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The Era -- Day By Day


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea

("Thaaat's soom pitcharr," whistles Ma. "I wen' out wit'ta Marine oncet," offers Bink Scanlan. "Well, moeh'n oncet. Well, oncet'oo awffen. An'..." But Bink's epic tale of romantic betrayal will have to wait for another time, as the door forcefully jingles open. "I gawt it awl wrote!" declares Sally, gasping for breath as she rushes up to the counter. "Ye didn' bring Leonora?" queries Ma, looking around for her granddaughter. "She was downstaiehs playin' wit' Willie," pants Sally. "Alice gonna take caeh'r'veh. I gotta show ya t'is letteh." "What's aaahlt this now?" Ma requests. "T'letteh I'm writin' t' Solly Pincus t'get 'im t'look f' Joe! Now I stawrt out'eeh wit' some reg'leh stuff about, you know, neighbehood stuff, an'nen..." "Hey," interrupts Bink. "Izzeh'ra cawp 'roun' Bensonhoist t'eh, name a' Flannehry?" "Useta be," snaps Sally. "We gawt ridd'vim, he's outt'n Staten Islan' 'a sump'n." "I t'ink I wen' out wit''tim a coupla times," frowns Bink. "Whatta dope. T'em han'cuffs I give ya whlle back? T'ey was his. Whatta dope." "Whateveh," glares Sally, and Bink retreats to her broom. "Now," she resumes, "afteh I get done wit'tat, we get inta t'meat'a t'discussion. An' I say 'it's like t'is, Solly, Joe has been wounded an' 'e won' tell me nut'n about what happn't, an' I need ya t'do me a faveh. Y'need t' fin'out weah'ree is an' fin'out what happ'nt. Now, t'eh censeh prob'ly ain' gonna letcha put it awl in a letteh, so heeh's what we'll do. We'll use t'is code, awright, an' if you write 'how do t'Dodgehs look t'is yeeh," t'at means he was shawt inna right awrm. If y'say "I wisht I had a cheese knish," it means he got shawt inna left awrm. An' if ya say "r'memembeh t'at time Joe fell inna brine tank," it means he got shawt inna chest. An' if ya say..." "Daaaaaughter," interrupts Ma. "Sally. Hoold aaahn. Ye can't send a lettar loike that, taaaalkin' aboot secret coods an' all sooch. Ye'll end oop in jail, an' poor Solly moit end oop in froont'va foirin' squad!" "Oh," ohs Sally. "Y'tink?" "Oi do," nods Ma. "Insteada ahhl this foolishment, wroite a lettar t'Joseph! Tell'im yarrr aaahl roit, an' Leonora's aaahl roit, an' ye ain't waarrryin' an' ye know he'll be coomin' hoom soon." "I can't write t'at," declares Sally. "It ain' true, I AM worryin'." "It doon' hafta be true," insists Ma. "What it HAS t'be is a coomfort t'th' poor man foor thoosan' moiles fr'm hoom." "Oh," ohs Sally. "Oh." "Oh," nods Ma. "Hmm," hmms Sally, as Ma sighs and slowly shakes her head....)


("Ye surrre," queries Uncle Frank, "ye surre ye gaaaaht ridda aaaahl'v it." "Oh, indeed," affirms Inky Quinlan. "All th' wrapparrrs an' cartons?" interrogates Uncle Frank. "Aaahl th' stamps, an' aaaahl th' printin' plates?" "Ahh," hesitates Inky. "AH noothin!" thunders Uncle Frank. "Oi caaan't afffard noo slip-oops! We are oota th' cigarette business. It's too hot. An' Oi ain' saaaarvoived as laaang as Oi have withoot I knoow whin it's too hot! Now you take thim plates an' ye take that taaaarch there an' ye melt'm down an' Oi'm goona stand here an' see that'chee do it!" '"Must I?" pleads Inky "Some of my very finest..." "Staaaaaaaaaart meltin'," commands Uncle Frank. " "Very well," mopes Inky, reaching for the smoked goggles. "But allow me, at least , a moment of contemplative silence to reflect on the impermanence of art..." "Soilence?" guffaws Uncle Frank. "Take as laaaang as ye waaant...")


