I'm 6', 210lbs, haven't been to the gym in about 3-4 years, my Vanson 44 is my best fitting jacket, snug and sweet. The massive arm gussets do a lot for mobility so it feels great as well!
That sucks, he's gonna have his Paypal account terminated at the very least for violating their T&C and Paypal should fight for your side once you provide the evidence for them, but it's up to payment provider at this point. Hope for a speedy resolution in your favour mate!
Fine Creek is also quite popular in Japan as well, I think because it's heavily pushed by Lightning Magazine, and also one of their former Editor-in-Chief pretty much exclusively wears Fine Creek/High Large/etc.
The brand rides almost exclusively on hype lol
The eBay seller is a reseller so they may not have the full stock run.
Here is their official Aliexpress store: https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005003215803151.html?spm=a2g0o.store_pc_groupList.8148356.5.51213c55lkUisf&pdp_npi=2@dis!USD!US $19.92!US...
Lovely jacket, perfect length and I love the D-pocket, this one is my favourite design from Thedi and I enquired about it after seeing your posts before.
Will go perfect with some high-rise pants.
Lovely, I really like these Ike jackets, and also all the similar variants around the world, I have an Australian one which is based more closely on the British version, and unlined. These US Ike jackets are probably the best though, I like the liner and side cinch adjusters.
This one was my size, but I figured given customs + shipping to Australia (that they didn't offer), it would have easily cleared over a grand. Was secretly hoping it was gonna go nuclear and way out of my price range so I don't feel bad for missing out on it lol
Don't Star Gloves typically command a high price? Plus this one has a sweet Crown zip, the ones I've seen for sale at least have all been listed extremely high but have been sitting around as a result. I guess with most auctions you can't really tell the end price range until the last 10 minutes!
I like the triangle patch reinforcements on the pocket edges, is this a vintage detail? I have only seen it on vintage cloth jackets but unable to find references on leather. I think I saw one where it was reinforced like this with a pocket repair but I can't find the image anymore.
Is this the...
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