I'll Lock Up
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- New Forest
Wimp! I got pulled over at two am and asked, "where have you been?" I replied, "my business is going down the drain, my wife has left me, where do you think I've been?" "I've no idea," was his sarcastic reply. "Getting rat-arsed," (Brit speak for being drunk.) He was on the ball that night. "There's no smell of alcohol, but I could still arrest you for your belligerence," he said, but I knew he wasn't going to. "You're going to tell me that you have a job to do," I ventured, "so why the sarcasm?" He was quick, "You came through that amber light perilously late, left yourself wide open." He replied. "And you had already made your mind up that I was over the crystals." (more Britspeak, the crystals refer to the breathaliser) "Don't push it," he answered, "and I will call it a draw." "You're a gentleman," I said with a smile, offering my hand. He shook it and told me to get on my way, adding that I was lucky not to have come up against another officer. He left that remark hanging in the air. I got his gist.My favorite cop encounter was a few years back, coming home from a disappointing Red Sox game late at night. I was turning into my town, about 130am and dog tired, and I got pulled over right at the intersection. I'm sitting there wearing a Red Sox hat and jersey, with a wrinkled game program next to me on the seat, and he shines his light in my eyes and asks me "What have you been doing?" I resisted the impulse to say "losing."