(At this rate it'll be October before we know if there'll be a season in April...)


(Which one is the dummy again? I lost track.)


(I dunno, Ernie, I think the gag works better if you don't see the pot roast, and just assume someone is really selling pot-roast-scented perfume. Because, y'know, I think that'd be a big seller!)


"New types of grass." You and Gene Krupa, huh?


(Sure, why not?)


("More Brass Than A Set Of Gongs!")




(If there is one fundamental moral principle that defines Bugs Bunny, it's that he does not strike unless he is first provoked. This is NOT Bugs Bunny. This is Woody Woodpecker in a rabbit suit.)


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
And in the Daily News...


What else is there to say?


"Now ya in for it," sneers Miss Kaplan, as Mozelewski pins up her hem. "T'eh gonna take ya! Ya t'oity-t'ree, ain'cha? Well now te'h gonna take ya jus' like'ey took Joe! An'en ya gonna get it -- t'eh gonna have ya hemmin' gen'ral's pants!" "T'ey won' take me," dismisses Mozelewski. "I tol' ya, t'ey won' take a man wit' six toes awn each foot!" "Pretttttttt c'nvenient YOU gawt six toes on each foot!" scoffs Miss Kaplan. "Pretttttty c'nvenie---OW! WAWTCH WEH Y'STICK T'EM PINS!"


Or you could just go to the Old Reliable and hope for the best.


I keep tellin' ya -- Tootsie Rolls.


So I guess that rules out spiking his whisky with Tetra-Ethyl Lead. Pity. Worked so well in that Ellery Queen book.


I wouldn't touch those pants with neoprene gloves. And poor Wagon-Wheels, musta flunked sixth-grade cipherin'.


Time is just an arbitrary concept anyway. And at least I care more about Eric and Helen than I do those stiffs in Mary Worth, for what little that's worth.


No matter what the season, Goofy's still an idiot


"But Hu Shee took his gun away!"


Today You Are A Man!
New York City
"...But allow me, at least , a moment of contemplative silence to reflect on the impermanence of art..."

Poor Inky, he wants to be so much more in life than he is.

So what happens to the 1,015,000 cigarettes seized - do they sell them back into the legit wholesale market?


I dunno, Ernie, I think the gag works better if you don't see the pot roast, and just assume someone is really selling pot-roast-scented perfume. Because, y'know, I think that'd be a big seller!

Joe, who has probably never spent $25 at one time in his entire life, would probably buy some for Sally.

In college, I dated a girl who worked in a pizza parlor who would come by my apartment after her late shift. Nearly forty years later and the smell of a pizza place still brings back memories of those late evenings.


Huh? "Joan of Ark" or "Jane Arden," sure, but who is "Joan Arden?"


What else is there to say?

How many mothers/wives studied that picture to see if they could recognize their sons/husband?


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
I'm assuming Joan Arden the 1910s-20s poet, known for ladling on the schmaltz.

True Fact -- when movie actress Lucille LeSeuer was looking for a stage najme, she wanted to use "Joan Arden," until she found out that name was already in use. So she settled on "Joan Crawford" instead, which, when you think about it also fits this scene...

I imagine every single Marine who ever let it be known that he was at Iwo Jima was asked at least once if he was in that photo.

I'm not sure what they'll do with those cigarettes -- which figure out to be 5075 cartons -- but I hope they plan to post a guard on the evidence room.


