Sloan's Liniment or Absorbine Junior?
I have never tried it, but Sloan's sounds like the Bees Knees!------------ George M. Hendee and Oscar Hedstrom or William S. Harley and the Davidson Brothers?
Sloan's Liniment or Absorbine Junior?
Cigars or chewing tobacco ?
Black Jack or Beeman's Pepsin?
"The Shop Around the Corner" or "In the Good Summertime?"
"It’s a Wonderful Life" by a mile !
Notre Dame, because it gave us Carl Yastrzemski.
French's yellow mustard or Gulden's brown mustard?
Not Fitzgerald or Hemmingway - interesting.
Hemmingway. (Sorry Lizzie)
Jane Austen or Charlotte Bronte?
Gregory LaCava or Norman Z. McLeod?
Oh, a tough one, I will go with Norman Z. McLeod, only because of Topper and Horse feathers!---------------------Harry Miller or Chevrolet Brothers?
Scott Fitzgerald or Edith Wharton?