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- Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
("HEY MA!" bellows Sally, ascending the back stairs from the store to the upstairs apartment. "HEY GRAMMA!" bellows Leonora, echoing her mother. "Don' holleh," admonishes Sally, "it ain't cout'." They enter the apartment without knocking, as is their custom. "Hey Ma," repeats Sally. "Wait'll I tell ya what some bum onna subway was sayin'!" "T'WAWR IS OVEH!" yells Leonora. "It ain' nei'teh," declares Sally. "T'at's jus' one'a t'em stupid rumehs, an'...." Sally trails off when she realizes her mother is nowhere in view. "MA?" she yells. "In heeeeere,"comes a response from the bedroom. "Hey Ma," repeats Sally, banging into the bedroom. "Didja heeh what I was......deeeh gawdawmighty! What awr you WEARIN'?" "It's a dress," declares Ma. "Oi'm wearin' it when Oi go oot t'night with ye Uncle Frank. An' Oi wan'chee to shoo me how to do woona these, whatcheecaaahl victory updoos." "Don' ask me," shrugs Sally, pointing to her own head. "Two dolleh poimanent fr'm Namm's. But t'at DRESS..." "It's an oorginial d'sign," declares Ma. "Moozalesski a' Brooklyn." "Who?" puzzles Sally. "Y'mean'nat guy useta woik wit' Joe at Sperry's? Useta d'liveh oueh ice?" "Oi didn't knoo," frowns Ma, "aboot th' oice." "Look, Ma," backpedals Sally. "Let's stawrt oveh. Why awr you wearin'at dress at 12 o'clock onna Sunday aftehnoon? You didn' t go t'choich did ya? INNAT dress??" "Dooon't be r'diculous," flushes Ma. "Oi toold'jee, Francis is takin' me oot t'night. Aahhhn th' town. T'soom noitclub. OI'm troyin' t'figyarr oot how to waaar this thing withoot makin' a pooblic spectacle'a meself." "What nightclub?" queries Sally. "Oh, Oi don't know," fumes Ma, trying to get an uncooperative shoulder strap to stay put. "Leroy an' Edgar's aaahr soomthin'." "Ohhhhhh, Ma." chortles Sally, doing her best to prevent the eruption of a full guffaw. "Me'n Joe wen' up t'eh once -- d'you -- d'you KNOW, I mean, it ain' farrr people -- I mean -- well, Wayne King don' play t'eh, y'get what I'm sayin', OK?" "If yarr imployin'," scowls Ma, jerking on the strap, "that this cloob is naaaht for ooold people, Oi told Francis exactly that. 'We're too ooold t'goo oot trippin' t'loit fantastic like a coopla eedjits. An' he said t'me 'yaaar as oold as ye feel!' Oi think th'man's losin' 'is moind. Listen heer daughter, when ye see ye Doctarrr Levine t'day, you ask if she can take him on too. GIve 'im soom treatments, make'im staaap actin' loike a bloody oomadaun!" "Um," ums Sally. "O-ma-dhaun," repeats Leonora...)
(Tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick...)
(Mr. Owen is having a hard time of it down on the farm. I hear the milk pails keep tipping over and rolling all the way to the back of the barn...)
(Yes, that certainly sounds like a well-considered business plan.)
("Tomorrow's special -- Cassoulet de Lapin!")
(I wonder if Phil Fumble and Shadow Smart ever get together to talk shop?)
(Well now, Mr. Hix, I certainly agree that these are interesting Greer Garson facts, but -- ah -- they aren't really all that -- STRANGE.)
(This is a much better storyline than the weekday one.)
(I can see where performing Tristan could work up an appetite, but your 201st performance might lag a bit.)
(And meanwhile, back home, Bill burns the house down again. Yeah, what the hell, Mary, might as well stay.)