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What Is The Strangest Thing You've Ever Seen?


Practically Family
South Suburbs, Chicago
Today? An older, Asian woman running through the mall screamng "a dragon" at the top of her lungs. It turns out someone let released a large pet lizard in the mall and it hid in some couch cusions. It surprised this lady and her english wasn't good enough to communicate "lizard". Not something you see every day.

Atticus Finch

Call Me a Cab
Coastal North Carolina, USA
Hi Folks,

I've seen some strange things in my career, but here's a very odd one:

In the days before cell phones, I stopped at a little road-house one night to use a payphone which was on the wall just outside the door. While I was talking, two drunks walked past me out into the parking lot, very loudly arguing with each other. Suddenly, one of them produced a .22 pistol and fired three times at his drunk friend and, as I later learned, hit him twice in the upper thigh. I'll never forget the sound that little pistol made---Bink!...Bink!...Bink! But the "Target" didn't scream or fall down or do anything that one would expect a shooting victim to do. Instead, both guys just stood there for a while, glaring at each other. Then they walked back into the bar.

I later found out that they were sitting at the bar drinking together again, when a waitress noticed a pool of something forming under Mr. Target's barstool. It wasn't until she showed him his own blood, that he knew that he was hurt. He had been so drunk that he didn't even know he'd been shot!



One Too Many
It used to be Detroit....
Strangest thing (or should I say person) I ever saw was this dame I bumped into at a mall 3 years ago. I was reading a magazine, she came along, took a glance at it and struck a conversation. She was a few years older than me... and stood several inches below my belt line. Still gives me the willies when I remember that little incident.


Practically Family
I was in and out of the hospital about 7 years ago with a serious illness. After a major surgery I had a series of odd roommates. One older guy complained nonstop for a couple of hours. Then he looked over at me and said "Man, I am the *(@#! outta here!"

He proceeded to pull out his epidural and his IV then he put on his street clothes. He stumbled out of the room and I never saw him again.

On the subway in NY (I guess that might disqualify this) I saw a woman in workout clothes transform herself into a clown with makeup and everything. I guess she was running late for a birthday party or something.

Dan G

One of the Regulars
Pensacola, FL
One day a friend of mine and I were hooking on the log deck at work, when something went awry. My friend was guiding the end of the log by holding on to the bottom of it with his right hand. His arm was kind of out to his side but low when the chain on the swing boom broke and the log swung towards another. He was still holding on to it when the back of his right upper arm hit the other log and his arm bent backwards at the elbow like a rubber band!:eek: I ran for the other end of the log to get it away from him, (our crane operator was a real primate, it was his father:rage: ) and I am not even kidding, his arm was not broken. That sucker was bent to a 90 degree angle or more backwards! He doesn't have any trouble at all with it even a year later! (nod towards the Big Guy in the sky)


Practically Family
Los Angeles, CA
Halloween in Isla Vista, CA. Thousands of people on a street just off the beach. There's no organized fair or events. It's just a street packed with young people (mostly) in costumes, some wandering around, others going down the street on the way to Halloween parties. There are horseback police patrolling and big flood lights set up along the street.


Practically Family
Sydney Australia
two things....one night I went by myself to see this rather scary Danish Film called "The Kingdom" at an independant film house on a university campus in Brisbane. The film was quite long, like four and half hours.
It was a film about a haunted hospital with all the ghosts living in the basement of the hospital and after that long in a cinema everything outside seems unreal.
I left the film and heard some screaming, looked through the bushes and about twenty people were pretending to play baseball in the nude....hmmm

Now the story has a stranger twist. Six months later I was in Denmark and taking my girlfriend to hospital for minor surgery. This hospital was the same one used in the film.It's nickname is the "kingdom" thus the movie title.
I left her and the hospital to go home later that day, got into elevator and pressed the ground floor button. Instead of taking me to the ground floor it took me to the basment of "the kingdom". I wasn't even supposed to be able to go to that floor with out a swipe card. The elevator stopped at the basement, opened it's doors and there I was. No one in sight!
I started pushing that up button as fast as I could, just a little bit weird and scary!

Jack Scorpion

One Too Many
Walked out of seeing a war movie in a tiny movie theater in Arkhangel'sk, Russia to find this endless line of old women. I took off to find out what this line could possibly be for, against the wishes of my tired friends, walked to the end of the block, turned the corner and found the prize:

On the side of the truck were the letters M-O-L-O-K-O. Milk.

The above one was weird for me as an American, but the following was strange for Russia. Across the Kola Inlet from Murmansk, Russia was this little ghost town. The name escapes me. In the town there was an orphanage. On one of the walls of the Orphanage was this:

And then of course, once in Russia I saw a car going about 50 mph suddenly lose it's front-right wheel. The car proceeded to skid along about 20 parked cars while the loose tire propelled itself directly toward me on the sidewalk. As I jumped out of the way, the car accordianed one final parked car. After the moment passed, the driver of said car got out of his car without any injury at all, looked at me and cursed at me. I proceeded to leave the scene.

