WONDERFUL update, Robert!! And why would you EVER think you need to apologize for being emotional through a trial like this? You are a good and loving husband, sir, and such concern and emotion is NOTHING you need apologize for. Prayers continuing for her swift and complete recovery from the procedure.To, Voodoosan,The Shoe, Story PNW, Blare, hatsRme, RBH, Bob Hufford, TimmyV. And to all well wishers for your prayers, well wishes and kind words. Tina will love them.
The lady had to report to the cardiac unit at half seven this morning. So at half past seven we were there.
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My Stetson Sovereign was Tina's choice.
After checking in Tina was taken to the operating theatre and with a heavy heart, I left for home.
It's just gone three pm UK time, the hospital have phoned me. All has gone well, she's out of surgery and is recovering well. I can visit her this evening. Such blessings, thank you all again, apologies for the emotion.