My, you gentlemen look very stylish Herringbonekid, that suit is just gorgeous!
I do wish more men knew how to dress with panache...
Thank you! I have a bit of a tweed crush, actually. And today, for some reason, I had flawless waves. Super-crisp. I just don't understand my hair!
Wow, I wish! Thank you!
I do wish more men knew how to dress with panache...
Gorgeous Flicka!! I love that ladylike in tweed look! Your hair looks lovely by the way, i think the fact it looks natural and wavy complements the severity of your outfit perfectly. Well done.
Thank you! I have a bit of a tweed crush, actually. And today, for some reason, I had flawless waves. Super-crisp. I just don't understand my hair!
You have a little bit of Helena Bonham Carter about you ... very nice![]()
Wow, I wish! Thank you!