Lee Lynch

One of the Regulars
Dallas, Texas
Well, I've seen many strange things. Here is the second weirdest thing: I was eating lunch in a lovely older portion of a cemetery just South of downtown Dallas. It was the back part of the Oak Cliff cemetery, beyond the point they still tend. Back there, the stones can be seen in the middle of long-overgrown underbrush, collapsed, and simply gone, with depressions in the earth to show the existence of very old graves. I loved this place, and felt comfortable visiting forgotten people.
I was sitting on a low wall there, eating lunch, and something came out of the bushes about 30 feet away. I thought at first it was a large dog, like a setter. It was orange in colour. I soon realized that this was the strangest cat I've seen. It was an orange tabby bobcat, but with some odd interbreeding, because it HAD a tail! It came out, sat in a patch of sunlight on a flat memorial stone, blinked at me, and licked it's paw. Then it just got up and went back into the brush. This thing was like 2 feet at the shoulder! I'm not kidding. I figured that since I was close by the zoo, perhaps a domestic cat had in some way mixed with the bobcats in the zoo. It's the only thing I can think of as a reasonable explanation.


I'll Lock Up
New England
In North Carolina I saw a dust devil (mini tornado) a few yards away from me.

In KY I saw a giant roach....with wings! It flew! I screamed! I now know that was a palmetto bug. :eek:

Also in KY I saw a scarecrow with a blond wig.


A-List Customer
Los Angeles, CA
I once saw this little old lady at the Glendale Galleria. She looked really old and was dressed in clothes that looked like either the 1920's or 1930's. And her make-up was so thick. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. Then I went to the mall the next weekend and she was there again in the same attire. I'm thinking she was some sort of a bag lady hanging out at the mall to pass the time cause she had a bunch of bags along the wall in Nordstroms...........maybe it was baby janelol

K.D. Lightner

Call Me a Cab
Des Moines, IA
When I was in college, I was in a windstorm (not a tornado) that was so strong, I tried climbing a small hill and found I could not make progress. Curious, I fell into the wind and found it supported me, I did not fall to the ground, the wind held me upright. After a half-minute of this, I got down on my knees and crawled up the hill; all around me I could see trees blowing over.

Back in the early 90's my friend Victoria gave me some rosary beads she had acquired in Medjugorje. I had them for about a month; one night, they changed colors -- the chain links turned from a silver color to a gold color. I actually watched this process off and on during the night. I am not even a Catholic, I am an agnostic, but the whole thing freaked me out. Victoria was delighted.

I also saw a ghost one time in our house, before father remodeled it. My brother saw it, too, a woman's form wandering the house during a bad thunderstorm.

Also, Victoria and I had a shadowy presence in my apartment on lst Avenue in San Diego, it would pass from one bedroom to the hall bathroom. Almost everyone who worked there (Victoria has MS) or visited us saw it. One of the caregivers who worked for Victoria was spooked by it and did some sort of ritual. It left and never returned. I was disappointed as I enjoyed having a "presence" in my home.


Dr Doran

My Mail is Forwarded Here
Los Angeles
In 1983 I was driving through a weird country road off Highway 10, I think, in Texas, and picked up a smiling hitchhiking girl. She was wearing a white dress. She said she needed to get to her parents' house, about 45 minutes up the road. She was very friendly. After some banter and a little flirting, we were getting along pretty famously and I suggested we pull over and have some wine and watch the sunset. We did that and began making out. She was eager and lonely and attracted to me and we went much farther than we should have. . Some wine got on her dress in an odd pattern, like a triangle, on her left breast. We got back in the car and by the time we got to her parents' house the sun had set. I dropped her off. I promised to come back in a month but I was very busy that month and before I knew it a year had passed before I returned to Texas. I felt bad, and looked and finally found her parents' house. They were in their 80s, which was odd. I asked them if their daughter was around. They got very upset and the mom started crying. The dad looked angry and asked where I was from. I told them that I had given her a ride the year before and then dropped her off at their house and I didn't know why they were so upset.

They pulled out an old framed black and white photo from the forties. They said, "here is a picture of our only daughter. She was assaulted and killed when she was hitchhiking on that road in 1946." In the photo was the girl, smiling. She was wearing that white dress. There was a triangular shaped stain on the left breast.

My wife's parents were riveted when I told them this story on the day I first met them, over dinner at their house in Poland. Her mother asked me if it was true. I said, "No. I was only 13 in 1983." ... (Sorry. Had to do it.)


A-List Customer
Seattle, WA
Wowzers. Nothing comes to mind for me, but one of my brothers had a good zen moment.

He had gotten up early in the morning, and went outside to get the sunday paper, drinking coffee, in his bathrobe. A somewhat noisy VW Beetle was making it's way down the far end of the street. He thought - it being quite early yet - "I wonder who the clown driving that car is."

Of course, as the car drove on by, it did, in fact, contain a clown in full makeup. He stared agape, and the guy waved at him.

Lady Day

I'll Lock Up
Crummy town, USA
One more.....


When I worked at the Apple Store, a customer came in with their iMac. They dropped it and the display hit the corner of their bed frame :eek:

Well we were all amazed at how beautiful the destroyed screen was. The red line down the middle was all flickery and wavy it was gorgeous!

Needless to say, I felt sorry for the chum who had to repair this thing (those screens were a PAIN to take off).



I'll Lock Up
CanadaDoll said:
I once saw a snake that must have been a meter long get beaten up by a fluffy little house-pet of a rabbit.........by the end of it the snake was seeking refuge in a tree while the rabbit was trying to find a way to pull it out!:eek:
Odd but kinda funny actually.lol

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Ez5QPW-ku4 :D

Weird sightings for polite company: while at a four-way light 15 years ago, there was a guy dressed as the 1960's Batman in a 1960's Batmobile waiting on the road to the right. The light changed green for him, but the Batmobile stalled out.

So Batman jumps out to push the Batmobile, through the intersection. [huh]

Working the stick shift on my truck, I turned to the right and then did a U-turn around him, shooting about a dozen frames at the same time. One of the paper's columnist's ran the best shot with an extended caption the next week.

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