"The Living Constitution" by David A. Strauss
The Eagle Squadrons, Yanks in the RAF 1940-1942
The Eagle Squadrons, Yanks in the RAF 1940-1942
"Fire in the Sky" by Michael Molkentin, the history of the Australian Flying Corps during WWI.
Absolutely magnificent read, fascinating, very readable, hugely comprehensive and chock-a-block full of firsthand accounts. Very highly recommended.
No surprise really...Bean's official history is immensely more readable and often more informative that any other official history of the First World War. If the official history is like that, no wonder that other histories are as well! Heck...the Canadian one never really got beyond volume one and the British history is often more of a political document than anything else.
Thanks for the recommendation. I'll keep an eye out for it.
I recently purchased this, with some money I've collected over Chinese New Year (o, the joys of being Asian, and single...)
I've wanted this for ages. But I was never able to justify buying it due to the price-tag. I recently came into some money, and decided to splurge on the book. It's a FASCINATING collection of old hotel-labels, luggage-tags, postcards and information about hotels ALL OVER THE WORLD, during the Golden Age of Travel during the 1920s and 30s!!
A Simenon fan? Well, well.. :yo:Maigret and the Bum.
"Road to Ekaterinburg" by ECS Banks
I read anything that has to do with the last years of the tragic lives of the Tzar of Russia and his family ....even if it's poorly written as this book...which in fact is appalling ....so bad that I don't know if I will be able to finish it...but I will force myself ...that's how much those sad lives fascinate me.
I already have read 10 books about this subject, I still can't get enough.