Fnatastic looking bowler and great backstory as well. Love it.P. & C. Habig Wien "Special Qualität", 58 cm, 147 grams, possibly early to mid 1920s. This is an older one based on the Paper Label type and the use of city name Cassel vs. Kassel. In 1926 the city name was officially changed to Kassel.** The Black Felt has a superb finish / hand. The Form is impressive with a taller Crown and less side tapper. The component quality and workmanship are excellent which is always the case with P. & C. Habig Wien. The overall condition is very good especially for its age.
The Worker's "Arb." surname appears to be "Makovsky". I will have to see if I can find something about him.
Starting in 1925 there is an Anton Makovsky listed as "Hutmacher / Hat Maker, XVI/1 Koppstr. 64" in "Adolph Lehmann's general housing indicator: along with trade and business address book for d. k.k. Imperial capital and royal seat of Vienna and surroundings. 1925"
Here is the location today (center building).
** https://www.kassel.de/buerger/stadtgeschichte/lokales/von-cassel-zu-kassel.php