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My Mail is Forwarded Here
Palookaville, NY
I had to get this off my chest, and I KNOW you guys will understand! I was off from work today, but had to go in for a couple of hours to finish up some stuff. Instead of combing my hair up with butch wax like I do every day, I decided to give myself a break and I wore my new 30's style newsboy cap. I was wearing a short gab jacket and turned up jeans (like I always do on days off). I looked authentic and cool (at least I thought so). I walked to work, and as soon as I got there, my fellow co-workers all started snickering, some laughed in my face, and one asked if I had "lost a bet". The walk home was worse. It seemed now that everyone driving past was staring, one genius blurting something inaudible at me as he went zooming by. Now I don't live in the coolest of areas, but C'MON!! Maybe they thought I was in my Halloween costume early? I don't wanna sound like the kid with the green mohawk who wonders why everyone is staring at him, but I was wearing a HAT!!! The people I work with KNOW how I am and see me in vintage EVERY DAY! Why was today so shocking? Whenever anyone in the past used to laugh at me, or point or whatever, I always used to say "people mock what they don't understand." But now, because of a hat, I felt like the Frankenstein Monster being driven out of the village!


I'll Lock Up
Well, I get the freak treatment here in Denmark too- people here stare at everything- they stare right through you- it seems really rude to me not being a native of DK.
But... this town is "Diesel" driven and I don't mean the motor spirit...
They stare because they know there's something really KooL , they just are too ignorant to know what it is and too uniform oriented to dress outside of the box. And the guys that yell out the car window- well they're retarded- kinda like a dog barking out a car window. They probably yelled at 30 other individuals on the same street in 3 minutes. I know I'm kool when I'm wearing a WW2 flight jacket or vintage motorcycle jacket and '30s Levis. There's no argument there...
Keep on being KooL. Hats are an attention magnet though- be aware of this. If you're kool and you know it clap yer hands!

Mr. BellyTank.


One of the Regulars
Well, I hope it doesn't deter you from wearing those kinds of things. I wear a Peters Brothers custom Indy Fedora everywhere (and by everywhere, I mean everywhere), and I get people looking at me all the time. Most times, I don't know what they're thinking, but I really don't dwell on it. Most times I get people telling me: "I like your hat" more than anything, but it doesn't happen that often.

I think in the situation with your co-workers, you could explain that you don't appreciate what they're saying, and that in some small way, it offends you, and maybe they'll get the hint. As for random people, I was never one to care what random people thought. If you know you look good in your hat, and you think you look good, that's what counts, not what a stranger thinks.

Kentucky Blues

A-List Customer
sorry about the negative comments, I hate that kinda thing...but do you have pictures of you dressed that way? I imagine it must look pretty good :D


One of the Regulars
Central Texas
Yea. I hate it when people get hangups about things like that. In my head I am thinking, "Did I affect you some how? Did I alter you existence in some way with what I am wearing? No? Then shut up."

Even co-workers that I have worked with for over 2 years will make the occasional snarky comment about my hat. :rolleyes:

I will ask them straight out that if they have that much time to be concerned about my attire, shouldn't they be doing something more productive?

It usually quiets them down.


The Wolf

Call Me a Cab
Santa Rosa, Calif
Your co-workers were probably just used to you wearing a tie and suit. My co-workers and customers are thrown of if I'm not wearing a tie and vest. Even if I'm still wearing something retro, it looks different to them.
As far as the people on the street go, yeah, that's annoying. I figure if I'm not bothering them they don't need to botherme. I use that when I see a youth with a green mohawk, Ramones t-shirt and chains as well. Strangely, that is becoming retro as also.
People can be annoying but don't let it get to you; at least you have style.


My Mail is Forwarded Here
Palookaville, NY
AARRGH!! I, of course, have no way to get you guys pics! It's a 30's style paper boy, or maybe a "thug" style hat. It's "poofy" (for lack of a better word) with a button on top, and it's a tweed like material. It reminds me of the classic immigrant cap you see in that Ellis Island footage.

Scarlet Belle

Familiar Face
I simply ADORE those "paper boy" hats, I think they are so cool!

I feel pretty lucky going in to work, everyone here is use to me now, and even though I work in a corporate office, I just wear "conservative" 40's and sometimes 50's suites and dresses. My work mates say they cant wait to see what I come in with each morning.

As for the other idiots out there who ask such questions as "are you in a show" or "are you going to a fancy dress party" and who couldnt comprehend that we may dress like this all the time - well I wouldnt want to look like them in a fit!

So Flat-Top, concern yourself with looking great, as Im sure you do and remember, the people who make the comments have their taste in their bum!!

So There!! :)


A-List Customer
Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Flat top, when a lovely looking lady like Scarlette says she "Loves paper boy hats"--BUY MORE!

:D In all seriousness, it's not what other people think about you, it's what YOU think about you. I know that sounds like hippy crap, but a man can be down, broken, and bloodied, but as long as he is proud of who he is he has my respect. Don't let them get you down, Flat top. You've got more class then they do.




My Mail is Forwarded Here
Palookaville, NY
Belly Tank found it! That IS the infamous hat! I wear vintage EVERYDAY to work.....it's all I own! And I usually get nothing but compliments, which made that fateful day more shocking.

Bobbi B.

New in Town
Poor Flat-Top!

Sometimes it seems we live in an era of yokels. They have no idea anything exists past their own very narrow horizons. Such persons are best treated with pity when they cannot be avoided.

