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Comments You Get When You Dress Vintage

Miss Golightly

Call Me a Cab
Dublin, Ireland
Miss sofia said:
My son's friend (12 going on 44), tonight, when we went out for supper and i was in a forties dress, victory rolls, etc. He asked me what era my outfit was and then said, "Well i can't relate to it, but i like it"!! (Then spent the rest of the meal wearing my clip-on earrings as they were 'cool' too apparently!) lol lol lol

What a sound young man! :)

Miss sofia

One Too Many
East sussex, England
Thankyou for the compliments, it's lovely to suppose that my son will have such a friend for life and such a nice kid at that. His Mum is one of my best friends. My son is not so receptive to some of my clothes however, he doesn't like my forties hair for example, he thinks it's scary haha. But he doesn't mind the clip- ons either! x


Familiar Face
Northamptonshire, England
I went shopping this afternoon and while queuing to pay I heard a lady and her daughter talking about my outfit. The daughter said something along the lines of "She looks nice. Kind of 40s or 50s....like Doris Day!"
I couldn't help but giggle a little bit because I don't resemble Doris Day in any way but I'm sure it was well meant.

Jasmine Jolene

One of the Regulars
Somewhere, Under the Sea...in the UK
Black Dahlia said:


:eek:fftopic: i've said it before and i'll say it again - i absolutely love your hair!


One Too Many
Portland, Oregon
Miss sofia said:
Actually i went to the pub this evening and the bartender told me i looked like Anjelica Houston. Which was interesting, as i don't look anything like her at all, (i wish). ;)

I have been told also that I resemble Anjelica Houston on several occations. I do have to agree that I see it in you.


Practically Family
St Paul, Minnesota
Miss sofia said:
Thankyou for the compliments, it's lovely to suppose that my son will have such a friend for life and such a nice kid at that. His Mum is one of my best friends. My son is not so receptive to some of my clothes however, he doesn't like my forties hair for example, he thinks it's scary haha. But he doesn't mind the clip- ons either! x
My eight year old told me the other day that i didn't need to curl my hair to look pretty that both he and daddy think I look pretty with straight hair. He also asked my husband a few times why he doesn't wear his hair like his friend Evans dad. Evans dad is a politician and dresses like a middle aged doofus I wanted to tell my son the daddy doesn't dress like that because he is not a dork but I restrained myself as children like to repeat things. Anyway my off topic point is that kids usually don't want to stand out in a crowd at a certain age and when you don't do what the masses do they don't always understand but I think will appreciate more when they are older.


Practically Family
St Paul, Minnesota
Ok today at a fleamarket I was wearing Jean and a 49ers Jacket (it was chilly outside) and a lady told me I needed a dress to go with my hair. I restrained myself from commenting on her non vintage appearance. :p


One Too Many
^ That's interesting, as I often feel my hair is too much when I'm just wearing jeans and a jacket and so end up with either a simple updo or a scarf tied Rosie style instead.


Practically Family
St Paul, Minnesota
Smuterella said:
^ That's interesting, as I often feel my hair is too much when I'm just wearing jeans and a jacket and so end up with either a simple updo or a scarf tied Rosie style instead.

See that was the thing, it was in a simple up do with side combs and a simple rolled in the back.


One of the Regulars
BC, Canada
Today I was at Overwaitea (Save On Foods now) buying Croissants and the lady behind the counter came up suddenly and said "Hi, your lipstick is beautiful! It looks stunning on you!" so I smiled and said thank you. It was so sweet. :)
I guess it wasn't really a "Comment You Get When You Dress Vintage" but the lipstick is kind of part of the look, and I was wearing a 1940s type ensemble.


A-List Customer
Today I got so many compliments on my dress, it was crazy. A cashier, friends, random strangers; even a mailman stopped me to tell me I was wearing the best dress he's seen on campus in the 17 years he's been on the job.

Now that's all great, right? But today was the day I was stepping out of my comfort zone and wearing a red polyester 1960s or 70s mod dress lol. So, maybe I should ditch the really old stuff and become a full time swingin' sixties mod girl... haha, I would never ever, but it's kinda sad how much more of a positive reaction I got wearing polyester.

Dress pictures:
(Was wearing it with black knit tights, cowboy boots, and rag curls pulled back with combs.)

Lily Powers

Practically Family
RodeoRose said:
Today I got so many compliments on my dress, it was crazy. A cashier, friends, random strangers; even a mailman stopped me to tell me I was wearing the best dress he's seen on campus in the 17 years he's been on the job.

Now that's all great, right? But today was the day I was stepping out of my comfort zone and wearing a red polyester 1960s or 70s mod dress lol. So, maybe I should ditch the really old stuff and become a full time swingin' sixties mod girl... haha, I would never ever, but it's kinda sad how much more of a positive reaction I got wearing polyester.

