer? I mean, those eyes...


And that's how you know you're growing up...




Munchkin jokes? You do have to feel sorry for the kid.


Well, then, that's OBVIOUSLY why she's evil.


"I mean, the florist does send ME the bill, but it's the thought that counts..."


The Socratic Method doesn't always work.
New York City
"And if 'ee ivaaar cooms back," pronounces Ma, "tharr wooon't be no presuuuumin'!"

If hubby #1 is still alive, he's got to be smart enough to stay away. Although, that would make for a heck of a storyline for our new bride. Hollywood has already made several version of that story because it's so compelling.


She would be so insanely rich from social media today that alimony would be chump change.


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea

("Hunne't'n toity-eight miles," muses Sally. "Y'know what t'at is? T'at's like fr'm heeh t', I dunno, Awlbany." Alice takes this in and nods. "Lot easieh t'get t'Awlb'ny, t'ough, t'en it is t'get t'Behlin. I mean, mosta t't'ime, I guess." "I can't wait," exhales Sally. "I can't wait'll Zhukov is drivin' down'a Unteh Deh Linden wit' Hitleh's head f'ra hood awrnament. An'nen Joe c'n come home, an' ev'ry't'ing'll go back t'like it was. Ev'ry't'ing'll go back t'narwm'l." "Mickey'll come home too," observes Alice. "Yeh," nods Sally. "Be good t'see 'im again. We din' awlways get alawng, y'know, but ya brot'eh's ya brot'eh. An' I bet Willie'll be glad t'see 'is ol' man again." Alice's face darkens. "Is it wrawng, Sal?" she wonders. "Is it wrawng t'want -- soiten t'ings t'happen? T'ings t'at might be, oh, nawt too good f'one p'ticuleh poisson, but real good f'somebody else?" Sally reflects for a moment. "Is it wrawng," she challenges, "t'wawnt Zhukov t'blow Hitleh an' awla rest'v'm inta hamboigeh so Joe c'n come home? So awlem guys oveh t'eh can come home? 'Cause if it is -- y'know what? I don' give a damn." Alice nods. "T'at ain' what I meant," she sighs, "but I getcha pernt..." "Good," declares Sally, as Alice leans back on her seat and closes her eyes as the train rolls on toward home...)

Vanguards of the American 14th Corps today drove to within sight of Bamban and the first of the Clark Field airstrips 53 miles north of Manila. Capas, four miles northeast of Bamban, and 56 miles north of Manila, fell in the swift American advance down the main highway to the Phillipines capital, and it appeared likely that Bamban will soon be captured. Resistance was reported to be negligible.


("No, Oi don't think we got any choice," declares Uncle Frank. "Oi told th' boys this marrrnin' they need t'get warr jobs. Oi sent'm ovarr t' Todd's Shipyard, th' parrsonell manager there oows me a favarr." "It's about toime," frowns Ma. "Faaaar be it froom me t'tell ye hoo t'raise ye soons, boot Michael ovarr tharr in a prison camp, Joseph gaaahd knoos where, an' thim two a' yaaars livin' hoigh ahhn th' haaahg. Oi nivver loiked that, Francis, an' ye KNOW Oi nivver loiked that." "Th' Aaaarmy rejected 'em twoice," shrugs Uncle Frank. "Ye cooulda gaaaht'm in if ye wanted to," frowns Ma. "Mistaar Can't Wait T'Be a Citizen." "Thaaaat's low, Nora," exhales Uncle Frank. "Yes," nods Ma. "It is." "Aaaanyway," sighs Uncle Frank. "Thaaat leaves me shaaart handed at' th' shop. Ye think ye can spare Bink Scanlan faaaar a cooopla days a week?" "Barbara doon' know noothin' aboot ploombin'," dismisses Ma. "Even th' saaaarta ploombin' YE do." "She'll laaaarn," sighs Uncle Frank. "So'll you," predicts Ma.)


(Tick tick tick tick tick tick...)




("My stock is not up for sale AND IS NOT GOING TO BE! And don't slam the door when you leave, I just had the glass replaced!")


(Oh good, a phony count. You don't see them much anymore!)


(Tonight's forecast: "Icy with a chance of frost.")


(Big talk for somebody who never opens his eyes.)


(It's the bangs. Never trust anybody with bangs.)




Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
And in the Daily News..


"Louis **D** Armstrong. I got nothing to do with this cat." -- Satchmo.


"ALL RIGHT, ROLL OUT!" bellows a sergeant, slapping the tailgate of the truck as Joe pulls up his coat collar against the chill. He fishes in the pocket and pulls out the stub of a tobacco plug. He gazes at it for a long moment, exhales, bites off a chew, and closes his eyes as the truck lurches into motion along the rutted, snow-covered road....


Oh, here we go...


Yeahhhh, let's see what the War Manpower Commission thinks of this...


"Nubbin?" Well, he got away with "Skeezix" and "Corky," but this is going too far.


OF COURSE he's the personnel manager. He's an idiot, after all.




"All right, but no aerials."


And if you can't trust an Army meteorologist, who CAN you trust?


Next time, take the shells off first.
New York City
An' I bet Willie'll be glad t'see 'is ol' man again." Alice's face darkens. "Is it wrawng, Sal?" she wonders. "Is it wrawng t'want -- soiten t'ings t'happen? T'ings t'at might be, oh, nawt too good f'one p'ticuleh poisson, but real good f'somebody else?" Sally reflects for a moment. "Is it wrawng," she challenges, "t'wawnt Zhukov t'blow Hitleh an' awla rest'v'm inta hamboigeh so Joe c'n come home? So awlem guys oveh t'eh can come home? 'Cause if it is -- y'know what? I don' give a damn." Alice nods. "T'at ain' what I meant," she sighs, "but I getcha pernt..." "Good," declares Sally, as Alice leans back on her seat and closes her eyes as the train rolls on toward home...

They have such a good little family - good for all three of them, deeply good, that I can't help, like Alice, worrying.


Tonight's forecast: "Icy with a chance of frost."

Who had "Monica not making a scene" on their bingo card – I didn't.


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea

("Wha'see say?" queries Alice. "Gimmie a minute t'gettit open," exhales Sally, clutching the V-Mail envelope just extracted from the mailbox in the foyer of 1720 63rd Street. "Lemme read it!" insists Leonora. "Lemme!" "A letter is it?" queries Mr. Ginsburg, stepping out of his apartment door in a cloud of Half-and-Half to fetch his own mail. "A letter from Yussel maybe?" "Yeh," nods Sally. "Lemme get it open." "Letteh fr'm Joe," nods Alice, as Krause ascends from the basement apartment. "Yeh?" grins Krause, shifting his cigar to the other side of his mouth. "Lemme get it open foist," insists Sally. "Hawrd t'gett'it open wit' cold fingehs!" "Lemme do it!" demands Leonora. "Mendel!" comes the voice of Mrs. Ginsburg from the half-open apartment door. "What is?" "Letter from Yussel!" Mr. Ginsburg declares. "A letter!" enthuses Mrs. G, "How is he, what does he say?" "Lemme get it open foist!" exhales Sally. "Whas' goin' awn, Pap?" pipes Willie, pushing his way into the group. "C'mon, ya missin' Tom Mix!" "Letteh f'rm y' Uncle Joe," replies Alice."I'm gonna read it!" delcares Leonora. "Hey!" calls out Alice, as a small, wizened woman with curly gray hair enters the foyer from outside. "Missis Nucci! Sal gotta letteh fr'm Joe!" "Chi se ne frega," mutters Mrs. Nucci, grumbling up the stairs to the third floor. "Awright," announces Sally. "I got it open." "Decembeh T'oity Fois'. Deeh Sal..." she begins. "I wanna read it, I wanna!" squirms Leonora. "Sh," shushes Sally. "He stawrts awf heeh wit' a -- um -- a lotta poissonal stuff..." And five pairs of eyes roll, as Sally flushes and Leonora grabs at the letter. "Whassat woid, Ma? Whassat?" queries Leonora. "Sh," shushes her mother as six pairs of ears listen intently....)

