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- New York City
The suicide Monday in Waterloo, Indiana of a leading advocate of the Hitler program in the United States has cast new light on the continued activities of the supposedly-defunct German-American Bund. It was learned today that a Manhattan Federal grand jury has been secretly investigating those activities, centering around 42-year old George Froboese Jr, editor of a Bund newspaper in Milwaukee, and close associate of the jailed former Bund leader Fritz Kuhn. Froboese laid his head on a railroad track outside Waterloo on Monday night and was decapitated by a train. In his pocket was found a subpoena to appear before the Grand Jury. Froboese, a naturalized U. S. citizen, is reported to have accompanied Kuhn on a visit to Hitler himself in 1936, where they presented the Nazi fuehrer with a large cash gift and a "golden scroll" listing hundreds of Bund members.
"Froboese laid his head on a railroad track outside Waterloo on Monday night and was decapitated by a train."
Jesus. Wasn't there a handgun lying around or a gas oven he could've stuck his head in or something?
Critics of the City Council bill restricting the public wearing of shorts and bathing suits today denounced the bill as meaningless and impractical, but its chief advocate, Councilman William N. Conrad of Queens, insists that it will be successful in keeping the streets free of persons in scanty attire. Should it receive the Mayor's signature, the bill would impose a $10 fine, 10 days in jail, or both, on any person over the age of twelve who appears on any public street wearing a bathing suit, halter, shorts, sun suit, or play suit without a wrap concealing the wearer's body from the shoulders to a point midway between the hips and knees. Although the bill contains a clause exempting streets within 200 feet of a public part, including Coney Island and Jacob Riis Beaches, the situation is confused by an existing Parks Department regulation specifically barring bathing suits from the Coney Island Boardwalk.
Wait till the City Council discovers how people are dressing in bowling alleys.
("It's my lunch. Here, want a cheese sandwich? I got Limburger...")
As you noted yesterday, Lizzie, is it too much to ask that they run these strips in proper order. How'd we end up here?
(Stop smirking, Irwin. You ought to know by now how this is going to end up.)
"That's it, I quit. One insane screaming child is my limit. No teacher should have to endure this."
And in the Daily News...
"Let us prey..."
We'd need to know, in detail, probate law in NYS in 1942 to have a strong opinion on the legality of the claims against Mrs. Paton's will, but I'd bet the sympathies of the jury are against the Reverend, but that the law leans his way. My pure guess is the sympathies will win out.
"Bohemia style?" You mean long braids, peasant blouses, and lederhosen, but with zippers?
What a confusing and poorly written article. Was the editor out to lunch? Although, you have to give the News credit for the prurient "Zipper Girl" tag.
"Oh, and call your lawyer."
The suit's the dead giveaway.
Page Four! Page Four! Page Four!
"Learn you..." is an expression that's disappearing, but my Dad and his friends used it, not ironically, all the time when I was growing up. "That'll learn ya" was a frequently used variation.
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