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What Was The Last Movie You Watched?


Familiar Face

Maybe you should do proper research before making accusations against a dead pioneer? Just sayin'...

PS: Although Chuck's theory is very logical, Bruce's death still remains a mystery.

Black Dahlia

Call Me a Cab
The Portobello Club
Regarding Bruce Lee, it depends on the source material you read and what you believe. People that were close to him have varying ideas.

Different examining Doctors (upon his first collapse and then death) also draw different conclusions, though most go with the Equagesic idea. It could have been Equagesic, a mixture of medications or even a reaction to cannabis. He apparently admitted to one examining Dr (after his first collapse) that he was taking hashish.

Anyway, who really knows! The only thing that is certain is that well before his death he wasn't well and was deteriorating (weight loss, displaying different behaviours, etc.). Quite sad.


Atticus Finch

Call Me a Cab
Coastal North Carolina, USA
Night before last I watched something called The Lovely Bones. I'd never heard of it and, for a while, I thought it was going to be a cute little HBO family movie. Nope, not at all. By the time it had ended, it had nearly torn me out of my frame.



Call Me a Cab
Just finished watching J Edger Hoover with Leonardo DiCaprio. A bit disappointed that there was not enough shoot em up stuff in it. I do like a good old fashioned gangster flick. Guess I will have to watch some good old fashioned gangster films now.
New York City
Night before last I watched something called The Lovely Bones. I'd never heard of it and, for a while, I thought it was going to be a cute little HBO family movie. Nope, not at all. By the time it had ended, it had nearly torn me out of my frame.


It is very well done, but as you said, not a happy movie - it takes you to a very dark world - a modern noir film.


One of the Regulars
Night before last I watched something called The Lovely Bones. I'd never heard of it and, for a while, I thought it was going to be a cute little HBO family movie. Nope, not at all. By the time it had ended, it had nearly torn me out of my frame.


I seen that it is available to watch on Youtube. I'll have to check it out.
Regarding Bruce Lee, it depends on the source material you read and what you believe. People that were close to him have varying ideas.

Different examining Doctors (upon his first collapse and then death) also draw different conclusions, though most go with the Equagesic idea. It could have been Equagesic, a mixture of medications or even a reaction to cannabis. He apparently admitted to one examining Dr (after his first collapse) that he was taking hashish.

Anyway, who really knows! The only thing that is certain is that well before his death he wasn't well and was deteriorating (weight loss, displaying different behaviours, etc.). Quite sad.

He was in a downward spiral that is for sure. He was POed from having lost a bid to star in Kung Fu the TV series to none other than David Caradine. He was with a woman, other than his wife, who he purported he was paying to be with him..... Lee had previously used cannabis but he was chewing it like tobacco. :doh: It was sad that he just went off his nut there......
Southern California
...I like Chuck Norris movies---any one of them...



I'll Lock Up
Troy, New York, USA
If there's one over-blown, washed up, pseudo-celebrity I'm sick of hearing about its Chuck effin' Norris. Those "comments" about him weren't funny the FIRST 1000 times I heard them and they ain't funny now. Yeah he could probably kick me up and down the stairs at my advanced age but I'd get my licks in while he was doin' it. I tried to watch "The Octagon" once... spent a weak scrubbing my eyeballs clean. Couldn't make it through any of the others.

If there's one over-blown, washed up, pseudo-celebrity I'm sick of hearing about its Chuck effin' Norris. Those "comments" about him weren't funny the FIRST 1000 times I heard them and they ain't funny now. Yeah he could probably kick me up and down the stairs at my advanced age but I'd get my licks in while he was doin' it. I tried to watch "The Octagon" once... spent a weak scrubbing my eyeballs clean. Couldn't make it through any of the others.


Then again, you liked Deep Space 9 so we can discount your opinion out of hand. :p


Familiar Face
He was in a downward spiral that is for sure. He was POed from having lost a bid to star in Kung Fu the TV series to none other than David Caradine. He was with a woman, other than his wife, who he purported he was paying to be with him..... Lee had previously used cannabis but he was chewing it like tobacco. :doh: It was sad that he just went off his nut there......

Yeah, POed until Enter The Dragon and Game Of Death came along... then he was as happy as a pig in shit...

Betty Ting? The one who never called an ambulance when Bruce was unconscious in her apartment...? Where has Bruce ever said that he was paying this woman to be his mistress?!

Chewing cannabis? Now you're just talking bollocks... Also, a Hollywood star who smokes cannabis now and again is hardly going "off his nut"...

I think it was James Coburn, a close friend of Bruce Lee's, who said that he thought Bruce Lee pushed himself too far fitness-wise. After Bruce's first collapse, friends told him that he should take it easier on himself. Although, after having an LA doctor tell him that he had the body of a 21 year old, he ended up pushing himself even harder. This was all during the filming of Enter The Dragon. A film which Bruce Lee wanted to be as good as possible.

To anybody who supports the theory that hashish killed Bruce Lee: If it hadn't killed anybody before, than why would it have killed one of the fittest people on the planet? Never mind that he was also the greatest martial artist/movie star of the time...


I'll Lock Up
I am not the one to ask about Bruce lee, because this is my favorite fight sean of all times! Lets face it, the last person on earth you expected to see on the next level was Kareem Abdul-Jabbar! [video=youtube;QCPnDmHG6Ws]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCPnDmHG6Ws[/video]

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