This is a series of 13 articles from The American Hatter running from Jan 1921 to Jan 1922. Unfortunately, Article #7 is missing. It was part of some pages missing from the July 1921 copy of the magazine.
There's been a fair amount of speculation on the Lounge about just exactly what was Kettle Finish on hats. I've solved that mystery with the attached article from The American Hatter, issue of Jan 1922, which shows the kettles used in this operation. This article was the final installment of a...
To me, the Stetson Lot Number on any hat is like a fingerprint or DNA evidence that Stetson made that hat. I don't understand why people insist on trying to manufacture, theorize, or insert some third party into the equation. Same applies for hats made by Stetson for the Miller Fine Hats Co. of...
You and I have already discussed this subject by PM. I don't have anything new to add to that discussion. But since you added a photo, here's a photo of him wearing a hat pretty similar to mine and seems to be from about the same time period as my hat was made. I'm not claiming that this is my...
That's as bad as some of my hats that got a tour of America! Now that Trump is trying to completely take over USPS, as of this week, we'll see how much crazier it can get. I had a feeling that DeJoy suddenly resigning was a sign of some kind of crazy surprise about to be unveiled.
Late 1940's Dobbs Forty with 2 7/8 inch bound brim and 5 1/2 inch open crown. I just quickly reshaped the hat for these photos as I took it out of the box. There is some sort of clear cover on the liner, oilskin or whatever. This is a pure beaver hat.
None of this surprises me, but thanks for confirming my suspicions. I knew that Trump had lobbied for the privatization of the Postal Service before his first term as President.
Looking back, it seems like Trump appointed members of the Board, who in turn made DeJoy the Postmaster, he being a Trump mega-donor. And I think DeJoy owns a business that competes with the Postal Service, or there's some kind of conflict of interest. I distinctly remember that one of the first...
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