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The Oldest Brew

Nathan Flowers

Head Bartender
Staff member
Miss Neecerie said:
:eusa_clap :eusa_clap :eusa_clap :eusa_clap :eusa_clap :eusa_clap

I applaud your fine fine taste.... Fruit Lambics are the only beer I can stand.

Cassis is another favorite.

I haven't had Cassis. I like fruit lambic beers, but only for dessert. I like Lindeman's gueuze too, but that's the only gueuze I've had.


Incurably Addicted
Barry said:
If I can make it to the UK this Winter I'm going to pick up a Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) guide and seek out a good pub with real ale. The best I can find in DC is bottled bitter.

If your looking for cask conditioned ale, RFD (Bricks affiliate) usually has some on tap. Mostly domestic but occasionally from the U.K.


My Mail is Forwarded Here
Nice hat, too

Dinerman said:
my creepy guinness poster
Now I know what people are looking at when they gaze into their pint glasses.
Guinness IS good for you. A pint ($2.00 on Monday nights) cured me of a two-day headache, wasn't even a hangover, when nothing else would.


A-List Customer
Guelph, Ontario, Canada
I swear by Guinness--my father told me stories of Dublin General Hospital where they'd serve a half pint of guiness before bed, and that particular hospital had the lowest bed-stay rate in europe until they stopped in the 50's--It'd be interesting to find some literature supporting it--Those irish have a penchant for good stories!

I do enjoy Kriek, but I don't like my beer with fruity undertones usually.

I'm a big fan of Sleemans (brewed right here in Guelph)--their bottled "Sleeman Original Draught" is very tasty. I believe they just sold out to Ichiban breweries of japan, so I expect the beer quality to plummet very soon.


olive bleu

One Too Many
Nova Scotia
Funny thing is, i was never a beer drinker untill i had a "Rolling Rock" in New york once in Little Italy, having lunch with my brother-in-law.I liked it because it was light & when i returned to Canada i sought out lighter brews and ending up drinking a lot of Corona. Since then, I have evolved to the point where those taste like kool-aid and I drink Guiness, an Irish Red Ale( locally micro-brewed) or imports(Stella, Heineken, Boddington's). I even eat Guiness Ice Cream!
Covina, Califonia 91722
The short list.

I enjoy West Coast / California versions of the English Ales. Pale, IPA, Bitter, ESB, Ambers, browns, Porters, Stouts, Scottish ales which actually have 3 levels, Barley Wines, imperial Stouts, oatmeal stouts and such. I do like some Belgies but not across the board, sometimes they have this "wang' flavor from the yeast that brings me back to a real bad hang over from very wangy Belgians.

I also like the UK orignals: Guiness, Fullers ESB, Theakstons Old Peculiar, anything by Samuel Smith. It would be heavenly to try these again out of a pull tap and casked conditioned! Note to self: hit lotto do Camra tour of UK, then Europe.

i tend to stay away from "Spiced" ales like a lot of those Christmas beers, again stemming from a bad tangle with a vertical of years of vintage of Anchor Christmas ale on tap at the Stuffed Sandwhich in San Gabriel.

I like some of the German Lagers especially maibocks and doubles (the -ATOR brews) and Oktoberfest / Marzen brews.

In standard lagers I tend to go Mexican: Corona and XX dos ekkies plus the Amber, and bohemia is quite nice. If you can Get Negro Modelo or is it Modelo Negro anyway you are in for a treat.

Anchor, Sierra Nevada, Anderson Valley (Boontville), Stone brewing, and on and on and on.

Ben Franklin is quoted as saying: "Beer is Proof that God Loves Us!"
I am in total agreement with that statement!


New in Town
New Mexico
Beer good!

I have to say I drink most anything. But I do love me some Guiness. However I also usually have Michelobe Lite in the fridge. I do wish I could find Wexford Cream Ale more often. Everytime I see it I end up buying about 10 packs. Then one beer that I used to enjoy was Mcaffreys Cream Ale. However they stoped exporting it, and more is the shame. For those that like Trappist ales, Give a try to La Fin Du Monde. It is a very floral brew made in Quebec and is bottled "on the lees" . And at 9% alcohol it is rather potent too. Hmmm, now i'm thirsty.

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