I have travelled the world during my 66 years and simply love a well made pizza. Having eaten pizza in every visit, I would say that the best made pizzas just happen to be made by the everyday mom and pop small town deli-variety stores. This is especially true of those places that have...
Interesting point about American versus English riding gear. Actually, I believe there is a third area you have not pointed out that needs mentioning. It is the US Military impact on American riding gear.
Prior to 1940, millions served in the US military and whose clothing was included the...
Nicely done, Evan. I'll be posting some photos as well. Only thing is I got kicked by a horse this evening and will be laid up for a few days. Took two hoofs direct center on both mid-thighs and a very nicely defined horseshoe mark on each thigh. Ouchy!!!!, as my daughter used to say.
Here is my pair of WWII Impressions khaki breeches. Notice the baggy look to them. I recommend against these. Price is approx $130. NOTE: I do not have a pr of WPG khaki breeches so I can't speak for their brand.
Photos of the US Army Breeches (as they should fit) and found on ebay...
I have done business with both What Price Glory, WWII Impressions and Schipperfabrik and here are a few thoughts.
The Khaki breeches are ok but the fit is problematic. They tend to be cut such that the flair starts immediately at the knee rather than 3-4 inches above the knee as they...
Great outfit here. There was a time in the thirties when this was the norm for guys in the outdoors whether it be riding, vacationing in the national parks, camping with the family or working in the woods. One good thing is the revival of the flaired breeches for riding but for little else.
Such a great departure from the formality of the big city and its comforts/elegance. This is what rural America was and still is for many of us. Wonderful!
Formal Bib-Front Shirts - Recent purchase
I have just added these two white collarless vintage (30s/40s) shirts to my formal white tie and black tie ensembles. The bib front and cuffs are stiff as they should be. What is great is the second photo with the loops for braces which you rarely...
I'm looking for a pair of nice collar studs for white and black tie formal kits I'm putting together. I am working on collars right now. I have the boiled front shirts and waistcoats already in place. If anyone has a set of duplicate collar studs you wish to part with for a good home, please...
Now, Now gentlemen. I appreciate everyone's opinion here and would hope that we now get down to the business of appropriate attire, etal. I too find that today's standards are more mundane than the styles of let's say more than two generations ago and it is irksome to see presidents and heads...
I agree, Fletch. There isn't much in the way of combat car crew uniform information anywhere, especially in the 30s time period. What is the consensus of discussing 30s cavalry uniforms/clothing in general and related organizations here, or should another thread be opened? I could contribute...
Riding apparel is all relative. Western wear is perfectly acceptable. Any photos along that line are appreciated. I've got a few photos coming shortly.
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