I'm not sure if the picture is intentionally fuzzy or not. You can't really see the weave pattern to know if it is a really bleached out Montecristi or a Cuenca. Both are woven in the llano weave. The best bet is to look at the underside of the hat and see the vueltas.
That hat is Cuenca. It is not a fine Montecristi Panama hat. Panamabob puts these hats on Ebay all the time. I just looked and he has 9 up for auction right now under.
Genuine Authentic Ecuadorian Panama Hat Cuencano Style.
At a lot better price than that web site.
I thought I would mention that the intentional misspelling is a way to make people think it is what it isn't.
Monte ChristI.
If you are going to sell it know how to spell it!
Hi to all,
I really think that Panamabob could give you a very better hat than that!!
You have to buy a good Montecristi or...nothing!
I got caught up in this Panama Hat thing 15 years ago and I am not so sure that a tight weave makes all that much difference. I wear staws during much of the summer and like them much more than the expensive Pamama I bought back at that time.
First Panamas tend to be a bit floppy unless they have been sprayed with a stiffener. Mine was always blowing out of shape while my staws never do. Even the slightest gust was something to contend with.
I get just as many compliments with my staws as I ever got with my Panama and then only from the few who knew what a Panama actually was.
It's not that I don't like Panamas only that I think ones money is better spent on a vintage straw.
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