Agreed! Fortunately the makers can't keep the costumer of good and discerning taste from picking apart and comibining otherwise the matching sets.
The coat below is handsome, but more of interest because of the particular blend of fibers used in the spinning and weaving of the cloth. Alpaca is a marvelous natural fiber possessing a good deal of the softness and warmth of cashmere, but providing greater breathability and better wear. Alpaca worsted suiting was once less uncommon. Mohair wears like iron, is wrinkle resistant and has an attractive sheen, these two fibers combined with quality sheep's wool might yield a very useful cloth.
The merchants brand name is also of interest since during roughly the same period a cloth with the brand name of Alpagora was also advertised. A blend of alpaca and angora with other fibers?...
Everything you said makes sense and is educational, what is odd is the disclaimer, "Alpacuna, a registered trademark, is not to be construed as describing fiber content, contains no vicuna."
Basically, WTF. It seems intentionally deceitful: they create a name that sounds like a blend of fibers and then put, in fine print, a disclaimer that says the name doesn't reflect fiber content. This is why we are all cynics.
But I agree, nice looking coat. The clothes in the Eagle ad are also quite nice looking.
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The name doesn't disturb me. While deceit is the glory of advertising,I read it more as suggestive that the alpaca fiber content created cloth with a vicuna-like hand. Though all of my familiarity with actual vicuna is confined to a touch, my limited understanding of its properties suggests it might tend to impart some undesirable fragility to a coat.
Thanks again for doing this, what a great resource.
I’m happy to see that your final post included a black tie illustration!
Wonderful and enjoyable. Thank you, @Flanderian, for having done this for us.
Thank you. I have enjoyed it very much, and also learned a thing or two. Well done!
I was daily checking and looking forward to your newest addition. Very enjoyable and interesting journey indeed! Thank you.
Bump....I have ben revisiting this thread for some inspiration on commissioning a new spring jacket and cap.
Thanks to Flanderian for the huge effort of preparing and posting. Enjoy the fruits of this gentleman's labor folks.
Thanks again. Salute!
Cheers, Eric -