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea

("Oi doon't know why she's the way she is," laments Ma. "Coomin' in here with some woild scheme t'have that Solly Pincus traipse aaall oovar Europe lookin' farr Joseph. What's th' choild evaaaan thinkin' t'proopose sooch foolishment!" "Ahhhhh," ahhs Uncle Frank thru a sip of two-cents-plain, "ye said it ye'self -- it's th' way she is." "Choild nevarr COULD leave well enoof alone," sighs Ma. "When she was a little garrl an' she'd faaahl doon an' skin 'arr knees she'd pick an' pick at it till it'd nevaar heal. An' she's th' same way with any koinda praaaahblm -- pick an' pick an' pick an' make it waaaarse an' waaarse." "Oi can't imagine," chuckles Uncle Frank "whar she ivver picked oop a habit loike that." "We gaaaht t'do soomthin', Francis," declares Ma. "We gaaaht t' get controola this situation befaaar soomthin' ELSE happens!" "Ye gaaaht soomthin' in mind?" shrugs Uncle Frank with a roll of his eyes. "Oh, Oi'll thinka soomthin', nivver ye moind aboot that!" insists Ma. "Noo, Oi'll nivvr know what makes that garrl that way...")


("A-leg-ged in-de-cen-cy," reads Alice. "Whassat s'posta mean?" "Oh, you know," shrugs Sally. "One'a t'em kinda plays..." 'Like t'at one wit' Gypsy Rose Lee?" queries Alice. "I neveh seen'at, but I hoid it had awl kindsa -- you know -- stuff in it, an' t'ings even. You know." "T'is play ain' like t'at," notes Sally. "Din'cha see t'at t'ing inna Daily News t'ot'eh day? T'ey said t'at play is whatchacawl -- ah -- sapphic." "Whassat?" puzzles Alice. "Well," begins Sally with a deep breath, "um -- t'ats -- um -- well, hey, you remembeh inna funnies, in Terry an'na Pirates? T'at gal was inneh a while back, uh, name'a Sanjak?" "OH!" exclaims Alice. "I getcha, yeh. Sueh, t'at makes sense. Sapphic -- t'at means it's about SPIES!" "No, no," sighs Sally. "T'at ain' it." She rolls her eyes, takes another deep breath, pulls Alice toward her, and whispers into her ear. Alice's big green eyes grow bigger and greener, and her face flushes a deep red. "Awn STAGE???" she blurts. Sally fidgets nervously in her seat and makes a shooshing gesture as eyes around the car turn in their direction. "Wow," exhales Alice, as she ponders the remarkable times in which she lives....)


(No matter how many sophisticated Broadway roles Frances Bavier may play, little does she realize that twenty years from now she will be forever typecast, much to her frustration, as fluttery old Ain't Bee....)


(Well, they dont fly as true as they used to because there's not so much substance to them.)


(The most interesting note in Mr. Holmes's column here is the one about the heavy representation of Cuban talent on the Washington roster. Mr. Griffith danced very close to baseball's color line during these years, and there is some evidence that certain of the more dark-complected Cubans in his organization were not of entirely "Spanish" ancestry. There's a new world coming..)

(Why is Pappy wearing leg irons? Is Boody Rogers back from the war and secretly writing this strip?)

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(AVOID VERBAL ORDERS! That's good advice for us all.)

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("The Famous School Of Acting, As Seen On America's Leading Matchbooks...")

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(She can't be that bright if she hasn't learned to send telegrams collect.)

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Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
And in the Daily News...

"And don't miss Mr. Beery guest starring all this month in Harold Teen!"


The veneer of civilization lies terribly thin.


Hell hath no fury like a florist robbed.


Gee, she really WAS Burma all along!


Oh, go on, you know you want to.


You're as old as you feel.


Hostage? Is that what we're calling it?


Some are doomed by circumstance, some are doomed by nature.


Three more weeks!


This strip will only run until 1991. so you better get this in writing.
New York City
"Awn STAGE???" she blurts.

I love Alice.

And knowing that she, umm, spent time up state, while she might not be familiar with the word "sapphic," you know she's seen a heck of a lot more than Sally has, which gives her outburst a bit more meaning.


"And don't miss Mr. Beery guest starring all this month in Harold Teen!"

Are you saying sixty-year-old Mr. Beery and his seventeen-year-old cute female traveling companion aren't just friends? Kidding aside, this seems pretty brazen, even for Hollywood.


Oh, go on, you know you want to.

