Respectfully disagree. Nothing wrong with asking for collective advice. It can cost lots of time and money seeking things out, and then trying them out.
PS - I would very likely never gotten the Silverman's N-1 if it wasn't for your advice!!! A very unique product.
I've never seen this brand before, but it does have French seams and the label looks period from the distance (50s?). Hopefully better TFL detectives will chime in here.
PS - please do not ask for valuation.
Correct, HD Sportster is cut with broad shoulders. I should know, I owned four of them (now one), and my puny shoulders swam in every one of them even if the rest of the fit was perfect, lol.
While I generally agree with the above, and can confirm that V-shaped jackets (like Cals) can help make even my decidedly non-athletic upper body look better, the hourglass shape can be function-driven.
Case in point - HD Sportster CR, which is definitely hourglass (and therefore not...
If you wear it unzipped, no problem. Zipped - too tight, looks uncomfortable. Your call obviously, but I'd be tempted to see how one size up would look.
I went into a major rabbit hole with Cooper Field Jackets in goat leather (M-65) a few years ago. I must have gone through five of them until I realized they are not for me. Solid jackets, though, still for about $100-150 on ebay.
If you like military style field jackets (think M-65, but in leather), you can put Cooper, leather, field jacket into ebay search. Quite boxy, but you may get some ideas.
Leather is plastic (deforms) when wet. If I had a jacket that I liked that pressed against my neck from behind or hanged on my neck, I would wet the offending area of the jacket until soaked through, and wear the damn thing until it dries. I would try to push against the wet jacket as much as I...
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