Funny you should say that. I had four people mistake me for Dave on Saturday, which he got a tremendous kick out of. When he finally did show up, a couple of people insisted on a photo of us together.
Here's a couple of pix of me performing at the 10th Annual Cigar Box Guitar Festival in Huntsville, Alabama on Saturday. I'm playing a couple of my many homemade instruments: a cigar box mandola and a cookie tin banjo.
I founded the festival a decade ago as a celebration of primitive homemade...
This is what I was wearing on Saturday when I performed at the 10th Annual Cigar Box Guitar Festival in Huntsville, Alabama. This is an event that I founded, but hadn't actually performed at in several years.
Not my usual look, but keeping with the rural Southern heritage of the homamade...
For me the smell of WD-40 instantly brings back memories of my first go-cart and motorcycle. Specifically of going with my dad to the motorcycle shop to pick out my first true motorcyle, a Yamaha 80 Enduro. I was eight years old. The smell of fresh rubber and lubricants gets me every time. I can...
Last night I finally watched MUSCLE SHOALS, the documentary about the music recording business in the unlikely small southern town of Muscle Shoals, Alabama and it's far reaching and long lasting impact on popular music both in the US and abroad. Both The Beatles and The Rolling Stones covered...
I remember my father buying Bit-o-honey for us out of a vending machine while on vacation to the Smoky Mountains. It's one of my earliest clear childhood vacation memories. I don't imagine I was more than 3 or 4 years old, so that would but the year around 1969 or 70, although I know it's been...
Memorial Day dinner for me was Barbecue Ribs, barbecued(smoked) bologna, grilled hotdogs, barbecue baked beans, slaw, and buttered barbecue bread - all thanks to my fantastic in-laws.
Tonight will be leftovers of the same.
Indeed, I see The Fedora Lounge is the very antithesis of the baseball cap ethic. Baseball caps are fine . . . if you're on a ball field, attending a ball game as a fan, or engaged in some very casual weekend leisure activity. I'm guilty of wearing a baseball cap myself from time to time.
Sounds like a very interesting show. Unfortunately I no longer get Showtime. I cancelled my $150 per month DirecTV subscription in favor of a $16.00 combined total for Netflix Streaming and Hulu Plus through my Roku player. So I guess I'll have to wait a season or two until it shows up on one of...
I absolutely hate the half-hearted attempt at giving the '83 series a 1940's look. The costumes largely look and fit like 1970s/80s clothes. The hairstyles were 80s. The cinematography screamed 1980s TV. About the only thing worth looking at was the fairly decent recreation of Rick's Cafe...
Nice looking highway style jacket. Reminds me a little bit of the officially licensed "Fonzie" jacket I had as a teenager, minus the knit cuffs and waistband.
The Big Sleep, for about the 30th time. I have both the 1944 and 1946 versions and love them equally.
I often watch/listen to this movie on the DVD player in my car. Since I know it so well there's no need to divert my eyes from the road to keep up with what's going on. There are several film...
Is that the one like Steve Martin wore in Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid? I've been waiting to see that!
This one here? OK, I see it's a little bit different, but very cool none-the-less.
Sounds delicious. You know, seeing as how we're not so far away, we really need to plan on a get together sometime. Maybe even expand that to a Southeastern lounger's meetup.
I have for awhile been thinking of trying to organize a monthly dinner meet-up for people with a like-interest in...
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