She should take Melvin out now, because once he realizes she's the only thing standing between him and the money, her life won't be worth a dime.


Hu Shee [Thinking.] "She always knows what she's doing, but taking Terry hostage and bringing Pat Ryan and the U.S. military down on us might not work out so well."

The DL: "What are you thinking Hu Shee?"

Hu Shee: "Nothing, Master."


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea

("Y'know what's gonna happen whenney pass t'at bill?" propounds Sally. "Y'know, t'at anti-bias bill?" "T'eh won' be no moeh -- whassat -- bias?" shrugs Alice. "No, no," admits Sally. "But t'ez gonna be a lotta changes. I betcha t'ey stawrt signin' ya colehed bawlplayehs t'play inna majeh leagues." "Ya don' say!" exclaims Alice. "I do say," continues Sally. "See, if it ain' legal t'not hieh somebody f'ra jawb jus' cause t'eh colehed, well, t'at includes bawl teams, don' it? T' Dodgehs, Giants, an' Yankees. Now you tell me, which one'a t'em teams izza mos' likely t'go ahead an' take a chance?" "T' Giants," declares Alice. "Don' be stupid," scoffs Sally. "T'at Stoneham's a fathead." "But t'ey play up in Hawrlem," notes Alice. "T'at don' matteh, Stoneham's a fathead," insists Sally. "An' you KNOW t'eh Yankees woudn' hieh no colehed playehs. So t'at leaves t'Dodgehs. An' -- I mean, you been out to see whenna colehed teams come in t'play t'Bushwicks, you seen awlem guys. We'd winna pennant ev'ry yeeh." "I hope t'ey do it," agrees Alice. "When I was a kid, run away fr'm t'sistehs, livin' onna street, some colehed people was good t'me oncet. T'ey oughta get a break f'ra change." "On'y t'ing is," mutters Sally, "t'at Rickey's a fathead too. You seen what a fathead he is. We gotta bring'im aroun' onnis." "You had'dem En' Jim Crow in Baseball petitions 'at time," recalls Alice. "An'ney sent t'ushehs t'run ya outa t'bawlpawrk." "We gotta come up wit' sumpin' else," declares Sally. "Hey, whoozat little guy t'at woiks f'Rickey. Useta write f't' Eagle. T'at's t'guy we gotta get at. What was his name again?" "Um -- I dunno," shrugs Alice. "Some kinda name like a boid. Canary? Harry Canary?" "No," dismisses Sally. "Butcha close...")


(Coming Events...)


("Oi cann't staaand a movin' pitcharr," frowns Ma, "wharr they tallk in thim ridiculous accents. Bad enough me own children doon't talk proparr." "Ahhhh," sighs Uncle Frank, "ye know how it is, they picked it oop fr'm th' streets. Ahhl these diffr'ent languages aroond, ye throow 'm in a pot an stirr'm oop, an' whoo knows what'chee coom oop with." "Th' oothar day," continues Ma, "Leonora was sitt'n tharr coont'n'arr nickels, an' she made a mistake. An' she rolls 'arr oyes an' looks oop at th' ceilin' an' hoolds oot arr hands an' she says 'ooooy vey!' Oi ask ye!" "Wer veyst?" shrugs Uncle Frank, quaffing his two-cents-plain...)


("Well, he'll have one of those before he gets a new car...")


(Will somebody please give James A. Farley a job so we don't have to hear about him anymore?)


(Bring back the goose.)

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(Well, that just solves everything, doesn't it??)

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(Stay out of show business kid, it'll crush your heart, break your soul, and when it's sucked you completely dry, it'll casually toss aside your shriveled husk. On the other hand, you get free popcorn.)

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(DASH??? "Meet my sister, Dot!")

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(We all sow the seeds of our own destruction.)


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
And in the Daily News...


"KEY" witness. OK, that's funny.


Let's tune in on Butch's broadcast next Sunday, I'm sure he'll have some lovely things to say about his friends at the News.


You really didn't think any of this out, did you?

For those who came in late...


