The problem was, they ran out of stories to tell, so they just started making up asinine storylines. It should have ended five years ago.
Just what I was thinking, Scooby Doo had better storylines than the later dross...
The problem was, they ran out of stories to tell, so they just started making up asinine storylines. It should have ended five years ago.
OH. Speaking of Scooby Doo, they did an episode where Sam and Dean actually enter the world of Scooby Doo and become cartoons. It was AMAZING. You should totally watch that one! That was one of the few really good episodes of the last few years.Just what I was thinking, Scooby Doo had better storylines than the later dross...
Season 13, Episode 16!OH. Speaking of Scooby Doo, they did an episode where Sam and Dean actually enter the world of Scooby Doo and become cartoons. It was AMAZING. You should totally watch that one! That was one of the few really good episodes of the last few years.
OMG...must see thatOH. Speaking of Scooby Doo, they did an episode where Sam and Dean actually enter the world of Scooby Doo and become cartoons. It was AMAZING. You should totally watch that one! That was one of the few really good episodes of the last few years.
OH GOD. I tried watching that! haha!The Trailer Park there’s a show![]()
OH GOD. I tried watching that! haha!
B:TAS will always be my favorite adaptation of Batman by a mile. I was lucky enough to have little kids when the series first aired, and therefore an excuse to watch it as an adult who'd been a comics fan since the sixties. I've had the DVDs since they first came out.
Paul Dini, Bruce Timm, had a handle on the character that no other version has managed, one that synthesized fifty years of good ideas and came up with a Batman who's obsessed, yes, but not as nuts as the villains, he's still a proper hero. Fantastic writing and design, stellar voice talent, great music (an original score for each ep played by a 29-piece orchestra, right before cheaper synth-based scores became standard). Psychologically astute and sophisticated crime stories unheard of in afternoon kids TV. Ideas that found their way into later films - Mr. Freeze's tragic backstory [unfortunately ruined by Schmacher and Ahnuld!], Harley Quinn, Mark Hamill's hair-trigger Joker (a huge influence on Ledger and Phoenix), the concept that Batman is the real identify and Bruce Wayne is the disguise...
You know, if Warners/DC had been smart, they would have turned over their films from Man of Steel onward to guys like Dini who actually know how to write these characters well, and these flicks wouldn't be the mostly embarrassing mess we have now.
This was the reason my friends and I enjoyed the Looney Tunes cartoons they showed on TV far more than any of the "Saturday morning" rubbish. The Looney Tunes cartoons were produced primarily for adults, something to entertain them during the intermission between movies in theaters. But the others were "dumbed down" because the people producing them obviously believed children were stupid and couldn't understand humor written at an "adult" level....It was lovely to finally see some animation in the West that unlike the vast majority of it didn't talk down to the audience.
This was the reason my friends and I enjoyed the Looney Tunes cartoons they showed on TV far more than any of the "Saturday morning" rubbish. The Looney Tunes cartoons were produced primarily for adults, something to entertain them during the intermission between movies in theaters. But the others were "dumbed down" because the people producing them obviously believed children were stupid and couldn't understand humor written at an "adult" level.Even as kids we knew when we were being talked down to, and we didn't like it.
I PLOWED through Cobra Kai and absolutely loved it. For an 80’s kid it’s pretty mint. Started Wanda Vision and thought it was brilliant. Loved Mando season 2. Lots of great app based content of late and watching my cable cutting “money saver” plan evaporate in a desert of streaming services is almost as entertaining as the programs themselves.
You’ve got to stick with itfirst season starts off slow and characters gradually develop, it’s like the actors are finding their feet and then it really takes off. What’s really worth a try if you can get access is ‘Still Game’ a crazy comedy about Scottish pensioners.
TBP is one of my favourites, and the Christmas special is a Christmas eve tradition for my wife and I, as we watched it live as it were, Xmas Eve 2004 after my proposal, during its broadcast premiere.
Only times we have not watched it together, the two times I was deployed at sea over Christmas!
Still Game is on Netflix Canada, have not had a chance to see it, will give it a look when I can!