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"pharmaceutical entrepreneur"
I love this phrasing and will start using it when I refer to such people. lol
"pharmaceutical entrepreneur"
Well, y'know.
Never mind what the guys think. You've got the girls noticing you in a positive way! Go for it!. . . Some of my teachers even took the time to talk to me about it and discuss style, and several girls have said they love the way I dress. I can only hope what I do rubs off on some of my friends who prefer the grungy pants around the ankles look :eusa_doh:
HI Tom
About 12 years ago, I was in one of the more expensive Wichita restaurants. I think it was our anniversary, but we went out pretty early say 5:30 PM. There was a bad 45 / good 60 year old guy setting the bar on the way in, drinking his post lawn mowing single malt scotch. He was wearing a thread bare white button down color dress shirt (Polo Brand), and paint stained, grass stained khaki's (Polo Brand). It's nice to see 15 year old Polo brand dress pants being put to good use.
Ya got it, it's too old to wear to work, wear it in the yard.
In the 50's and sixties you could see some guy mowing the yard in a pair of old beat up tuxedo pants. They were usually the ones he got married in.
At my school lots of guys dress like this. Long t shirt with pants around their knees. Lots of the girls come in wearing pajamas instead of actually being dressed for school. I must say i consider these people and their mode of dress quite distasteful. I usually go to school wearing an odd sportcoat and khaki or navy trousers with a collared dress shirt and tie. When I feel extra dressy I put on one of my full suits and a fedora. I will say that while the majority of my peers dress terribley, both they and my teachers have complimented me on my mode of dress. Some of my teachers even took the time to talk to me about it and discuss style, and several girls have said they love the way I dress. I can only hope what I do rubs off on some of my friends who prefer the grungy pants around the ankles look :eusa_doh:
This reminded me of this thread lol
Heavens! As I am in my fifties I feel uncomfortable in anything less than a Polo shirt and Khaki pants.... It astounds me how informal society has fallen to. I always feel so at ease in a suit or some classic attire... I do not understand why so many men today cry that a suit and tie are "so uncomfortable" as they use that excuse to look unkempt. When a man is out in public with a good fitting suit, proper fit shirt, tie, polished shoes, and pocket square people seem impressed if not shocked. You just wonder what is in the mind of the messy. I long for the days when we had several nice men's clothing stores in any size town and now see them closing shop due to lack of sales. We need a "great awakening" in style for today!
Why am I suddenly some kind of eccentric weirdo because I wore a waistcoat, tie, slacks and a straw trilby yesterday? Since when is putting on a tie considered some kind of odd behaviour only fit for eccentrics unless you're attending a wedding or a business meeting?
lol :eusa_clap...Neo-slob....
lol :eusa_clap
You heard it here first folks!
This reminded me of this thread lol
Even my wife balks at it and thinks I must be a bit out of my mind to dress "so fancy" every day, though she is very slowly coming around.
I know what you mean. When we go to catered affairs, the norm around here lately is slacks with an untucked dress shirt. I'm still, as I've always been, in a 3 piece suit mentality. To make it a little less 'formal,' I've taken to wearing contrasting waist coats. It seems to tone down the banker look a bit.