I hope they're venting out all that carbon monoxide.

Apple, tree.

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Won't you be surprised.


"Pshaw!" -- I. J. Quinlan.


Wheels within wheels.


A week is terribly optimistic.
New York City
"Y'know what's gonna happen whenney pass t'at bill?" propounds Sally. "Y'know, t'at anti-bias bill?" "T'eh won' be no moeh -- whassat -- bias?" shrugs Alice.

I love Alice.


"We gotta come up wit' sumpin' else," declares Sally. "Hey, whoozat little guy t'at woiks f'Rickey. Useta write f't' Eagle. T'at's t'guy we gotta get at. What was his name again?" "Um -- I dunno," shrugs Alice. "Some kinda name like a boid. Canary? Harry Canary?" "No," dismisses Sally. "Butcha close..."

Oh dear God. Poor Parrott, he has no idea what's coming.


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This panel had to take some time to draw with all the lines in those two coats.


We all sow the seeds of our own destruction.

Amazingly, this usually lazy, stupid, and selfish dad was actually trying to do the right thing for a change.


Apple, tree.

I mentioned it the other day, if Gray plays this storyline all the way out, Melvin kills "Mater" eventually. It the inevitable move.


"Pshaw!" -- I. J. Quinlan.

"Put down the paper and get back to work, Inky. I'm not paying you to read the funny pages" -- Frank


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea

("Ye know that book a' Sally's we gaaaht oopstairs?" begins Ma. "Which woon,?" chuckles Uncle Frank. "Oi troyed t'read that woon book she left here, that -- what was it caaahled, soomthin' t'do with Gen'ral Grant?" "Ulysses," offers Ma. "That's it," nods Uncle Frank. "Oi couldn't seem t'make a latta sense oov it. Oi did like that he had a cat, thoo." "Oi don't think Sally ivver finished that book," muses Ma. "Oi think she oonly bought it 'cause they had that big caaaart case aboot it." "Maybe Oi should take anoothar look," suggests Uncle Frank. "Anny case," resumes Ma, "that ain't th' book I mean. I was lookin' at that woon she had with maps oov aaahl nations in it, th' At-lass. An' ye know what Oi foond out? This Cologne, in Gaaaarmany? It's oonly aboot two hundaaard'n farrty moiles from Moosbarrrg. Wharr that camp is they gaaaht Michael." "Ah," nods Uncle Frank. "Oi ain't had a warrrrd fr'm Michael in ahhlmost eight months," sighs Ma. "Mickey was nivver woon farr wroitin," observes Uncle Frank. "Still," continues Ma, "they doon't even let a man wroite mooch boot them little postcaaards. Woodn't haaart 'im noon t'send woon noow an' thin." "Two hundaaard'n farrty moiles," exhales Uncle Frank. "Ye can doo that in a few hoors on a fast train. Boot Oi guess tanks take a whoile longarr." "Joost a postcaaard," shrugs Ma, her eyes far away...)


("Now lemme do the tawkin'," declares Sally. "Yeh t'one got t'phone," sighs Alice, looking around the Western Electric cafeteria. "Hey, I wanna use t'at!" demands a burly foreman, pointing at the payphone as Sally digs in her overall pocket for change. "G'wan, beat it," commands Alice. "Go eatcha hash, she got heeh foist." "Pushy broad," mutters the foreman as he retreats. "Yeh, you betteh scram," yells Alice. "I'll show ya some pushin'!" "Shattup, shattup, I got t' opehrateh. Yeh, Long Distance -- I want Brooklyn, uh, MAin 4-5091. Poisson t' poisson, I wanna tawk t' Harold --uh, what was his name again.?" "Parakeet," offers Alice. "Shattup, shattup," hisses Sally. "Yeh, t'at's Parrott, uh, Harold Parrott. Yeh. How much? Alice -- gimme a quarteh." "Wait a minute," fumbles Alice. "No, t'at's a wawrsheh. Wait." She reaches down the front of her work shirt and pulls out a knotted handkerchief, unties it, and withdraws a coin. "Me mad money," she explains, returning the bindle to its place. Sally gongs the quarter down the slot. "She's ringin' it," notes Sally. "Hol' awn. Huh? Whattaya MEAN he ain'neh? HEY! ASK WHY HE AIN'... oh. Awright, whateveh, I'll try again lateh. Yeh. G'bye." The quarter clinks down into the coin return, as Sally glumly hangs up the receiver. "We'll try'im again lateh," she declares. "Um," ums Alice, "till'en, c'n I have me quarteh back?" "I t'ought you said it was mad money," snickers Sally, flipping the coin back. "'Son'y t'middla t'day," shrugs Alice. "I might get mad lateh.")


