The merchants I mentioned had something called "Old-fashioned bargain days," with sales people wearing old-fashioned clothes, which I don't remember too well, old things in the windows and things like that. I don't recall that there was any parade or anything like that. But the funny thing was, I didn't know anyone of my parent's generation who were actually born there. My mother did graduate in 1932 from the high school I attended but she was born in the next county over. My father, who never went to high school, was from Virginia, down close to the North Carolina state line. But even in 1920 the population was greater than it is now. Between 1910 and 1920 the population just about doubled. Those must have been good years for the town.
On the other subject, locally there is an area that has an underground (Crystal City underground) in Arlington, across the river from D.C. It's confusing if you aren't familiar with it, of course. But the whole Crystal City area is booming--there's even a "town center" called Pentagon City. There used to be a small appliance factory there at one time.
On the other subject, locally there is an area that has an underground (Crystal City underground) in Arlington, across the river from D.C. It's confusing if you aren't familiar with it, of course. But the whole Crystal City area is booming--there's even a "town center" called Pentagon City. There used to be a small appliance factory there at one time.