Brylcreem is great, but it doesn't withstand the doffing and donning of hats throughout the day. Pomade is more resilient to being disturbed than Brylcreem, as it contains much more wax (usually).
Gel, mousse, and hairspray really don't cut it if you're wearing a hat. You will find that the agitation will cause the stuff to flake out of your hair throughout the day.
This is why I use Brylcreem, at least. It stays in your hair, and all it takes is a run through with a comb and it's perfect again.
Gel, mousse, and hairspray really don't cut it if you're wearing a hat. You will find that the agitation will cause the stuff to flake out of your hair throughout the day.
This is why I use Brylcreem, at least. It stays in your hair, and all it takes is a run through with a comb and it's perfect again.