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  1. Siggmund

    Mash A-10 gloves

    Those look and sound like they're great. Hope you get some weather to suit them. I just bought a pair of Aero RAF 1933 pattern straight zip gauntlets to go with my pre-war ELC Irvin, but they are not warm. Pilots of the day wore silk liners, but I haven't found anything suitable along that...
  2. Siggmund

    Sewing machine used to make flight jackets during WW2...

    That looks to be an industrial Singer. It's a beefier version than one would likely be used by a dress maker. They weigh a ton and can sew through just about anything. My friend shot a wooden yardstick across the room by "flooring it" just for laughs.
  3. Siggmund

    Anyone else has creases on the front of the jacket

    These posts have been lively and witty, but I think the OP had a valid concern about his wrinkles not necessarily everybody's wrinkles. His wrinkles look seriously, well, serious. As in, "Those are some serious wrinkles you've got there on the front of your jacket." Haven't most of us wondered...
  4. Siggmund

    Anyone else has creases on the front of the jacket

    I think the creases are a function of the design: the narrow panels that run up the front will create a furrow because there is a seam that raises the leather on either side and the panels are attached to the collar in a way that actually creates a pinch that accentuates the tendency for the...
  5. Siggmund

    WTB: Seal Brown Goatskin

    Thanks for the guidance!
  6. Siggmund

    ALL ORIGINAL Irvin RAF type Jackets - Loving that Wolf in sheeps' clothing!

    Tinkering is a good word for how you get into this stuff, then as you develop experience, you get bolder and neater and someone might call it "restoration". Or maybe it's just tinkering until you're getting paid. Then it's called restoration. Haha!
  7. Siggmund

    WTB: Seal Brown Goatskin

    My old 44 LL Bean Flying Tigers A-2 has rotted-through at the back of the collar. Hair oil, no doubt, did the damage. I want to replace the collar; I have the skills and an appropriate sewing machine, but I need the leather. Ideally, someone out there has a broken-down goat A-2 that the collar...
  8. Siggmund

    ALL ORIGINAL Irvin RAF type Jackets - Loving that Wolf in sheeps' clothing!

    Haha! Good Doggie Daddy. Have you done restoration on that jacket as well?
  9. Siggmund

    ALL REPRO R.A.F. Irvin type jackets

    So badass!
  10. Siggmund

    ALL ORIGINAL Irvin RAF type Jackets - Loving that Wolf in sheeps' clothing!

    Paul, lovely jacket and an odd bit of damage. Maybe the wearer had zip most of the way down when the opening got violently snagged on something and ripped the whole end off. Well, you've brought it back from an otherwise tragic end. Nice work.
  11. Siggmund

    Negative comments about your jackets from others

    MeachamLake, Just speculating, but what if the problem is not really about jackets but more along the lines of "who gets the last word"? So the thing would be to get her to feel like it's her idea for you to wear one of your icky jackets. For example, maybe you could ask her, "Which one is...
  12. Siggmund

    Delayed Sticker Shock.

    Xopher, keep in mind that's it's not an addiction unless it interferes with your functioning* and/or you can't quit when you want to. That probably lets most every FL'er off the hook. - Who wants to quit? Also, consider the entertainment value of collecting: fantasizing, fiddling about on FL...
  13. Siggmund

    My flight in a B-25. And the jacket for the occasion was ...

    Stand By, kudos on the great narrative, pics and insights into the realities aboard a B-25. I wonder how it would've handled with a belly full of bombs and weapons. It sure sounds like it was all rock 'n roll for your flight.
  14. Siggmund

    Just when you thought you had seen it all . . . (Warning: Not for the fainthearted)

    This is hysterical! Maybe it provides flotation if you fall overboard or functions like an airbag if you're in a car wreck. Or maybe it contains vodka in case of, well, anything.
  15. Siggmund

    Another B-3 repro thread

    Great look and great fit. With the stubble and the determined frown you look tough! Got a .50 cal machine gun?
  16. Siggmund

    So trivial, yet it really ticks you off.

    The repetitive grinding and clatter of skateboards at midnight outside my bedroom window drives me nuts.
  17. Siggmund

    Reissue A-2, Cockpit USA

    I'd like that. Curious about his thoughts about the men who flew missions: does he often think about them or is he just in the "do the job" mode? What's it like to fly it - or the P-51? Not the sensations but more like what does it mean to him?
  18. Siggmund

    Reissue A-2, Cockpit USA

    Please DO ask. I have always been curious about those heaters. You see the ducts on schematic drawings, and I had the impression that the forward crewmen generally wore A-2's, but (other than the fact that Aluminum Overcast doesn't fly at altitudes where it would be 30 below) an actual B-17...
  19. Siggmund

    So trivial, yet it really ticks you off.

    Haha! So true. I don't know...Doesn't seem like people blabbing on their phones have intruded on our space? Our air space? Guy at the airport in the gate assembly area talking really LOUD. So I go stand right in front of him. He turns around and keeps it up. To me it's like the jack--- who...
  20. Siggmund

    So trivial, yet it really ticks you off.

    People "talking to themselves" on their bluetooth headset. It screams, "Look at ME!" There used to be a guy in our town, long hair, torn jeans, L.A. junkie shades; sort of a cross between glam and grunge; Les Paul case in hand (anything in it?), looking around to see who was looking at him. I...

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