Dress pictures:
(Was wearing it with black knit tights, cowboy boots, and rag curls pulled back with combs.)

They were probably reacting to the bright color and your overall charming sense of style. And there's nothing wrong with tossing in something from another era if you love the look of it. :)


New in Town
Leicester, UK
I still haven't had the courage to wear anything vintage/vintage inspired to college! I'm just too nervous, I get nasty comments fairly frequently as it is (Tranny and the D word are especially popular at the moment due to my pixie cut) so I'm just a little too scared! I did wear some victory rolls for my prom when I was 16 and one day last year I did a Rosie-esque up-do with a nice scarf and I got a lot of lovely comments :)

That said, my friend spends her life buying and wearing vintage clothes and she seems to get a mixed bag of comments. I always think she looks so wonderfully put together, as do most of the people I know through art and photography. However, the majority of the 'normal' people I know always make really snide comments along the lines of 'But don't you always think she looks a little.. immature?' or 'Well it works for her I guess but she looks like a granny!'.

I think the thing with younger ladies is that they want to look 'grown up' and for some reason they always seem to think dressing nicely and wearing vintage makes you immature. I never understood why, I always think vintage just makes you look that much more elegant and 'adult'.


Familiar Face
Kiri - I actually had a customer today say to me at the end of the sale that she *loved* my make-up! Considering I was wearing work clothing (a blue&grey pattern shift dress) my make-up was the only thing remotely vintage. In other words getting complemented on make-up/lipstick counts as much as clothing!

Magpye - don't worry what other people think or say, as long as you are happy that is all that matters. I get stared at, and have had some rude comments, but it doesn't change how I feel about myself. And to be fair alot of younger 'ladies' find that pyjama bottoms, uggs, ridiculously back-combed hair and orange faces make them look older and better (at least from around my town anyway), in other words why worry about what someone else is saying if they have a different attitude to appearance!


One of the Regulars
Oh Magpye, so sad that you can't even get by at college without the nasty comments. If you can't be a little outside the box at college, where can you? I'm with OneandOnly; just be yourself and ignore the negative and soak up the positive. You're a lovely girl!


A-List Customer
Hey Magpye, I know it's easier said than done, but if you want to add some vintage style to your wardrobe, you really should go for it and ignore what others say. Clothes are just clothes. They're pieces of fabric we each choose based on their perceived aesthetic value. No one's gonna die or get hurt if they don't like your outfit. It's so trivial anyway; just wear what makes you happy and don't overanalyze people's reactions or psych yourself out. I've been fawned over and I've been mocked for my clothes, but I like 'em, so I keep 'em.

Also, if some people call your vintage friend immature while others see her style as granny-like, then it's pretty clear neither party are accurately describing her! The sad truth is that not many kids these days have the faintest idea about what was worn in the first three quarters of the 20th century.

I'm a freshman at University this fall, and while I definitely stand out in this sea of denim and sweat pants, I just choose to surround myself with friends who admire my style but like me enough as a person to stay my friend even if I start wearing velour tracksuits everyday.

Sorry to ramble on so; it's just a topic I've had so much experience with in high school. And if that's you in your avatar, your pixie cut's adorable!

Lily Powers said:
They were probably reacting to the bright color and your overall charming sense of style. And there's nothing wrong with tossing in something from another era if you love the look of it. :)

Thanks for the kind words; it is fun to slip into a new era every once and a while, though I think i'll make my rule one item of polyester in my closet at a time lol.


One of the Regulars
Lincoln, UK
Magpye - Awwww that's so horrible the way you are treated at college. I went to college in Stamford and we would sometimes get the train over to Leicester to go shopping. I never would have thought your college experience would be so different to mine though. If anyone ever had a problem with the way I dressed (back then VERY 80's) then they certainly kept the knife behind my back. And seriously I would show up wearing horrific outfits! :D Chin up dear! and wear exactly what you want.
One and only - they dress like that in Stamford too!

Black Dahlia

Call Me a Cab
The Portobello Club
Magpye, I'm saddened to hear this too. It seems like things never change...it was like that when I was in high school (though I realize you're talking about college). *sighs* I just did what I wanted, wore what I felt like, and yes received negative comments, even from 'friends' - but, in the end, you have to be happy with yourself, and be yourself. That's most important, not what others think.

When I was in Gr. 8 I went to a prom/dance all 1960s, complete with bouffant, black eyeliner, vintage jewelery, etc. It was 1990, and I stuck out like a sore thumb..no one in my area was into the 60s look at that time (there was no Amy Winehouse and co. bringing that style to the mainstream then). I certainly got made fun of that night :*(, but when I look back at those photos I smile. :) I'm happy I did my own thing, even then!


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