This video contains sections of a very rare 1941 film by Janyška & Cie. of hand felt making methods (the only historical visual record). Starts around 5:10 and ends 9:45. The film was supposedly restored (see photo below) but I haven't had any luck finding a copy. The video also contains...
Deutsche Hutmacher-Zeitung (German Hat Maker News), January 11, 1930 from the from the Gotisches Haus (Gothic House) Bad Homburg , Germany collection. Advertisements, industry news and company lists.
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Deutsche Hutmacher-Zeitung (German Hat Maker News), February 9, 1929 from the from the Gotisches Haus (Gothic House) Bad Homburg , Germany collection. Advertisements, industry news and company lists.
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"Revue De La Chapellerie" (1912) from the Gotisches Haus (Gothic House) Hat Museum Collection, Bad Homburg, Germany. Many great advertisements and company lists. This was the French Hat Industry newspaper...
Dehazet Supplier Directory For The Entire Hat Industry And Related Businesses (1928)
This is a very important find I made on my recent (September...
Karl Schulpig, THE HAT, Ten Original Woodcuts, Introduction By Walter F. Schubert, Autumn 1925.
Deutsche Hutmacher-Zeitung (German Hat Maker News), December 15, 1936 from the from the Gotisches Haus (Gothic House) Bad Homburg , Germany collection. This a special edition for the Scandinavian market. This is in German and Swedish but well worth taking a look at.
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Deutsche Hutmacher-Zeitung (German Hat Maker News), Der Deutsche Huthändler (German Hat Sellers), April 11, 1925 from the from the from the Gotisches Haus (Gothic House) Bad Homburg , Germany collection. This is in German but well worth taking a look at. There are some really great...
Deutsche Hutmacher-Zeitung (German Hat Maker News), Der Deutsche Huthändler (German Hat Sellers), October 1. 1919 from the from the from the Gotisches Haus (Gothic House) Bad Homburg , Germany collection. This is in German but well worth taking a look at.
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"Berlin - Gubener Hutfabrik (Hat Factory), Actiengesellschaft (Public or Private Company) vorm. A. Cohn, Abteilung (Division) Berthold Lissner Guben" from the Gotisches Haus (Gothic House) Bad Homburg, Germany hat collection. This shows wool soft and stiff hat production. There are some...
Giuseppe Borsalino 1834 - 1934 from the from the Gotisches Haus (Gothic House) Bad Homburg , Germany collection. This is going to take some time because the text portion is over 10 pages so please be patient.
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Photo: Guisppe Borsalino 1834 - 1934
Ludwig Zapf Hutmacher is located in the Werfen, Austria. The company Hutmacher Zapf is a traditional Austrian family company based in Werfen, Austria. The company was founded in 1893 and run by Theresa Bartolot (born Zapf) and twelve employees. Ms. Bartolot was gracious enough to give me a...
Anton Pichler k.u.k. Hof - Hutfabrikant Graz, Austria (Styria), Nov. 1, 1914 from the Gotisches Haus (Gothic House) Bad Homburg, Germany hat collection. This is a fantastic collection (during WWI) of mostly very high end dress Velours with pricing and other information (such as quality...
Societa Anonima E. Meucci, Fabbrica di Cappelli di Paglia, Lastra a Signa (Firenze / Florence ) catalog and company prospectus ( probably early 1900s) from the Gotisches Haus (Gothic House) Bad Homburg, Germany hat collection. Lastra a Signa was the birth place of Western straw plait and the...
Mayser-Milz & Cie. "Exotenstumpen und Strohgeflechte Für Herren Sommerhüte / Exotic Straw Hoods and Straw Braids for Men's Summer Hats". I think this is really special / informative so I am going to post a bunch of photos. This is from Deutsches Hutmuseum Kulturfabrik, Lindenberg, Germany...
This a new hat museum in Lindenberg, Germany that opened in December 2014. It's housed in the restored Ottmar Reich hat factory. Lindenberg in Allgäu was the straw hat making center of Germany and also became a felt hat making center in the early 1900s. Mayser has had operations their since...
J. Reichenbach (1913) catalog from the Gotisches Haus (Gothic House) Bad Homburg , Germany Hat collection. J. Reichenbach were a distributor and small manufacturer of hats and caps.
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Every Hat Has The Mark of Good Quality.
Own Workshops For Manufacture And...
Albertini 1817 Intra "Paticulars" catalog from the Gotisches Haus (Gothic House) Bad Homburg, Germany hat collection. This catalog is pre WWII and includes ribbon, brim, crown dimensions. Albertini E. & Cia. Intra, Italy was located in the same area (Novara near Lake Maggiore) as Panizza...
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