(And just in case, he's got a bottle of Miles Nervine in his desk drawer.)


(You might recall that Mr. Pollock had an equally incendiary reaction when Mr. Moss went after Margie Hart and Jimmy Savo, so he isn't exactly a cultural snob...)


(Cuba just ain't what it used to be. And what do you hear from Van Lingle Mungo?)


(Just like Terry and the DL!)

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(A snood? 1939 was a long time ago.)

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(Show business is EXACTLY LIKE THIS.)

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(I'm genuinely impressed that they got Cary Grant to do this strip.)

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(The code of the streets....)


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
And in the Daily News...


Hey, Mrs. Bleating-Hart -- look into Zinc Sulphate!


"Sorry -- NO refunds!"


Well, I mean, Tracy's been locked in vaults, nearly impaled by a spike under the weight of a refrigerator held up by melting ice, sealed in a cylinder of paraffin, and, oh, all kinds of other things, but I think this is the first time he's been threatened with an infectious disease. Interesting choice, Mr. Gould.


Ten years old. Enjoy it, hon, because it's all downhill from now on.


Where's Mary Worth when we need her?


A relationship built upon subterfuge is no relationship at all.


Melvin wasn't away at school, he was apprenticing with the IRA.

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Somewhere north of Strasbourg, Joe takes shelter from the relentless sleet in the back of an Army truck, gazes at his wrinkled photo of Sally in her Woolworth's uniform and tries to compose another letter in his mind...


Madame Fullcharge.


Matthew 18:2.
New York City
"Ulysses," offers Ma. "That's it," nods Uncle Frank. "Oi couldn't seem t'make a latta sense oov it. Oi did like that he had a cat, thoo." "Oi don't think Sally ivver finished that book," muses Ma.

Short list of authors I won't read anymore because there are plenty of authors that don't torture you to follow their stories:

James Joyce
William Faulkner
Fyodor Dostoevsky (I can follow him, but all the philosophical asides just wear me out and I've usually forgotten half the plot and who half the characters are - with their seventeen different Russian names - while reading them.)


Yeh, Long Distance -- I want Brooklyn, uh, MAin 4-5091. Poisson t' poisson, I wanna tawk t' Harold --uh, what was his name again.?" "Parakeet," offers Alice. "Shattup, shattup," hisses Sally. "Yeh, t'at's Parrott, uh, Harold Parrott. Yeh.

He does not deserve what is coming.


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I'm genuinely impressed that they got Cary Grant to do this strip.

I'm thinking it's George Murphy (but maybe Grant's trying to disguise himself while he picks up some extra money on the side without soiling his big-screen image).


Hey, Mrs. Bleating-Hart -- look into Zinc Sulphate!

I had the same thought. Plus, I nearly missed this euphemism and it's so obvious: "...her husband admitted he was friendly with another woman..."


Melvin wasn't away at school, he was apprenticing with the IRA.

I will simply repeat my comment from yesterday: "...if Gray plays this storyline all the way out, Melvin kills "Mater" eventually. It the inevitable move."


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
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("Now will ye look at THAT bloody eedjit!" snorts Ma. "Taaaaakin noots boold as braaas in th' middla Madison Squaaar Gaaaahrden whin anybood c'n read th' papaars knoos tharr crackin' doon aaahn basketbaaahl!" "You aint takin' noo basketbaaaahl bets, Oi hope," expresses Uncle Frank. "Saaaaartainly naaaht," declares Ma. "Boot Oi'm gett'n good action on whethaaar tharrr'll be a basebaaaahl season aaarh not!")


