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This is so cool I just have to share it.
For three years I have been waiting for someone to create a phone that has fantastic multimedia power, huge screen, has the cool apps that are being made for the iphone and be a world phone that I can take anywhere and just change sim cards.
I had a iphone for 48 hours when they first came out. It was close....very close....but I couldn't hang with all the Apple trappings. Since then many of the issues I had with have been addressed accept the heavy handed control....unless you jail break it....and even then you can't change a battery easily. This is not to bash the iphone. For those died in the wool Apple people, it's the right choice. Besides, Apple deserves much credit for steering the market back in the right direction from the poor Palm swing of small screen for the sake of a keyboard.
Nevertheless, I was waiting for the free market to respond....and they have. I am really thrilled with the Android OS. It is not perfect...but what is? Yet it is very powerful and completely open ended. Anyone can write an app for it and there is no gate keeper to say yeah or neah. The free market has fully embraced Android. Every cell phone maker....except Apple....either have an Android phone out or one in the pipeline. Motorola plans to release 30 Android phones world wide this year.
My first Android phone was the MyTouch. I knew it was a stepping stone since it lacked a few frequencies I needed for traveling abroad but I wanted to get in the game. I was able to get T-mobile to unlock it for my trip to Sydney. It worked pretty well down under. I just swapped sim cards and was able to use my MyTouch for calls. Data was limping along on their edge network. This was a leap forward from me using cheap pay-as-you-go phones with no data.
A few weeks ago the Google Nexus One was released. I was one of the first to receive it. For the most part it meets all of my goals for a phone/device. It is smoking fast due to the snap dragon processor. The screen is huge. I love the live wallpapers. When you hook it up via USB, the memory card is accessible just like a flash drive. You can drag and drop and view files from your desktop file manager. It is completely open.
Google also has some apps on the OS like Google Goggles where you use photos to search instead of words. Just take a picture of something and Google will search it. Also Google maps has some powerful moves that are specific to the Nexus One.
I just returned from England and Canada where the phone worked flawlessly. No more schlepping multiple phones around. Now I just brings sims.
It sounds cheesy.....but it is the phone of my dreams.
Here are some cool videos about it:
http://www.youtube.com/user/GoogleNexusOne?feature=pyv&ad=4071948730&kw=nexxus 1#p/u/0/I6COwgigJ-g
and one comparing it to the iphone:
For three years I have been waiting for someone to create a phone that has fantastic multimedia power, huge screen, has the cool apps that are being made for the iphone and be a world phone that I can take anywhere and just change sim cards.
I had a iphone for 48 hours when they first came out. It was close....very close....but I couldn't hang with all the Apple trappings. Since then many of the issues I had with have been addressed accept the heavy handed control....unless you jail break it....and even then you can't change a battery easily. This is not to bash the iphone. For those died in the wool Apple people, it's the right choice. Besides, Apple deserves much credit for steering the market back in the right direction from the poor Palm swing of small screen for the sake of a keyboard.
Nevertheless, I was waiting for the free market to respond....and they have. I am really thrilled with the Android OS. It is not perfect...but what is? Yet it is very powerful and completely open ended. Anyone can write an app for it and there is no gate keeper to say yeah or neah. The free market has fully embraced Android. Every cell phone maker....except Apple....either have an Android phone out or one in the pipeline. Motorola plans to release 30 Android phones world wide this year.
My first Android phone was the MyTouch. I knew it was a stepping stone since it lacked a few frequencies I needed for traveling abroad but I wanted to get in the game. I was able to get T-mobile to unlock it for my trip to Sydney. It worked pretty well down under. I just swapped sim cards and was able to use my MyTouch for calls. Data was limping along on their edge network. This was a leap forward from me using cheap pay-as-you-go phones with no data.
A few weeks ago the Google Nexus One was released. I was one of the first to receive it. For the most part it meets all of my goals for a phone/device. It is smoking fast due to the snap dragon processor. The screen is huge. I love the live wallpapers. When you hook it up via USB, the memory card is accessible just like a flash drive. You can drag and drop and view files from your desktop file manager. It is completely open.
Google also has some apps on the OS like Google Goggles where you use photos to search instead of words. Just take a picture of something and Google will search it. Also Google maps has some powerful moves that are specific to the Nexus One.
I just returned from England and Canada where the phone worked flawlessly. No more schlepping multiple phones around. Now I just brings sims.
It sounds cheesy.....but it is the phone of my dreams.

Here are some cool videos about it:
http://www.youtube.com/user/GoogleNexusOne?feature=pyv&ad=4071948730&kw=nexxus 1#p/u/0/I6COwgigJ-g
and one comparing it to the iphone: