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do you have many friends?

Covina, Califonia 91722
The thing is, we all had that. But I guess when you're growing up people change so much they can't relate to you anymore. Good example: I saw an old friend and she wanted to get on the bus. She didn't notice me sitting there. The driver refused to take her with him because she misbehaved the last time she was on the bus. She went crazy and started to curse and shout at the driver. As she walked away she flipped a finger. No wonder he wouldn't let her ride along because I figured it's the same thing she did last time. I was relieved that she didn't see me because I would be most embarrassed.

With people when they deal with some one working like the bus driver they some how expect to be able to be rude, demanding and difficult and the bus driver is not supposed to do anything just accept it. I'll bet your friend would not be able to empathize with the bus driver let alone think about how she would have reacted if she were working as the bus driver and had to put up with the same type of shennanigans.


Practically Family
I have said in this thread before that I have many acquaintances but few friends.
I am not quite sure who said it, but I read it in a book just the other day that sums up my distinction between an acquaintance and friend. It reminded me of this thread and thought I would post it.

An acquaintance is someone who you don't mind borrowing something from but it is a person you would never lend to.


One of the Regulars
East Tennessee
A very interesting thread.. Friends... Seems that I'm always everybody's friend and yet they're my acquaintances, if you know what I mean. Same with my family, different people same game. Friends have always ran in cycles or periods for me.

My best pre-school friends were two cousins (Donnie and Dana) and we were thick. Sadly we were in different school systems when we started elementary. We did hang out on the farm living the hillbilly horse culture on weekends and summers. I moved away before high school and we drifted apart, only seeing one another at funerals and such. One evening a few months ago while watching local news I hear "local man in serious motorcycle crash" report from my old hometown. By the time I found the "who, what, when and were" Dana was dead. I spoke with Donnie about it, but he just rambles on with BS and I can't see the "Donnie that once was" anymore.

My best friends in Elementary school were Doug and Anthony. There were a couple of other boys (Andy and Gerald) that moved and or were rezoned during that eight years. We were all the normal elementary school friends.. I never saw them again after I moved away. Boys didn't talk on the phone or write letters in 1967... I heard sometime ago that Doug and Anthony remained friends for years, until Anthony's wife ran off with Doug..

Starting high school in a strange city/school system is tough, but I met a few kids in the neighborhood and it worked out. One of the group (Ben) was a year older and the family had money. So my 15th year was spend riding around in his dune buggy, the family ski boat at the lake and even spending the summer on their houseboat. Within a couple of years I had started down the hippy path and left the others behind.

I had a friend or two during the hippy days and we had some fun. We partied, went to concerts, etc.. from coast to coast. That was all over by the mid 70's.. Ending harshly with war and death for some, stupidity and death for others.. and the lingering death of lost youth for the rest of us..

After losing everything and regrouping for an education. I enrolled in a vocational education Industrial electronics school to pick up on my background in electrical/electronics. There I met a real friend.. James Hayden Cash.. Just out of the Marines and doing the same as me, we became the best of friends spending the next two years as inseparable comrades. I eventually got a co-op job at the university and got Jim on there as well. After graduation there was only one slot open and they let Jim go. During his time here vat the university he was involved in a bicycle wreck the exposed a huge melanoma on his back. The removed it and told him that if it didn't resurface in five years he'd be fine. After that Jim went back to school and got a degree in electrical/electronics, but never really could make a go of it. He eventually became a postman as was just thrilled with it. I was married with kids by them, but continued to visit him and he me. On one visit he told me that he had forgot what he was doing in the middle of his postal route and was going for a check-up.. The melanoma was now a brain tumor and he was terminal. We continued to see one another over the next six months or so, until he died in 83 I believe it was..

During my time at the university I had worked with a few guys, trained a bunch of co-ops, etc.. and considered some of them friends. Some were older guys and eventually they retired and/or died. Some of the others turned out to be turds and just weren't worth the cost. I eventually (at 25 years service) transferred to another part of campus, but remained in touch with Larry.. One good friend there..

In my current position (11 years) I've met a lot of faculty that I thought were my friends. Turns out most were more interested in my group providing computer services than anything else. Only one of them would I consider a friend, but we don't see one another very often. He's worrying over his research career and has a new wife (both Goan) that is trying to adjust to small town USA life. It's a very long way from Mumbai...

I switched over from Jeeps to Toyota's (FJ) in 2008 and have met some nice people on the forums. Sandy and I have taken a couple of three week roadtrips to Ouray and Moab to ride the trails with them. I love the 5k-6k roadtrips, but they're a struggle for her. Her folks are old and she doesn't like to leave them or her/our cats.. LOL I keep in touch with my Internet FJ buds, but of course we've only ever spent a few days on vacation together. I can feel all that dieing as well.. Things change and people move on.

