Quite simply put... If the gods of Television said you could have one channel and ONLY ONE channel for eternity TCM would be my pick. Where else can you see Serials from the 30's, Grade B horse operas, Grade Z 50's Sci Fi, silent film classics, foreign masterpieces AND the best Hollywood has to offer without one ounce of commercials EVER! It just don't git no better. God Bless you Ted Turner.... (Slurps down a slug o' rye whiskey)
You are as right as rain! In the past year I had to upgrade with Comcast to a more expensive package after They decided to take it away from me. It is by far the most important channel on television in my little world.
The Shop Around the Corner on TCM!
I quit after about 30 mins.Tinker, Tailor, Soldier Spy. Meh. It was okay. I hate those movies where there are so MANY scenes that trying to figure out what's going on is hard.
Tinker, Tailor, Soldier Spy.
Meh. It was okay. I hate those movies where there are so MANY scenes that trying to figure out what's going on is hard.
I have the complete set on DVD of course.![]()
'Atta boy, chucklehead...
A Thinking Man's movie.
Definitely. The End of the Action Movie genre stinks. Now we have man movies made for women. PU!![]()