I really LOVE that Gamebird. That felt color is probably my favorite of all your hats. The band color really compliments the felt and looks great on you. :eusa_clap:eusa_clap
Al-- great shots! I especially like the Saturday evening shot with your violin case and blue Dobbs-- there IS a violin in there, right? ;-)
delectants, I love your hats. Could you tell me how wide the brim is on that brown '20s/'30s Dobbs?
I'm feeling (cobalt) blue today. Borsalino Trionfo, 30s/40s era.
...that Dobbs has to be my favorite thus far. Excellent!:eusa_clap:eusa_clap:eusa_clap
Al and Zetwal: very fine looking hats. Good on ya mate!
Im wearing my new-to-me Dobbs 40. I put a crease in the hat last night. I chose to go with a centerdent and 1920's style "Mickey Mouse ears" side dents.