B-29 Superfortresses turned their attention from the Japanese homeland today for another heavy attack on military installations on the island of Iwo, half-way stepping stone from Saipan to Tokyo. Twice before, Superfortresses based on the Marianas Island have hit Iwo, 750 miles southeast of Tokyo, striking both times in conjunction with Liberators and a Naval task force. Iwo, in the volcano group, is the main enemy airbase athwart the Superfortress route to Tokyo, Nagoya, and Osaka, and serves both as a warning post and a nest for interceptor fighters. Japanese bombers have also used the island as a base for raids on the Marianas.

Three investigations are underway today on a tie-in between gambling rackets and loan-sharking in Brooklyn, following the confession of a milk-wagon driver that he robbed his employers to pay gambling losses and high-interest loans from loansharks who haunt high-stakes floating dice games in search of victims. Thirty-year-old Louis Summerfield told police that he was beaten by an associate of former Murder For Money Gang operative Seymour "Blue Jaw" McGoon after missing one payment on his loans, leading police to open a full investigation into whether "Murder Inc." has resumed operations in the borough under a new guise.


("Now THIS," declares Uncle Frank, slapping his hand on a tall copper tank, "is me pride an' joy. One hoondred an' fifty gallon boilarrr, started oot as a hot-water tank coom oota th' ol' Wallace place aahn St. Maarks Avenarr there. They toor that doon befarr ye was barn, y'see, an' looky me, I got th' ploombin' salvage. As ye can see, that's pure coppar. Ye can't get'm loike that noo marr." "Yeh," nods Bink Scanlan with a pop of her gum. "See, ye cook ye mash in tharr," explains Uncle Frank, an' ye collect t'vaparr in this cone -- an' it goos thru thim coils thar, an' condenses intarr th' joog. Oh ye gaaaht yarr indoostrial stills taaarn oot more a' th' stoof, boot Oi think..." "Bleh," blehs Bink, sampling a drop. "T'at's awrf'l. Wheh y'gett'n ya cawrn?" "Ah," shrugs Uncle Frank, "well..." "Me ol' man wouldn' put t'is stuff in 'is radiateh f' anti-freeze," dismisses Bink. "Yarrr oold man?" puzzles Uncle Frank. "Y'neveh hoida Thump Scanlan?" snorts Bink. "You hadda hoid'v 'im. Haddis big opehration in Vinegeh Hill. Till'ey put 'im inna riveh." "Thoomp Scanlan?" recalls Uncle Frank. "Is THAT what happened to 'im? He was YARRRRR faather?" "Oh yeh," nods Bink. "Oh," inhales Uncle Frank. "I harrrd a lotta things aboot what happened t'him. We nevarr met, but we -- ah -- knew sooma th' same people in them days." "Yeh," smirks Bink. "I betcha did.")


(Coming events...)




(San Francisco? Nice place to visit, Horace, but you wouldn't want to live there.)


("Willie Kneck." Probably not.)


(You're an idiot, Link, and nobody likes you.)


(Stenciling crates??? Featherbedder!)


(Scarlet's new super power? She is now seven feet tall.)




Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
And in the Daily News...


"The Fall of Paaris." You've been saving that for years.


"Hey Brooklyn!" calls out a beefy mess sergeant. "Ya back! Hey, t'at was a tough break, kid!" "I ain' no kid," expectorates Joe. "Nobody oveh innis mess is a kid." "Sueh, Joe," shrugs the Sergeant. "Whatever ya say." "No place f'ra kid," growls Joe as he turns bitterly to his work. "No place f'ra kid at'AWL."


And with five kids still at home, Sgt. Doyle just sighed...


Well, maybe it's hard to keep in tune in this medieval dungeon!


"Not that I'm a gossip or nuthin'..."




Shaky theology, Walt. Galatians 3:28.


WHOOOOOOOO could it be?????


"I dunno, we don't have any openings for 'oversexed little moocher' right now."


Children learn what they live.

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