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- Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
("Thaaat's soom pitcharr," whistles Ma. "I wen' out wit'ta Marine oncet," offers Bink Scanlan. "Well, moeh'n oncet. Well, oncet'oo awffen. An'..." But Bink's epic tale of romantic betrayal will have to wait for another time, as the door forcefully jingles open. "I gawt it awl wrote!" declares Sally, gasping for breath as she rushes up to the counter. "Ye didn' bring Leonora?" queries Ma, looking around for her granddaughter. "She was downstaiehs playin' wit' Willie," pants Sally. "Alice gonna take caeh'r'veh. I gotta show ya t'is letteh." "What's aaahlt this now?" Ma requests. "T'letteh I'm writin' t' Solly Pincus t'get 'im t'look f' Joe! Now I stawrt out'eeh wit' some reg'leh stuff about, you know, neighbehood stuff, an'nen..." "Hey," interrupts Bink. "Izzeh'ra cawp 'roun' Bensonhoist t'eh, name a' Flannehry?" "Useta be," snaps Sally. "We gawt ridd'vim, he's outt'n Staten Islan' 'a sump'n." "I t'ink I wen' out wit''tim a coupla times," frowns Bink. "Whatta dope. T'em han'cuffs I give ya whlle back? T'ey was his. Whatta dope." "Whateveh," glares Sally, and Bink retreats to her broom. "Now," she resumes, "afteh I get done wit'tat, we get inta t'meat'a t'discussion. An' I say 'it's like t'is, Solly, Joe has been wounded an' 'e won' tell me nut'n about what happn't, an' I need ya t'do me a faveh. Y'need t' fin'out weah'ree is an' fin'out what happ'nt. Now, t'eh censeh prob'ly ain' gonna letcha put it awl in a letteh, so heeh's what we'll do. We'll use t'is code, awright, an' if you write 'how do t'Dodgehs look t'is yeeh," t'at means he was shawt inna right awrm. If y'say "I wisht I had a cheese knish," it means he got shawt inna left awrm. An' if ya say "r'memembeh t'at time Joe fell inna brine tank," it means he got shawt inna chest. An' if ya say..." "Daaaaaughter," interrupts Ma. "Sally. Hoold aaahn. Ye can't send a lettar loike that, taaaalkin' aboot secret coods an' all sooch. Ye'll end oop in jail, an' poor Solly moit end oop in froont'va foirin' squad!" "Oh," ohs Sally. "Y'tink?" "Oi do," nods Ma. "Insteada ahhl this foolishment, wroite a lettar t'Joseph! Tell'im yarrr aaahl roit, an' Leonora's aaahl roit, an' ye ain't waarrryin' an' ye know he'll be coomin' hoom soon." "I can't write t'at," declares Sally. "It ain' true, I AM worryin'." "It doon' hafta be true," insists Ma. "What it HAS t'be is a coomfort t'th' poor man foor thoosan' moiles fr'm hoom." "Oh," ohs Sally. "Oh." "Oh," nods Ma. "Hmm," hmms Sally, as Ma sighs and slowly shakes her head....)
("Ye surrre," queries Uncle Frank, "ye surre ye gaaaaht ridda aaaahl'v it." "Oh, indeed," affirms Inky Quinlan. "All th' wrapparrrs an' cartons?" interrogates Uncle Frank. "Aaahl th' stamps, an' aaaahl th' printin' plates?" "Ahh," hesitates Inky. "AH noothin!" thunders Uncle Frank. "Oi caaan't afffard noo slip-oops! We are oota th' cigarette business. It's too hot. An' Oi ain' saaaarvoived as laaang as Oi have withoot I knoow whin it's too hot! Now you take thim plates an' ye take that taaaarch there an' ye melt'm down an' Oi'm goona stand here an' see that'chee do it!" '"Must I?" pleads Inky "Some of my very finest..." "Staaaaaaaaaart meltin'," commands Uncle Frank. " "Very well," mopes Inky, reaching for the smoked goggles. "But allow me, at least , a moment of contemplative silence to reflect on the impermanence of art..." "Soilence?" guffaws Uncle Frank. "Take as laaaang as ye waaant...")
(At this rate it'll be October before we know if there'll be a season in April...)
(Which one is the dummy again? I lost track.)
(I dunno, Ernie, I think the gag works better if you don't see the pot roast, and just assume someone is really selling pot-roast-scented perfume. Because, y'know, I think that'd be a big seller!)
"New types of grass." You and Gene Krupa, huh?
(Sure, why not?)
("More Brass Than A Set Of Gongs!")
(If there is one fundamental moral principle that defines Bugs Bunny, it's that he does not strike unless he is first provoked. This is NOT Bugs Bunny. This is Woody Woodpecker in a rabbit suit.)