("We gotta get busy onnis," declares Sally. "If t'ez gonna be a spring trainin' we gotta get t'Rickey an' get t'is ideeh in'nis head befoeh he goes out'n signs a buncha bums. An'nis guy Parrott is t'key. Rickey'll do anyt'ing he says." "He will?" queries Alice, from beneath a cocked eyebrow. "Howya figyeh t'at?" "It's simple," explains Sally. "Parrott useta write t'at colyum inna Eagle, right? He knows awlabout whatcha cawl publicity. An' who likes publicity moeh'n Rickey?" "He does?" challenges Alice. "Sueh'ee does!" insists Sally. "Awlem awrticles 'bout t' Mastehmind'a Montague Street, t' great genius Rickey, t' Mahatma!" "Whassa Mahatma anyway?" wonders Alice. "I dunno," admits Alice. "I t'ink it's a guy goes aroun' wrapped in a sheet an' don' eat too much. You know, like Gandhi." "Well'at can't be right!" argues Alice. "You eveh get a good LOOK at t'at Rickey? Eat'n's'a one t'ing he does nut'n else but!" "Hmm," analyzes Saliy. "Maybe he's whatchacawl a non-practicin' Mahatma." "Ah," nods Alice....)


(You'd think THIS ONE of ALL PICTURES they'd have in Brooklyn first. BUT NO.)


(I wish I'd done this when I had the chance.)


(Mancuso?? Pfft. If you want an elderly catcher I think Otto Miller's still in town...)

(Whoa, we're gonna need subtitles here.)

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(That Franklin Pangborn plays the same part every time.)

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("This is not me. I wish to make that very clear. HECTOR King. NOT HENRY KING." -- Legendary Director Henry King.)

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("Dashell Churling?")

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(At least wipe your feet first.)


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
And in the Daily News...




"Party like it's 1929!"

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Coming Events...


Yeah, I suppose most undercover detectives do keep a stock of headshots around the house.


And besides, you just can't get cubebs.

These plants do observe a pretty rigid chain of command.



You gotta commit to the bit.


Just s'posin'.
New York City
You'd think THIS ONE of ALL PICTURES they'd have in Brooklyn first. BUT NO.


And Re "Hotel Berlin," it's an underrated picture.


You gotta commit to the bit.

You do not want to play poker against the Dragon Lady.


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea

("Hmph!" hmphs Ma. "Hula dancaaars! Stoof 'n naaaahnsense!" "I was a hula danceh oncet," shrugs Bink Scanlan." "Indeed!" scoffs Ma. "If ye shook ye hip loike ye shake that broom, Oi imagine ye wouldn' get no Grade A!" "I wasn' in Hawaii a' nutn'," Bink continues, munching her gum reminiscently. "It was whatchacawl 'n afteh school jawb, y'know? T'is night club out'n Lawn Guylan'. Jernt cawlt 'Jimmy's,' out'n Valley Stream," "Valley Stream," snorts Ma. "Waaaarn'chee cold?" "At foist," shrugs Bink, with a desultory push of her broom around the base of the counter. "Butcheh get uset'eh'rit.")


("I'm c'nfused," sighs Alice. "Dincha say LaGawrdieh was, y'know, in faveh'ra t'is anti-bias lawr? But'ee keeps t'is guy Moss aroun'? I don' get it." "I don' t'ink he does neit'eh," shrugs Sally. "Anyways, t'get backta what we was tawrkin'about, I I been askin' aroun', see? I foun' out some stuff 'bout t'is guy Parrott. He likes t'eat lunch at t'at place on Fulton Street t'eh, y'know, Joe's. Not my Joe, some ot'eh Joe, right? So what we gotta do is get somebody inneh t'c'mup't'wim an' kin'a slip 'im a note t'at weeh gonna write." "Can't we jus' mail 'im a letteh?" queries Alice. "T'ree cent stamp, an' it's awl set." "I tried t'at awready," frowns Sally. "Come back stamped 'no such recipient.' I neveh shoulda put my real name onna retoin address. I bet t'at seceh'tary inneh's gotta blacklis'." "Well, d'you KNOW anybody woiks at t'at rest'runt?" asks Alice. "Not YET," sighs Sally. "But I'm woikin' awn it...")


