One Too Many
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Laraine Day is a lovely lass. And Scarlett O'Neil isn't bad either....
It's time again to repost Thomas Wolfe's wonderful New Yorker piece, "Only The Dead Know Brooklyn," for everyone who has ever gotten lost on the BMT...
Incidentally, 18th and 67th is just four blocks down from Joe and Sally's corner. Stop in at Schreibstein's and you might see 'em!
I have a 1939 BMT map on the wall of my home office -- comes in handy for pinpointing locations as the story unfolds!
I think I'm a rare exception to the out-of-towner's "lost in the subway" problem.That's wonderful. I know I've read it before, but not for many years.
If you want to understand how complicated the NYC subway system is, take a look at the map below that captures most but not all of the system.
In the days before you could Google subway directions, you could almost mark your progress as a subway rider by how comfortable you were with the map. It took a few years, but at some point, the map all made perfect sense to me.
I used to have a large foldout one at home and another one at work, plus a laminated wallet-sized one with me all the time.
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(“T’at,” declares Joe, “is whatchacawla very intelligen’ boid. I bet a boid like t’at could graduate f’m New Utrick, y’know it?” “Oi wouldn’ doubt it, Joseph,” chuckles Ma. “Maybe ev’n Erasmus,” continues Joe. “T’Ginsboigs downsteahs, t’ey got one’a t’em tawkin’ boids, Zippy t’ey cawl it. O’coehse, it ain’na ORIGINAL Zippy, it’s one Sal an’ Alice got’m afteh t’at gas leak. An’ y’know what? I’m t’one loint it t’tawk. Took’im a while t’catch awn, a’coese, but he fin’ly gotta hang of it. An’ you know what’s his fav’rite thing t'say?” “What?” “Nut’n!” snorts Joe, as he ducks a flying dishcloth in his dash for the door.)
Thieves who broke into the headquarters of the Southern Brookhaven Ration Board in Patchougue, L. I. avoided taking any ration coupons. They escaped instead, according to police, with three fountain pens, a pair of scissors, and a pack of cigarettes.
(Let’s all chip in and send her a bottle of leg makeup, an eyebrow pencil, and a sweatshirt from Davega!)
(“He got t’ petitions!” insists Sally. “He musta! Lookit t’at fathead, lookit’a look on’is face. Ask not f’whom t’bell is tollin’, it tolls f’ t’ee. YA FATHEAD!” “I can’t b’lieve Sid t’inks t’at secketary is good lookin’” fumes Alice. “You seen’eh, Sal? Is she got a Poit Irish Nose? IS SHE?” “Camilli ain’ gonna stan’fawrit,” Sally declares. “Fois’ t’ing we gonna do when we get ridda Rickey is make Camilli manageh, an’ Fitz f’ fois’ lieutenan’ coach. Leo can be wawteh boy. Wella secon’ an’ t’oid t’ing an foe’t t’ing we’ll do awlat, afteh we get Petey back.” “How we gonna do t’at?” inquires Alice. “I got it awl set,” growls Sally. “McDonal’. John McDonal’. He mus’ hate it upta Montreal, right? Who wants to live up t’eh witta poleh beahs? We get him t’come back, right? An’ we pull ‘is strings! I got it awl woiked out.” “T’at secketery ain’ got a poit Irish nose atawl,” grumbles Alice. “Send a telegram t’ John McDonal’, Montreal Royals, Montreal, in Canada,” dictates Sally. “Say t’is – REPO’ET T’BROOKLYN AT ONCE – SAY NUT’N TO NOBODY – AWAIT FOITEH INSTRUCTIONS – an’ sign’at BO’ED A’ DIRECTEHS BROOKLYN BAWL CLUB INC.” “T’at secketary’s got glasses,” ponders Alice. “Hey Sal, gimmie yeh glasses.” “Betteh pack ya cawrpetbag, ya fathead,” chortles Sally. “We got a rail all ready t’run ya outa town on!”)
And in the Daily News...
“Heart Balm” = the damages awarded in a Breach of Promise case.
That’s right, Jimmy, STIR THE POT.
I wonder if Mrs. Gould knew before she married him?
And finally –![]()
("Steak made outa yeast," marvels Joe. "Whattl'ey t'ink of nex'?" "We live in an aaage of miracles," agrees Ma. "But hey -- I useta eat yeast when I was a kid, y'know, t'get ridda pimples," Joe continues. "An' it gimme awrful gas. Who wantsta eat gassy steaks? I ask ya!" "Ahhhh, Joseph, ye see," replies Ma, "tharr's diff'rant koinds'a yeast. T'yeast ye use t'make beer, f'rinstance, thaat makes gaas. Boot thar's oothar kindsa yeast that doon't." "Zat so?" muses Joe. "Howcome you know t'at much 'bout yeast?" "Ahhh," recalls Ma. "Fraancis used t'have a hobby, ye see. He used t' c'lect yeast fr'm aaaal ovarr the waarld." "Kept 'em inna bat'tub, huh?" "What?" "**Burp.**")
(Is it just me, or is Mr. Lorre losing a lot of weight lately...)
A Rye, New York man faces $300 a week in alimony payments after claiming that his 1-A draft classification entitled him to "a fling." Stephen Guardino, owner of a $1,000,000 contracting business, is charged by his wife Henrietta with conducting an affair with the "cute telephone operator" for his firm, and justifying the infidelity by declaring that "a man about to enter the armed forces is entitled to a fling." Mrs. Guardino noted that she and her husband, who were married in 1941, were happy until he began coming home with liquor on his breath, lipstick and rouge on his shirt collar, and descriptions of "a terrific day at the office." Guardino, whose firm has prospered thanks to Government contracts, stated that he will not contest the divorce suit, and offered to pay $80 per week in alimony, rising to $90 when the baby Mrs. Guardino is carrying arrives.
Reader R. E. B. Roe writes in to call for a full-scale boycott of Ebbets Field for one game during the current homestand as an emphatic protest against the Camilli trade, "just to show Mr. Rickey is the fans who pay the piper and should call the tunes."
(I thought the broken glass came from a pair of glasses? OR ARE YOU JUST MAKING ALL THIS UP AS YOU GO ALONG?)
And in the Daily News...![]()
"I tried waiting in the bathroom, but she said I was taking too long!"
"Well, if we're going to boycott the Dodgers, we've got to do SOMETHING to pass the time!"
I busted yesterday's Whitney to my conservative bet with Cody's Wish for a 1 1/8th mile play, though he'd never gone beyond a mile because his heredity coupled past performance. Zandon sure for second, two discards, then show and place easy superfecta puzzle pieces felled heavenly stars across my ticket. Eighty pounds.Saratoga racing at Belmont, I get the marketing, but I....