One weekend I was working overtime, keeping a crew of "high iron" workers more or less in line doing things to the TV* station tower. Such men are pretty rough and tumble; NASCAR races are their idea of high culture. My husband came out at noon that day to share lunch, and happened to be wearing a decent fedora and a long duster over his usual weekend sport coat and open-collared shirt, pleated slacks, actual leather grown-up shoes (the guy just picks this stuff up -- he's not even trying for retro!).

The tower crew simply goggled. I should have expected it; my own Bettie Page bangs and soft-wave pincurls, vintage-type sunglasses, oldstyle sweaters and chinos had already thrown them for a loop on the first day of the project.

But I wasn't ready for their comments: "Whoa! He's dressed just like Sherlock Holmes!" (No deerstalker, boys, no checked wool overcoat and he gave up his meerschaum years ago...).

A hard-working crew. But sheeesh.

If you have a bit of style, you'll hear from a few witlings. They know they're in the presence of something but they don't quite have the wherewithal to understand what. So they make silly comments.

All part of keeping civilization going, dear. Just keep right on!

Bobbi B.

* It's like radio, only with pictures and a whole lot less imagination. Or so they tell me. I try not to touch the stuff. I'm sure it cannot be any funnier than Jack Benny or any more dashing than I Love A Mystery.


New in Town
Southern California
I, like Strider, wear my fedora everywhere, save for church, and on occasion, when I go out with friends. Usually I get people looking at me as they drive by if I'm walking someplace, at school I get the occasional "Howdy," (drives me INSANE, I want to smack them and educate them on what a cowboy hat is, and what a fedora is... but that little guy on my shoulder taps me and whispers, 'WWJD?') and sometimes random people like to hum the Raiders March when I walk by (which I don't mind, and sometimes I help them finish the chorus ;)).

I did walk into the orthodontists office yesterday and a woman sitting adjacent to the doorway gave me the funniest look I've ever seen in reaction to my hat. She furrowed her brow, narrowed her eyes, and just looked bewildered. Well, I took off my hat when I got inside the doorway, and tried not to laugh at her expression, and kind of walked out of her view, for fear of laughing.

The point is (and I don't think I got it across very well), don't let those things bother you. Even if they are co-workers. Maybe it was just bad timing - being only a few days before Halloween. Have you tried wearing it again since then? Maybe it would help if it was 110% obvious that it had nothing to do with Halloween. If you don't normally wear that hat, it must have been a visual change for your coworkers, and evidently they weren't prepared for/used to it. I'd say give it another shot... a stern, polite shot. *thumbs up*

God bless you, bro

The Wolf

Call Me a Cab
Santa Rosa, Calif
It's funny (and sad) to hear other members have people misunderstand their retro clothes.
I was walking into work one day wearing my trenchcoat, fedora, vest and pleated trousers when someone sad I look like should have a big silver gun.
Now, I was as confused as you probably are, does he mean Bogart? or Mafia? What is he talking about; to find out I asked him. He said I look like the guys in Men In Black. Funny thing is they don't wear vests, fedoras or overcoats. Me, I wasn't wearing dark glasses. I think he could actually see the big question mark over my head.

Bobbi B.

New in Town
Well, gee, Wolf, the thing is -- we're dealing with people who have nearly no context at all for civilized attire! The don't know what to make of it, so they grope for the nearest thing that comes to mind and get it utterly, totally wrong.

It's just gone. Not even the people working in banks bother to dress like grown-ups, at least not the ones behind the counter and sitting, spider-like, in the loan offices off the lobby. When the bankers give up, you can lay odds the soda jerks and stenographers aren't trying, either. Umm, that is, you could if there were any left.

I think it's up to us. ...And maybe the banker's bosses and the others up there in the corner offices. (The president of the corporation I work for, now there's a guy who knows how to wear a suit -- and a hat, and how to use and maintain a proper fountain pen, not to mention the blinding shoeshine. Very reassuring -- about the time he switches to chinos and knit shirts, then I'll worry). We've got to keep the flame going through these dark, dark days.

The pendulum will swing back. It always does.

Bobbi B.


One Too Many
Crystal Lake, Il
Hey Flat top, I don't know what part of the country you live in but one of the ONLY reasons I like living near Chicago is pretty much anything goes dress wise. In the city itself hats are common place, in the suburbs it's a little less prevalent but you are rarely STARED at and if you are it's usually by some guy thinking "I really should get one of those" or "I wish I had the stones to wear one of those". Personally I would wear my hat weather or not ANYONE else was wearing one but it's sure nice when you get into an area where theres a dozen or so guys walkin down the street in lids.

Kentucky Blues

A-List Customer
I can vouch for that, though I actually got a "secret agent man" comment by a guy in Chicago...very odd. Though I saw quite a few guys in fedoras and overcoats. I need to get back there. And Flat-top...if all you wear is vintage, and the newsboy cap was different...maybe they didn't react that much differently than they would've way back when. I mean, if the average fedora and suit wearing guy back in the 30's and 40s' came into worked dressed like you described, don't you think he may have gotten a few unusualy comments too?


My Mail is Forwarded Here
Palookaville, NY
Well, you could be right about my co-workers Daryl--they don't usually see me dressed down and probably never with a hat, so I imagine it was shocking. But the negative reactions were a little severe. I live about 20 miles outside of Manhattan. It's the suburbs, but not Bumblef---!!

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