(Tick tic tick tick tick tick tick tick tick....)

Brooklyn_Eagle_1945_03_02_10 (1).jpg

("Pity they don't sell cigarettes.")


("Sweat box?" Looks more like an old oil drum. But hey, there's a war on.)


(I wonder if Sparky Watts ever escaped from that submarine?)

Brooklyn_Eagle_1945_03_02_21 (1).jpg

(Cue the swelling violins...)

Brooklyn_Eagle_1945_03_02_21 (2).jpg

(If she doesn't have it for the movies, I bet they can use her in "Mary Worth.")

Brooklyn_Eagle_1945_03_02_21 (3).jpg

(And this is why you need to keep carbon copies of all correspondence.)

Brooklyn_Eagle_1945_03_02_21 (4).jpg

("There goes the neighborhood.")


Where The Tourists Meet The Sea
And in the Daily News...




(As they'll say in 2025, "that's an odd flex.")


Shoulda signed up for Blue Cross.


"Could I get a few wallet-size copies? People keep asking!"


Trust an expert.


It's that attention to every small detail that makes the difference.


"PANTY??" Not even mincing it now, are we?


FIrst lesson -- never sit with your back to anyone.

Daily_News_1945_03_02_487 (1).jpg

Gotta work for a piece of that endorsement money.


Some lessons are best learned immediately.
New York City
...T'is night club out'n Lawn Guylan'. Jernt cawlt 'Jimmy's,' out'n Valley Stream," "Valley Stream," snorts Ma. "Waaaarn'chee cold?" "At foist," shrugs Bink, with a desultory push of her broom around the base of the counter. "Butcheh get uset'eh'rit."

Kudos, Lizzie, where else could it have been? Bink, in her own insane, oblivious, selfish way, has grown on me.


"I'm c'nfused," sighs Alice. "Dincha say LaGawrdieh was, y'know, in faveh'ra t'is anti-bias lawr? But'ee keeps t'is guy Moss aroun'? I don' get it." "I don' t'ink he does neit'eh," shrugs Sally. "Anyways, t'get backta what we was tawrkin'about, I I been askin' aroun', see? I foun' out some stuff 'bout t'is guy Parrott. He likes t'eat lunch at t'at place on Fulton Street t'eh, y'know, Joe's. Not my Joe, some ot'eh Joe, right? So what we gotta do is get somebody inneh t'c'mup't'wim an' kin'a slip 'im a note t'at weeh gonna write." "Can't we jus' mail 'im a letteh?" queries Alice. "T'ree cent stamp, an' it's awl set." "I tried t'at awready," frowns Sally. "Come back stamped 'no such recipient.' I neveh shoulda put my real name onna retoin address. I bet t'at seceh'tary inneh's gotta blacklis'." "Well, d'you KNOW anybody woiks at t'at rest'runt?" asks Alice. "Not YET," sighs Sally. "But I'm woikin' awn it..."

That's a heck of a plan she's got so far. I'm with Alice, just mail another letter using Alice's name or a random one for the return address.


Trust an expert.

Odds he takes his "Mater" out instead? Or both the judge and "Mater?" The latter would be a brilliant clean-sweep move.


It's that attention to every small detail that makes the difference.

Back in Brooklyn, a slightly nervous-looking, persnickety man reads the comics and imagines himself in the arms of a grateful Dragon Lady when his particular "skills" save the day, but then it's back to his pedestrianly crooked work making fake liquor-bottle labels.


"PANTY??" Not even mincing it now, are we?

If it was 2025, I'd be worried about an on-line manifesto from him and all that often means.

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