I'm somewhat estranged from my family I suppose. My kids drifted away during the divorce (2002) and I only occasionally see them. My daughter is still here in town, but now that she has a degree I'm not sure how long she will be here. My son is back in Germany winding up his doctorate and calls about every six months or so.. LOL.. My parents disinherited me and my kids in 2007, but never bothered to tell us. They gave everything to my brother and his family.. Just a finality to the way they always treated us, I don't see or talk to them anymore.. Don't need the pain.

I'm back to shooting 1911's and M1A's again.. That's a good albeit expensive hobby. The 29th was the official 100th anniversary of the model 1911. I've met a few guys at the range that I talk to, but really don't know them well enough to call them friends. I did meet a 1911 pistolsmith (thank GOD) that is a really nice guy. It's a business relationship, but we get on well. My brother shot with me last year until the truth came out about the family dealings, so that's over.

Sandy goes to the range with me a lot of the time. She sits in the lounge and plays on the internet with here iPad or reads the kindle. I try to help with her mom and dad and get on with here dad well. So there ya go.. Sandy and her parents are probably my only real friends.. It's been a long road.. Ron

Romy Overdorp

One of the Regulars
The Netherlands
With people when they deal with some one working like the bus driver they some how expect to be able to be rude, demanding and difficult and the bus driver is not supposed to do anything just accept it. I'll bet your friend would not be able to empathize with the bus driver let alone think about how she would have reacted if she were working as the bus driver and had to put up with the same type of shennanigans.

I deal with that sort of rudeness at my work every time in the supermarket. People treat me like I am a doormat.
I am very glad that she isn't my friend anymore, I would get into fights with her constantly.

Black Dahlia

Call Me a Cab
The Portobello Club
Hi BD,

I'm familiar with, "As Time Goes By", but feel that, "Less and Less", like some so-called friends, is a 'tune' best forgotten.....

Danny O

The wise and dashing Danny O has spoken! ;0 And here's to NEW friends! *cheers*

My father always says 'Friends are Overrated' lol

Ha ha, too funny. Well, sometimes they are overrated that's for certain. I know plenty of people who don't have any friends at all, but aren't bothered by it and prefer it that way!

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Black Dahlia

Call Me a Cab
The Portobello Club
That's how my pop is. He says they're too much work and always want something.

Ha ha, I know plenty of people who would agree/get on with your pop Tom! Great new avatar, by the way!

And..hey everyone...I always enjoy meeting new people and making friends. So...if you want a new friend, PM me! I promise I won't bite.
Portage, Wis.
Thank you! I'd go nuts without my friends. Every weekend I'm out terrorizing the town with them lol

Ha ha, I know plenty of people who would agree/get on with your pop Tom! Great new avatar, by the way!

And..hey everyone...I always enjoy meeting new people and making friends. So...if you want a new friend, PM me! I promise I won't bite.
Orange County, CA
Not too long ago there was a minor news story about a student who got in trouble for wearing a T-shirt to school with the following:

"A Friend will Help you Move -- A True Friend will Help you Move a Body."

Portage, Wis.
I went from a 1960 Chevy Bel-Air, to a 2003 Crown Vic Interceptor, to a 1958 Chevy Delray, to a 1987 Caprice Wagon, a 1968 Chevy C30, a 1963 Impala, a 1979 Buick, a 2000 Crown Vic Interceptor, and a 1996 Silverado. Now, I'm looking into getting a Cadillac. I love my American Iron, big, rear-wheel-drive and 8 Cylinders, just the way God intended.

There was a time I would have agreed with you. Then I owned cars made by Ford, GM, and Dodge; I love my Honda Ridgeline! :rockon:


Rude Once Too Often
'I must admit I love my friends Dearly, however, I'm crazy about Listeners'



Justin B

One Too Many
Lubbock, TX
Love my friends, though on occation I really hope the saying of birds of a feather flocking together isn't true. Surely I'm not that crazy...


One of the Regulars
Bergen, Norway
I have 3 close friends (the only two guys I totally trust, except for my family) and a bunch of other friends and acquaintances whom I meet from time to time (usually when I´m cubbing lol) .. So usually it´s just the 4 of us, but I still have contact with nearly all of the people I went to primary/high-school with (I´m 23 this year) so that´s nice :)

Miss Moonlight

A-List Customer
San Diego
I have several friends, a ton of acquaintances, and a few very close friends whom I love like family.

Unfortunately not one of them lives in the same state as I do anymore. It's made living here exceedingly lonely. I look forward to getting out and meeting people of similar interests, which wll hopefully happen soon thanks to my mother moving up and her baby-sitting help.

I never thought at 41 I'd be looking to find new friends.

I've always been shy though and it makes me wonder how on earth I made the friends I have back in Cali. Then I recall... ah, met almost all of them in clubs while alcohol flowed. lol (BTW, don't take shy for meaning frail/fragile/afraid. It's just a wall one can't really explain. It's not like I'm shaking in my boots. I just don't.... 'connect' easily with others. Unless, apparently, social lubricant is administered. Here I roll my own eyes at me.)

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