Interesting that you should ask. My artistic background is not as well refined as to having seen Frederic Church's work although I do paint with oils (self taught). That being said, my interest in photography and art has been influenced more by contemporary realist like James Aponovich but...
Great photos, HanauMan. Also visited St. Bartholomew church but the weather was overcast and were unable to get the breathtaking views you were able to see. Nice.
Good to hear that you are nearby. No, I'm not familiar with that site but will look it up. I have a camp on Akers Pond in Errol, NH, going on 36 years now and about 45 miles from Pittsburg. Keep posting your photos. Just love sunsets. Especially panoramas.
This is more usual than out of the ordinary in Northern Vt and NH. I'm not far from you as the crow flies. Love the sunsets. Have hundreds of photos. Have posted many of them in this forum and will have more to come. Nice photos.
Why? Because of the German architecture and your photos make my point. It is fascinating, regardless where one goes in Germany. Share as many and as often as possible.
My favorite uniform just happens to be the 1836 National Lancer Uniform. (A variation thereof). This is a photo taken in Salem, Mass. with me in right front lead position with U.S. Colors and mounted on Grant (16.5H Percheron). Enjoy
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