Some of my 2-wheelers
Danke I love that one as well and it is so much fun riding it! Donny Osmond promoted that one way back in the 70s
Verrry nice and finally a complete one! When digging for Swingbikes around 15 years ago I found out that they were not only sold in the US but some were sold in the Netherlands as well - most of them in green
Big boy’s toy!This is a picture of my 911 when it came into the Porsche dealership 2 1/2 weeks ago. It didn't last long as I got it a few days after this picture was taken. It is a kick in the butt to drive. Reminds me of my 1958 MG-A, except with 10 x the power. I have to be careful to not let it get out from under me.
I sold my Police Road King but still have my Panamera as a daily driver. The 911 is a toy.
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Wow! some really impressive rides.
I have the privilege of being picked up and driven around daily in $500,000+ vehicle anywhere I want to go.
See, I own one of these:
and at a whopping $90 a month these bad boys gets to take me anywhere I wanna go (within the city limits)
here's me coming home from a late night of crime fighting:
Always gets me home no matter what.
Alright, I'll let you guys get back to more serious motor vehicles of high caliber. *tips fedora![]()
Ah, I see you are a man of culture as well. That's how I roll, too.
My two fair weather toys..
Thank you,,its taken 3years and far too much money to get it to where it is today. Basically everything replaced. but i enjoy just looking at it ,many happy memories from when it was new.48 years ago.The CB is a beauty.