J B said:I actually wish I wasn't such a night owl, if for the sake of getting more sleep for what the next day will bring...
I can't seem to shake the night owl thing either, even when I have to get up early
J B said:I actually wish I wasn't such a night owl, if for the sake of getting more sleep for what the next day will bring...
LordBest said:I'm a night owl. Why get up early and do something when you can sleep in and do it late at night? Now that I'm at university with some early lectures (10 o'clock in the morning, By George) I have to control it a little more.
Sorry, i managed to fall asleep shortly after posting that. We're currently in the summer holidays, but most folks are still working, just us kids/teachers.Bruce Wayne said:It is 2 AM there right now. What kind of holiday is going on across the pond currently?
deleteduser said:guess not.
Night. Xx
LordBest said:and an insane addiction to Starcraft II.
StetsonHomburg said:I have been up 'till 2:00AM everynight scince Mid July... I wake up at 9:00AM
and I am not even sleepy? How is this? lol
Ya'll Right there partener 30 Celcius!Derek WC said:Boy, I hope you don't mean 30 Celsius below! Nice weather you got by the way, and I mean that in a non-sarcastic way. Such ho hum weather in Oregon compared to the rest of the world.